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來自 美篇 的圖片

中文名: 耶穌被釘十字架

外文名Jesus was crucified on the cross


作   者:狄蘭·托馬斯



耶穌被釘十字架英語:Crucifixion of Jesus),耶穌被逮捕後以十字架處死的事件,一般認為發生在公元1世紀的猶太行省,最可能在公元30到33年之間。雖然歷史學家對這個事件的準確細節並沒有達成共識[1][2],但這個事件在《聖經》中正統的《四福音》皆有描述,在《新約書信》中有提及,而且也被其他古代資料證實,除了基督徒的資料以外,並也被異教徒的史料證實,學者多數認為這是一個歷史事件[3]





耶穌受洗和被釘十字架被認為是歷史中的耶穌的兩個確定歷史事件。[5]詹姆斯·鄧恩(James Dunn)說,「耶穌生平中的這兩個事實幾乎得到普遍認同」,「它是如此真實以至於無法否定或懷疑它的歷史性」,因此它們常常是研究歷史中的耶穌的出發點。[6]巴特·葉爾曼說,耶穌被彼拉多釘十字架是關於他生平的最確定元素。[7]約翰·克洛森說,耶穌被釘十字架是確定的歷史事實。[8]Eddy和Boyd說,現在我們「可以非常肯定」在歷史中非基督徒確認了耶穌被釘十字架的事件。[9]克雷格·布隆伯格(Craig Blomberg)說,大多數學者在第三次探索歷史中的耶穌時認為十字架事件是不可否認的。[10]克里斯托弗·塔克特(Christopher M. Tuckett)指出,儘管很難確定耶穌死亡的確切原因,但關於他的一個不爭事實是他被釘死在十字架上。[11]

雖然學者們同意耶穌被釘十字架的歷史性,但對它的原因和背景提出不同的理論。例如,E. P. Sanders和Paula Fredriksen都支持十字架的歷史性,但認為耶穌沒有預言他自己被釘十字架,他被釘十字架的預言是「教會創造」出來的(第126頁)。[12]Geza Vermes同樣也認為被釘十字架是一個歷史事件,但他提供了自己的解釋和歷史背景。[12]

約翰·梅爾(John P. Meier)認為耶穌被釘十字架是歷史事實,並指出,基於尷尬標準,基督徒不會「發明」自己「領袖的痛苦死亡」。[13]Meier說,許多其他標準,例如多重見證的標準(即,多於一個來源的確認)和一致性標準(即,它與其他歷史元素相符)有助於建立耶穌被釘十字架是一個歷史事件。[14]

雖然幾乎所有與十字架相關的古代資料都是文獻資料,但是1968年在耶路撒冷東北部的一次考古中發現了一具一世紀被釘十字架的屍體。這次發現很好地證實了在羅馬時代存在着釘十字架刑罰,它與福音書描述的耶穌被釘十字架的細節大致相符。[15]被釘十字架的人被確認為Yehohanan ben Hagkol,可能死於公元70年左右,大約在猶太人大起義的時期。哈達薩(Hadassah)醫學院的分析估計,他死於20多歲。另一個相關的考古發現(這次發現的物件也可追溯到公元1世紀左右)是耶路撒冷墓地一個不知名者的帶着釘子的腳跟骨,現在由以色列古物管理局保管,並在以色列博物館展出。[16]












早期非基督徒者提到耶穌被釘十字架的可能是馬拉·巴·謝拉皮翁(Mara Bar-Serapion)給他兒子的信,這是在公元73到3世紀之間寫的。[53]這封信沒有任何基督教主題,作者被推定為異教徒。[54]這封信提到人們不公平對待三個智者(蘇格拉底、畢達哥拉斯和猶太的「智慧之王」。[55]有些學者認為裡面提到對「猶太人的王」的處決指的是耶穌被釘十字架,而其他學者認為這封信沒有什麼價值,因為信中提及的內容非常含糊不清。[56]



大多數現代學者同意,雖然這個約瑟夫斯的段落(稱為Testimonium Flavianum,意為「約瑟夫斯的見證」)包含了一些後來的內插,但它最初是由一個真實的核心構成,即,彼拉多處決耶穌。[57]詹姆斯·鄧恩(James Dunn)指出,學者關於Testimonium Flavianum中描述耶穌被釘十字架的真實性存在「廣泛共識」。[58]在二世紀早期,另一處提到耶穌被釘十字架的是由塔西佗的作品,他通常被認為是最偉大的羅馬歷史學家之一。[59]在《編年史》(約公元116年)中,塔西提斯描述了尼祿對基督徒的迫害,並且提到(《編年史》15.44)彼拉多命令處決了耶穌:[60]




— Sanhedrin 43a, Babylonian Talmud (Soncino Edition) 

雖然,人們有時在Yeshu和耶穌是否是同一個人的問題上有爭議,但許多歷史學家都同意,上述的2世紀段落可能是關於耶穌的。彼得·沙菲爾(Peter Schäfer)表示,毫無疑問,在塔木德中處決Yeshu的敘述指的是拿撒勒的耶穌。[62]Robert Van Voorst指出,可以肯定,在Sanhedrin 43a中指的是耶穌,這不僅可以從文獻本身看出來,而且可以從它的背景看出來[63]










三本對觀福音書提到古利奈人西門,他是來扛十字架的,[77]約翰福音則記載耶穌自己「背着」十字架。(約翰福音 19:17)

路加福音還描述了耶穌與大群哀悼的追隨者中的婦人對話,耶穌說:「耶路撒冷的女兒啊,不要為我哭,卻要為你們自己和你們的兒女哭。日子將到,人必說:『不生育的和沒有懷過胎的,也沒有哺養過嬰兒的有福了。』那時人要對大山說:『倒在我們身上!』對小山說:『遮蓋我們!』 他們在青綠的樹上,既然這樣作;在枯乾的樹上,又會怎樣呢?」(路加福音 23:28-31)


傳統上,耶穌所走的路稱為苦路,拉丁語「Via Dolorosa」(意為「哀傷的道路」或「苦路」),它是耶路撒冷舊城的一條街道。它由十字架十四站的九個站點所標記。這條穿過Ecce Homo("看,這個人")教堂,而最後五個站是在聖墓教堂裡面。

福音書中並沒有提到傳說中的聖維羅妮卡,但諸如Acta Sanctorum這樣的文獻來源將她描述為耶路撒冷的一個虔誠女人,她帶着憐憫伴隨着背負十字架的耶穌走到髑髏地,並將自己的面紗給他擦拭額頭。[79]


耶穌被釘十字架的確切位置仍然是一個猜測,但聖經的記載表明,它在耶路撒冷城牆外面(約翰福音 19:20;希伯來書13:12),路人可以看到(馬太福音27:39;馬可福音15:21,29-30),並且從遠處也可以觀察到。(馬可福音15:40)該撒利亞的優西比烏確定它的位置只是在錫安山以北,[80]這與現代最多人接受的兩個地點一致。


傳統的耶穌受難地點位於耶路撒冷老城基督徒區的聖墓教堂內,它在4世紀以來已被證明為耶穌釘十字架的地點。第二個遺址(通常被稱為戈登的骷髏地 [83]),位於老城北部,大馬士革門外,一個被稱為花園墓地的地方,它自19世紀以來一直得到人們的肯定。










另一個問題是使用足墊(hypopodium)作為站立平台去支撐腳,這是考慮到手可能不能支持身體的重量。17世紀,拉斯穆·巴多林考慮了這個問題的一些分析場景。[104]20世紀,法醫病理學家Frederick Zugibe使用繩索以各種角度和手的位置懸掛人類受試者,進行了一系列的十字架實驗。[108]他的實驗結果是,十字架是一個有角度的懸掛,一個有兩條樑木的十字架,也許有某種形式的腳部支撐——這是考慮到在一種在直樁上的Aufbinden式的懸掛(這是第二次世界大戰期間納粹在達豪集中營使用的酷刑)——這時,死亡會相當迅速。[110]




Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?(馬太福音27:46;馬可福音15:34;這是阿拉姆語,意為「我的神,我的神!為什麼你離棄我?」)

這是馬可福音和馬太福音在描述耶穌釘十字架時的唯一說話,引用了詩篇第22篇。由於同一詩篇別的經文也被引用在十字架的敘述上,因此,這句話常常認為是一種文學和神學的創作。然而,Geza Vermes指出,這節經文是以阿拉姆語而不是希伯來語來引用的,它在阿拉姆語中通常會被誦讀,因此他認為,這表明在耶穌時代,這句話已成為一句普遍使用的諺語。[111]與其他福音書中的記載(他將這些記載描述為「神學上的正確和放心的保證」)相比,他認為這個短語是「意外的,令人不安,因此更可能是真實的」。[112]他認為這個短語體現着「極為真實的哭泣的樣貌」。[113]雷蒙德·布朗(Raymond Brown)同樣評論認為,「馬可福音和馬太福音的耶穌引用詩篇來表達被遺棄的感覺是非常真實的,人們很難找到什麼反對意見」。[114]



 「我實在告訴你:今日你要同我在樂園裡了!」(路加福音 23:43)




「母親 ,看,你的兒子!」(約翰福音 19:25-27)



耶穌在十字架上的話,特別是他最後的話,是無數基督教教義和布道的主題,很多作者專門以基督最後說話寫成書本。[116]詹姆斯·鄧恩(James Dunn)用這些說法之間的差異來懷疑其歷史性。[117]



對觀福音記載了在十字架期間的各種神跡事件。[119]馬可福音提到耶穌被釘十字架期間在白天出現的黑暗,耶穌死了時,殿裡的幔子從上到下裂為兩半。路加福音跟隨了馬可福音的說法; 馬太福音也跟隨了馬可福音的說法,而且加入了地震和聖徒的復活。約翰福音沒有提到任何這些東西。[120]





牛津大學的Colin Humphreys和W. G. Waddington認為可能發生的是月食而不是日食。[125]他們得出結論,這樣的日食可從耶路撒冷看到,它持續30分鐘左右,並認為福音提到日食是一個文士錯誤地修訂文本的結果。歷史學家Historian David Henige否定了這個解釋,認為它是「站不住腳的」[126],天文學家布萊德利·謝弗(radley Schaefer)指出,月食在白天時是看不見的。[127][128]

現代聖經研究將對觀福音作者的記敘看成是一種文學創作:由馬可福音的作者開始創作的,並在路加福音和馬太福音書中加以修改,旨在強化他們所認為那些具有神學意義事件的重要性,因此我們不應該從字面上去理解這個事件。[129]這種大地黑暗的意象能被古代讀者所理解,因為這是描寫國王和其他重要人物之死的典型元素,例如作家菲洛(Philo),卡西烏斯·狄奧(Cassius Dio),維吉爾(Virgil),普魯塔克(Pulutarch)和約瑟夫斯也採取這種手法。[130]Géza Vermes認為這種黑暗的敘述是典型的「主到來之日的猶太末世景象」,並說,那些將其解釋為日食的人是「誤解了其本意」。[131]



《馬太福音》增加了地震、岩石裂開和聖徒墳墓的打開——從猶太末世論文獻的主要主題 ——並描述這些復活的聖徒進入聖城,向許多人顯現。[132]

在馬可福音和馬太福音的記載中,百夫長對這個事件發表評論:「這人真是神的兒子!」(馬可福音 15:39),或:「這真是神的兒子了!」(馬太福音 27:54)。在路加福音中,這變成了「這真是個義人!」 (路加福音 23:47)




醫生和聖經學者提出一些解釋耶穌在十字架死亡情形的理論。 2006年,Matthew W Maslen和Piers D Mitchell審閱了超過40篇關於該主題的出版物,其中包括從心臟破裂到肺栓塞的各種理論。[134]

約翰福音(約翰福音19:34)記載,當羅馬兵用矛刺耶穌肋旁時有血液和水從流出來。1847年,醫生威廉·斯特勞德(William Stroud)根據這個記載提出基督的死是心臟破裂造成的,這個理論影響了許多人。[135]



在《耶穌被釘十字架》一書中,醫生和法醫病理學家弗雷德里克·祖吉伯(Frederick Zugibe)詳細地研究了耶穌死亡的可能情況。[138]當他是醫學檢查員時,Zugibe在幾年內進行了很多實驗,以測試他的理論。這些實驗包括:具有特定重量的志願者以特定角度懸掛,並且在腳被固定或未固定的情況下測量每隻手的拉力。在這些情況下,拉力和相應的疼痛是顯着的。[139]

法國醫生、巴黎聖約瑟夫醫院的首席外科醫生Pierre Barbet[140]假設耶穌在面對疲憊的窒息時,必須放鬆肌肉,以獲得足夠的空氣去說他最後的話。[141]Barbet的一些理論,例如釘子的位置,被Zugibe反駁。

矯形外科醫生基思·麥克斯韋(Keith Maxwell)不僅分析了十字架的醫學方面,而且還回顧了耶穌如何能夠背着十字架通過苦街。[142]

在《天主教醫學協會》的一篇文章中,Phillip Bishop和生理學家Brian Church提出了一種基於懸掛創傷的新理論。[143]

2003年,歷史學家FP Retief和L Cilliers審視了羅馬人所執行的十字架酷刑的歷史和病理學,並指出死亡的原因通常是多種因素的組合。他們還說,行刑的羅馬士兵被禁止離開現場,直到罪犯死後才能離開。[144]





約翰神學的「代理基督論」(agency christology)的觀點認為,耶穌被釘十字架是為了作為神的代理人或神的僕人而作出犧牲,一切是為了最終的勝利。[151]這個觀點建立在約翰福音的救贖主題上,在約翰福音1:34中開始,約翰施洗宣告:「看哪,這是神的羔羊!。」[152]在啟示錄21:14中,這個概念得到進一步強化,「被殺了的羔羊仍舊站立着」,它是唯一一個有能力處理寫着被拯救者名字的捲軸(即,生命冊)。[153]




讓·加爾文支持「上帝的代理」的基督論,並認為,在彼拉多法院的審判中,耶穌本可以成功地為他的無辜辯護,但他服從了十字架,順從父神。[158]這個基督論的主題一直延續到20世紀,體現在東方和西方教會中。在東正教會,謝爾蓋·布爾加科夫認為,耶穌被釘十字架是由父在世界創造之前「永久」地預先安排好了的,為了將人類從亞當墮落造成的恥辱中解放出來。[159]在西方教會中,卡爾·拉納(Karl Rahner)詳細闡述了上帝的羔羊的血在十字架上流(和水從耶穌肋旁流下構成類比)的類比,認為這具有潔淨的性質,類似於洗禮的水。[160]



在羅馬天主教傳統中,這種贖罪的觀點是由羅馬天主教徒履行償還耶穌基督的法則而得到平衡的[164],在教宗庇護十一世中的通諭Miserentissimus Redemptor中,它被定義為對耶穌受難的「某種償還」。[165]若望·保祿二世提到這個償還耶穌基督的法則「是不斷努力地站在無盡的十字架上,在這些十字架上,神的兒子一直被釘十字架」。[166]

東正教中,另一個常見的觀點是「基督得勝論」(Christus Victor)。 [167]這意味着耶穌是由神差遣來打敗死亡和撒旦的。因為他是完美的,並且自願死亡和復活,所以耶穌打敗了撒旦和死亡,並勝利地復活。因此,人類不再受罪的約束,而是通過對耶穌的信白白地與上帝和好。[168]



教授和學者Mahmoud M. Ayoub繞開了闡釋性的結論,總結了古蘭經: 

正如我們已經論證到的一樣,古蘭經並不否認基督的死亡,相反它挑戰人類,這些人類愚蠢地欺騙自己,讓自己相信能戰勝神聖的道,即上帝使者耶穌基督。耶穌的死亡在很多上下文中得到確定。 (3:55; 5:117; 19:33。)[169]



——古蘭經第四章(婦女)157至158節 surah 4(An-Nisaالنساء)ayah 157-158 [170]



自耶穌被釘十字架以來,十字架已經成為基督教象徵的關鍵因素,釘十字架的場景一直是基督教藝術的關鍵因素,產生了具體的藝術主題,如「瞧!那個人」(Ecce Homo),上十字架,下十字架和埋葬基督。




聖母瑪利亞在十字架下(約翰福音19:26-27)本身就是瑪利亞藝術的主題,也是眾所周知的天主教象徵的主題,如神跡勳章和若望·保祿二世的徽章中有一個瑪利亞十字架。一些馬利亞的靈修作品描述了聖母瑪利亞在骷髏地,例如,若望·保祿二世指出「瑪利亞在十字架事件中與耶穌合為一體」。[175]著名的基督教藝術作品,如拉斐爾(例如,Mond Crucifixion)和卡拉瓦喬(例如,耶穌下葬)的作品,也描繪十字架場景中的聖母瑪利亞。


  1. Christopher M. Tuckett in The Cambridge companion to Jesus edited by Markus N. A. Bockmuehl 2001 Cambridge Univ Press ISBN 978-0-521-79678-1pages 123–124;Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey by Craig L. Blomberg 2009 ISBN 0-8054-4482-3pages 211–214
  2. Funk, Robert W.; Jesus Seminar (1998). The acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus. San Francisco: Harper. ISBN 978-0060629786.
  3. Eddy, Paul Rhodes and Gregory A. Boyd (2007). The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition. Baker Academic. p. 172. ISBN 0801031141. ...if there is any fact of Jesus' life that has been established by a broad consensus, it is the fact of Jesus' crucifixion.
  4. Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research edited by Bruce Chilton, Craig A. Evans 1998 ISBN 90-04-11142-5pages 455–457;The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 page 104–108; Evans, Craig A. (2001). Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies ISBN 0-391-04118-5 page 316; Wansbrough, Henry (2004). Jesus and the oral Gospel tradition ISBN 0-567-04090-9 page 185
  5. Jesus Remembered by James D. G. Dunn 2003ISBN 0-8028-3931-2 page 339;Jesus of Nazareth by Paul Verhoeven (Apr 6, 2010)ISBN 1-58322-905-1 page 39
  6. Jesus Remembered by James D. G. Dunn 2003ISBN 0-8028-3931-2 page 339
  7. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament by Bart D. Ehrman 2008 ISBN 0-19-536934-3 page 136
  8. Crossan, John Dominic (1995). Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography. HarperOne. p. 145. ISBN 0-06-061662-8. That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be, since both Josephus and Tacitus ... agree with the Christian accounts on at least that basic fact.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Eddy, Paul; Boyd, Gregory (2007). The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition Baker Academic, ISBN 0-8010-3114-1 page 127
  10. Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction and Survey by Craig L. Blomberg 2009 ISBN 0-8054-4482-3pages 211–214
  11. The Cambridge Companion to Jesus by Markus N. A. Bockmuehl 2001 ISBN 0-521-79678-4 page 136
  12. 12.0 12.1 A Century of Theological and Religious Studies in Britain, 1902–2007 by Ernest Nicholson2004 ISBN 0-19-726305-4 pages 125–126 Link 126
  13. John P. Meier "How do we decide what comes from Jesus" in The Historical Jesus in Recent Researchby James D. G. Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1-57506-100-7 pages 126–128
  14. John P. Meier "How do we decide what comes from Jesus" in The Historical Jesus in Recent Researchby James D. G. Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1-57506-100-7 pages 132–136
  15. David Freedman, 2000, Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ISBN 978-0-8028-2400-4, page 299.
  16. Article on the Crucifixion of Jesus Template:Wayback;"Archaeology and the New Testament".
  17. St Mark's Gospel and the Christian faith by Michael Keene 2002 ISBN 0-7487-6775-4 pages 24–25
  18. Powell, Mark A. Introducing the New Testament. Baker Academic, 2009. ISBN 978-0-8010-2868-7,p.91
  19. [1]John 19:15John 19:16John 19:18;1 Thessalonians 2:14
  20. Reza AslanZealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Random House, 2014. ISBN 0812981480.
  21. Mark 15:25
  22. Mark 15:34-37
  23. Ehrman, Bart D.Jesus, Interrupted, HarperCollins, 2009. ISBN 0-06-117393-2
  24. Matthew 27:33 - "place called Golgotha (which means Place of a Skull)"; Mark 15:22 (same as Matthew); Luke 23:32-33 - "place that is called The Skull"; John 19:17 - "place called The Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha"
  25.  Matthew 27:38Mark 15:27-28Luke 23:33;John 19:18
  26. Matthew 27:37 - "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews."; Mark 15:26 - "The King of the Jews.";Luke 23:38 - "This is the King of the Jews." Some manuscripts add in letters of Greek and Latin and HebrewJohn 19:19-22 - "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." "... it was written in Aramaic, in Latin, and in Greek."
  27. Matthew 27:50Mark 15:37Luke 23:46;John 19:30
  28. Matthew 27:35-36Mark 15:24Luke 23:34;John 19:23-24
  29.  Matthew 27:57-58Mark 15:42-43;Luke 23:50-52John 19:38
  30. Matthew 27:59-60Mark 15:46Luke 23:53;John 19:41-42
  31.  Matthew 27:31-32Mark 15:20-21Luke 23:26
  32. Matthew 27:39-43Mark 15:29-32;Luke 23:35-37
  33.  Matthew 27:44Mark 15:32Luke 23:39
  34. Matthew 27:45Mark 15:33Luke 23:44-45
  35. Matthew 27:51Mark 15:38Luke 23:45
  36. Matthew 27:54Mark 15:39Luke 23:47
  37.  Matthew 27:55-56Mark 15:40-41Luke 23:49
  38. Matthew 27:61Mark 15:47Luke 23:54-55
  39. Matthew 27:3427:47-49Mark 15:23;15:35-36John 19:29-30
  40. Mark 15:45John 19:38
  41. Matthew 27:5127:62-66
  42. Mark 15:2515:44-45
  43. Luke 23:27-3223:40-4123:4823:56
  44. John 19:31-3719:39-40
  45. John 19:30–31Mark 16:1Mark 16:6
  46. Geza Vermes, The Resurrection, (Penguin, 2008) page 148; E. P. Sanders, The Historical Figure of Jesus, (Penguin, 1993), page 276.
  47. Donald Guthrie, New Testament Introduction, (Intervarsity, 1990) pages 125, 366.
  48. Funk, Robert W. and the Jesus SeminarThe acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus. HarperSanFrancisco. 1998. "Mark," p. 51–161 ISBN 978-0060629786
  49. Funk, Robert W. and the Jesus SeminarThe acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus. HarperSanFrancisco. 1998. "Matthew," p. 129–270 ISBN 978-0060629786
  50. Funk, Robert W. and the Jesus SeminarThe acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus. HarperSanFrancisco. 1998. "Luke," p. 267–364 ISBN 978-0060629786
  51. Ehrman, Bart D.Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why. HarperCollins, 2005. ISBN 978-0-06-073817-4
  52. Funk, Robert W. and the Jesus SeminarThe acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus. HarperSanFrancisco. 1998. "John" pp. 365–440 ISBN 978-0060629786
  53. Evidence of Greek Philosophical Concepts in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian by Ute Possekel 1999 ISBN 90-429-0759-2 pages 29–30;The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 page 110;Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research edited by Bruce Chilton, Craig A. Evans 1998 ISBN 90-04-11142-5pages 455–457
  54. Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research edited by Bruce Chilton, Craig A. Evans 1998 ISBN 90-04-11142-5pages 455–457;Evidence of Greek Philosophical Concepts in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian by Ute Possekel 1999 ISBN 90-429-0759-2 pages 29–30;Jesus outside the New Testament: an introduction to the ancient evidence by Robert E. Van Voorst 2000 ISBN 0-8028-4368-9 pages 53–55
  55. Evidence of Greek Philosophical Concepts in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian by Ute Possekel 1999 ISBN 90-429-0759-2 pages 29–30; The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 page 110
  56. Jesus outside the New Testament: an introduction to the ancient evidence by Robert E. Van Voorst 2000 ISBN 0-8028-4368-9 pages 53–55;Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studiesby Craig A. Evans 2001 ISBN 978-0-391-04118-9 page 41
  57. The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 page 104–108;Evans, Craig A. (2001). Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studies ISBN 0-391-04118-5 page 316;Wansbrough, Henry (2004). Jesus and the oral Gospel tradition ISBN 0-567-04090-9 page 185
  58. Dunn, James (2003). Jesus remembered ISBN 0-8028-3931-2 page 141
  59. Van Voorst, Robert E (2000). Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Eerdmans Publishing ISBN 0-8028-4368-9pages 39–42;Backgrounds of early Christianity by Everett Ferguson 2003 ISBN 0-8028-2221-5 page 116
  60. Theissen 1998, pp. 81–83
  61. Van Voorst, Robert E (2000). Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Eerdmans Publishing ISBN 0-8028-4368-9pages 39–42;Jesus as a figure in history: how modern historians view the man from Galilee by Mark Allan Powell 1998 ISBN 0-664-25703-8 page 33; Jesus and His Contemporaries: Comparative Studiesby Craig A. Evans 2001 ISBN 0-391-04118-5 page 42; Ancient Rome by William E. Dunstan 2010 ISBN 0-7425-6833-4 page 293; Tacitus' characterization of "Christian abominations" may have been based on the rumors in Rome that during the Eucharist rituals Christians ate the body and drank the blood of their God, interpreting the symbolic ritual as cannibalism by Christians. References: Ancient Rome by William E. Dunstan 2010 ISBN 0-7425-6833-4 page 293 and An introduction to the New Testament and the origins of Christianity by Delbert Royce Burkett 2002 ISBN 0-521-00720-8 page 485; Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation by Helen K. Bond 2004 ISBN 0-521-61620-4 page xi
  62. Jesus in the Talmud by Peter Schäfer (Aug 24, 2009) ISBN 0-691-14318-8 page 141 and 9; Van Voorst, Robert E. (2000). Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. ISBN 0-8028-4368-9 pages 177–118
  63. Van Voorst, Robert E. (2000). Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.. ISBN 0-8028-4368-9 pages 177–118
  64. George W. Braswell Jr., What You Need to Know about Islam and Muslims, page 127 (B & H Publishing Group, 2000). ISBN 978-0-8054-1829-3
  65. Dunderberg, Ismo; Christopher Mark Tuckett; Kari Syreeni (2002). Fair play: diversity and conflicts in early Christianity : essays in honour of Heikki Räisänen. Brill. p. 488. ISBN 90-04-12359-8;Pagels, Elaine H. (2006). The Gnostic gospels. Phoenix. p. 192. ISBN 0-7538-2114-1.
  66. William Barclay, Great Themes of the New Testament. Westminster John Knox Press. 2001.ISBN 978-0-664-22385-4. p. 41;   "St. Ignatius of Antioch to the Smyrnaeans (Roberts-Donaldson translation)".
  67. Lémonon, J.P. (1981). Pilate et le gouvernement de la Judée: textes et monuments, Études bibliques. Paris: Gabalda. pp. 29–32.
  68. Paul L. Maier "The Date of the Nativity and Chronology of Jesus" in Chronos, kairos, Christos: nativity and chronological studies by Jerry Vardaman, Edwin M. Yamauchi 1989 ISBN 0-931464-50-1pages 113–129; The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 page 114; Jesus & the Rise of Early Christianity: A History of New Testament Times by Paul Barnett 2002 ISBN 0-8308-2699-8 pages 19–21
  69. Rainer Riesner, Paul's Early Period: Chronology, Mission Strategy, Theology (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1998), page 58. Josef Blinzler, Der Prozess Jesu (Pustet, 1960) cited in Colin J. Humphreys, The Mystery of the Last Supper: Reconstructing the Final Days of Jesus(Cambridge University Press, 2011) page 14.
  70. Maier, P.L. (1968). "Sejanus, Pilate, and the Date of the Crucifixion". Church History37 (1): 3–13. JSTOR 3163182;Fotheringham, J.K. (1934). "The evidence of astronomy and technical chronology for the date of the crucifixion". Journal of Theological Studies.35: 146–162.
  71. "Tractate Sanhedrin 10b", Babylonian Talmud Template:Wayback;"Tractate Sanhedrin 11b", Babylonian Talmud Template:Wayback
  72. "Niswonger "which meant Friday" - Google Search"The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 pages 142–143
  73. Blomberg "Wednesday crucifixion" - Google Search"Niswonger "which meant Friday" - Google Search".
  74. The Gospel of Mark, Volume 2 by John R. Donahue, Daniel J. Harrington 2002 ISBN 0-8146-5965-9 page 442
  75. Steven L. Cox, Kendell H Easley, 2007 Harmony of the Gospels ISBN 0-8054-9444-8 pages 323–323; Death of the Messiah, Volume 2 by Raymond E. Brown 1999 ISBN 0-385-49449-1 pages 959–960;Colin HumphreysThe Mystery of the Last SupperCambridge University Press 2011 ISBN 978-0-521-73200-0, pages 188–190
  76. Steven L. Cox, Kendell H Easley, 2007 Harmony of the Gospels ISBN 0-8054-9444-8 pages 323–323; New Testament History by Richard L. Niswonger 1992 ISBN 0-310-31201-9 pages 173–174; The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978-0-8054-4365-3 page 538
  77. Matthew 27:32Mark 15:21Luke 23:26
  78.  Luke 23:46 and 23:55
  79. Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok, Who's who in Christianity, (Routledge 1998), page 303;Notes and Queries, Volume 6 July–December 1852, London, page 252 The Archaeological journal (UK), Volume 7, 1850 page 413; Alban Butler, 2000 Lives of the Saints ISBN 0-86012-256-5 page 84;CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Veronica"
  80. Eusebius of CaesareaOnomasticon (Concerning the Place Names in Sacred Scripture) Template:Wayback.
  81. Matthew 27:33Mark 15:22Luke 23:33John 19:17
  82. Eucherius of Lyon"Letter to the Presbyter Faustus" 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2008-06-13.. The three more frequented exit gates are one on the west, another on the east, and a third on the north. As you enter the city from the northern side, the first of the holy places due to the condition of the directions of the streets is to the church which is called the Martyrium, which was by Constantine with great reverence not long ago built up. Next, to the west one visits the connecting places Golgotha and the Anastasis; indeed the Anastasis is in the place of the resurrection, and Golgotha is in the middle between the Anastasis and the Martyrium, the place of the Lord's passion, in which still appears that rock which once endured the very cross on which the Lord was. These are however separated places outside of Mount Sion, where the failing rise of the place extended itself to the north.
  83. "General Charles Gordon's Letters Discussing His Discovery of "Cavalry" in Jerusalem"SMF Primary Source Documents. Shapell Manuscript Foundation.
  84. Matthew 27:41; cf. Mark 15:31Luke 23:35
  85. Mark 15:27Matthew 27:38
  86. Luke 23:39-43
  87. Luke 23:36
  88. Matthew 27:54; cf. Mark 15:39
  89. Mark 15:29Matthew 27:39
  90. Mark 15:35Matthew 27:45; cf. Luke 23:35
  91. Luke 23:48
  92. Luke 23:49
  93. John 19:23-2419:32-34
  94. John 19:26-27
  95. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon,σταυρός".
  96.  Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary
  97.  For a discussion of the date of the work, seeInformation on Epistle of Barnabas and Andrew C. Clark, "Apostleship: Evidence from the New Testament and Early Christian Literature,"Evangelical Review of Theology, 1989, Vol. 13, p. 380
  98. John Dominic Crossan, The Cross that Spoke (ISBN 978-0-06-254843-6), p. 121
  99. Epistle of Barnabas, 9:7-8
  100. "The Spirit saith to the heart of Moses, that he should make a type of the cross and of Him that was to suffer, that unless, saith He, they shall set their hope on Him, war shall be waged against them for ever. Moses therefore pileth arms one upon another in the midst of the encounter, and standing on higher ground than any he stretched out his hands, and so Israel was again victorious" (Epistle of Barnabas, 12:2-3).
  101. "ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus".
  102. Irenaeus, Adversus HaeresesII, xxiv, 4
  103. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia by Geoffrey W. Bromiley 1988 ISBN 0-8028-3785-9 page 826
  104. 104.0 104.1 Encyclopedia of Biblical Literature, Part 2by John Kitto 2003 ISBN 0-7661-5980-9 page 591
  105. 105.0 105.1 Renaissance art: a topical dictionary by Irene Earls 1987 ISBN 0-313-24658-0 page 64
  106. The visual arts: a history by Hugh Honour, John Fleming 1995 ISBN 0-8109-3928-2 page 526
  107. The Crucifixion and Death of a Man Called Jesusby David A Ball 2010 ISBN 1-61507-128-8 pages 82–84
  108. 108.0 108.1 The Chronological Life of Christ by Mark E. Moore 2007 ISBN 0-89900-955-7 page 639–643
  109. Holman Concise Bible Dictionary Holman, 2011 ISBN 0-8054-9548-7 page 148
  110. Crucifixion and the Death Cry of Jesus Christ by Geoffrey L Phelan MD, 2009 ISBN pages 106–111
  111. 111.0 111.1 Thomas W. Walker, Luke, (Westminster John Knox Press, 2013) page 84.
  112.  Geza Vermes, The Passion (Penguin, 2005) page 114.
  113. Geza Vermes, The Passion (Penguin, 2005) page 122.
  114.  Raymond Brown, The Death of the Messiah Volume II (Doubleday, 1994) page 1051
  115. John Haralson Hayes, Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook (Westminster John Knox Press, 1987) page 104-5.
  116. David Anderson-Berry, 1871 The Seven Sayings of Christ on the Cross, Glasgow: Pickering & Inglis Publishers; Rev. John Edmunds, 1855 The seven sayings of Christ on the cross Thomas Hatchford Publishers, London, page 26; Arthur Pink, 2005 The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross Baker Books ISBN 0-8010-6573-9; Simon Peter Long, 1966 The wounded Word: A brief meditation on the seven sayings of Christ on the cross Baker Books;John Ross Macduff, 1857 The Words of Jesus New York: Thomas Stanford Publishers, page 76; Alexander Watson, 1847 The seven sayings on the Cross John Masters Publishers, London, page 5
  117. James G. D. Dunn, Jesus Remembered, (Eerdmans, 2003) page 779–781.
  118. HCSB Study Bible
  119. Scott's Monthly Magazine. J.J. Toon; 1868. The Miracles Coincident With The Crucifixion, by H.P.B. p. 86–89.; Richard Watson. An Apology for the Bible: In a Series of Letters Addressed to Thomas Paine. Cambridge University Press; 29 March 2012. ISBN 978-1-107-60004-1. p. 81–.
  120.  Harris, Stephen L., Understanding the Bible. Palo Alto: Mayfield. 1985. "John" p. 302–310
  121. Edwin Keith Broadhead Prophet, Son, Messiah: Narrative Form and Function in Mark (Continuum, 1994) page 196.
  122. Origen"Contra Celsum (Against Celsus), Book 2, XXXIII" Template:Wayback.
  123. Donaldson, Coxe (1888). The ante-Nicene fathers6. New York: The Christian Literature Publishing Co. p. 136.
  124. "In the same hour, too, the light of day was withdrawn, when the sun at the very time was in his meridian blaze. Those who were not aware that this had been predicted about Christ, no doubt thought it an eclipse. You yourselves have the account of the world-portent still in your archives."
  125. Colin J. Humphreys and W. G. Waddington, The Date of the Crucifixion Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 37 (March 1985) Template:Wayback Colin HumphreysThe Mystery of the Last SupperCambridge University Press 2011 ISBN 978-0-521-73200-0, p. 193 (However note that Humphreys places the Last Supper on a Wednesday)
  126. Henige, David P. (2005). Historical evidence and argument. University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 978-0-299-21410-4.
  127. Schaefer, B. E. (1990, March). Lunar visibility and the crucifixion. Royal Astronomical Society Quarterly Journal, 31(1), 53-67
  128. Schaefer, B. E. (1991, July). Glare and celestial visibility. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 103, 645-660.
  129. Burton L. Mack, A Myth of Innocence: Mark and Christian Origins (Fortress Press, 1988) page 296; George Bradford Caird, The language and imagery of the Bible (Westminster Press, 1980), page 186; Joseph Fitzmyer, The Gospel According to Luke, X-XXIV (Doubleday, 1985) page 1513; William David Davies, Dale Allison, Matthew: Volume 3 (Continuum, 1997) page 623.
  130.  David E. Garland, Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the First Gospel (Smyth & Helwys Publishing, 1999) page 264.
  131.  Géza Vermes, The Passion (Penguin, 2005) pages 108–109.
  132. John Yueh-Han Yieh, One Teacher: Jesus' Teaching Role in Matthew's Gospel Report (Walter de Gruyter, 2005) page 65; Robert Walter Funk, The acts of Jesus: the search for the authentic deeds of Jesus(Harper San Francisco, 1998) pages 129-270.
  133. Jefferson Williams, Markus Schwab and A. Brauer (2012). An early first-century earthquake in the Dead Sea. International Geology Review.full article
  134. Medical theories on the cause of death in Crucifixion J R Soc Med April 2006 vol. 99 no. 4 185-188.
  135. William Stroud, 1847, Treatise on the Physical Death of Jesus Christ London: Hamilton and Adams; William Seymour, 2003, The Cross in Tradition, History and Art ISBN 0-7661-4527-1
  136. The Search for the Physical Cause of Christ's Death BYU Studies 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2009-02-10.;The Physical Death Of Jesus Christ, Study by The Mayo Clinic 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2009-01-31. citing studies by Bucklin R (The legal and medical aspects of the trial and death of Christ. Sci Law 1970; 10:14–26), Mikulicz-Radeeki FV (The chest wound in the crucified Christ. Med News 1966; 14:30–40), Davis CT (The Crucifixion of Jesus: The passion of Christ from a medical point of view. Ariz Med 1965; 22:183-187), and Barbet P (A Doctor at Calvary: The Passion of Out Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon, Earl of Wicklow (trans) Garden City, NY, Doubleday Image Books 1953, pp 12–18, 37–147, 159–175, 187–208).
  137.  Edwards, William D.; Gabel, Wesley J.; Hosmer, Floyd E; On the Physical Death of Jesus, JAMA March 21, 1986, Vol 255, No. 11, pp 1455–1463 
  138. Frederick Zugibe, 2005, The Crucifixion of Jesus: A Forensic Inquiry Evans Publishing, ISBN 1-59077-070-6; JW Hewitt, The Use of Nails in the CrucifixionHarvard Theological Review, 1932
  140.  New Scientist Oct 12, 1978, page 96
  141. Barbet, Pierre. Doctor at Calvary, New York: Image Books, 1963.
  142.  Keith Maxwell MD on the Crucifixion of Christ 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2011-01-17.; -From-a-Medical-Point-of-View/Page1.html Jesus' Suffering and Crucifixion from a Medical Point of View Template:Wayback
  143.  Catholic Medical Association, Linacre Quarterly, August 2006 Archive.is存檔,存檔日期2012-07-09
  144. FP Retief and L Cilliers The history and pathology of Crucifixion South African medical journal, 2003.[4]
  145. Paul II, Pope John (1994). Catechism of the Catholic Church. Urbi Et Orbi Communications. p. 376. Online: https://books.google.com/books?id=tVJXcOVY2UgC; Schwarz, Hans (1996). True Faith in the True God: An Introduction to Luther's Life and Thought. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. pp. 47–48. Online:https://books.google.com/books?id=l3rDtUQRdKAC
  146. Benedict XVI, Pope (1987). Principles of Catholic Theology: Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. pp. 17–18.
  147. Calvin, Jean (1921). Institutes of the Christian Religion. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work. pp. 477–479.Online: https://books.google.com/books?id=UU9Ygc_c5woC
  148. Online: https://books.google.com/books?id=13QRjJjhEqkC 「In the Cross is salvation; in the Cross is life; in the Cross is protection against our enemies; in the Cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness; in the Cross is strength of mind; in the Cross is joy of spirit; in the Cross is excellence of virtue; in the Cross is perfection of holiness. There is no salvation of soul, nor hope of eternal life, save in the Cross.」
  149. Who do you say that I am? Essays on Christologyby Jack Dean Kingsbury, Mark Allan Powell, David R. Bauer 1999 ISBN 0-664-25752-6 page 106
  150. Cross, Frank L.; Livingstone, Elizabeth A. (2005). "The Passion". The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University Press.
  151. he Christology of the New Testament by Oscar Cullmann 1959 ISBN 0-664-24351-7 page 79; The Johannine exegesis of God by Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda 2005 ISBN 3-11-018248-3 page 281
  152. Johannine Christology and the Early Church by T. E. Pollard 2005 ISBN 0-521-01868-4 page 21; Studies in Early Christology by Martin Hengel 2004 ISBN 0-567-04280-4 page 371
  153. Studies in Revelation by M. R. DeHaan, Martin Ralph DeHaan 1998 ISBN 0-8254-2485-2 page 103
  154. New Testament christology by Frank J. Matera 1999 ISBN 0-664-25694-5 page 67; The speeches in Acts: their content, context, and concerns by Marion L. Soards 1994 ISBN 0-664-25221-4 page 34
  155. Christology by Hans Schwarz 1998 ISBN 0-8028-4463-4 pages 132–134
  156. Lord Jesus Christ: Devotion to Jesus in Earliest Christianity by Larry W. Hurtado (Sep 14, 2005)ISBN 0-8028-3167-2 pages 130–133
  157. Christian Theology by J. Glyndwr Harris (Mar 2002) ISBN 1-902210-22-0 pages 12–15
  158. Calvin's Christology by Stephen Edmondson 2004ISBN 0-521-54154-9 page 91; The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures byHughes Oliphant Old 2002 ISBN 0-8028-4775-7 page 125
  159. The Lamb of God by Sergei Bulgakov 2008 ISBN 0-8028-2779-9 page 129
  160. Encyclopedia of theology: a concise Sacramentum mundi by Karl Rahner 2004 ISBN 0-86012-006-6 page 74
  161. For example, see Matthew 6:14–15. See alsoSermon on the Mount
  162. 162.0 162.1 Doctrine of the Atonement"Catholic Encyclopedia.
  163. A. J. Wallace, R. D. Rusk Moral Transformation: The Original Christian Paradigm of Salvation, (New Zealand: Bridgehead, 2011) ISBN 978-1-4563-8980-2
  164.  Ball, Ann (2003). Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices. Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor. ISBN 0-87973-910-X
  165. "Miserentissimus Redemptor". Encyclical of Pope Pius XI. Archived from the original on 2014-08-12.
  166. "Vatican archives". Archived from the original on 2008-05-02.
  167.  See Development of the Christus Victor view after Aulén
  168.  Johnson, Alan F.; Robert E. Webber (1993). What Christians Believe: A Biblical and Historical Summary. Zondervan. pp. 261–263.
  169.  Ayoub, Mahmoud M. (April 1980). "TOWARDS AN ISLAMIC CHRISTOLOGY II: THE DEATH OF JESUS, REALITY OR DELUSION (A Study of the Death of Jesus in Tafsir Literature)". The Muslim World. Hartford Seminary. 70 (2): 106. doi:10.1111/j.1478-1913.1980.tb03405.x.
  170. Quran 4:157–158
  171. "Wherefore he did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was crucified, through ignorance and error, while Jesus himself received the form of Simon, and, standing by, laughed at them. For since he was an incorporeal power, and the Nous (mind) of the unborn father, he transfigured himself as he pleased, and thus ascended to him who had sent him, deriding them, inasmuch as he could not be laid hold of, and was invisible to all" (Irenaeus,Against Heresies, book I, ch. 24, 4
  172. James Tissot: the Life of Christ by Judith F. Dolkart 2009 ISBN 1-85894-496-1 page 201; Rookmaaker, H. R. (1970). Modern Art and the Death of a Culture. Crossway Books. p. 73. ISBN 0-89107-799-5.
  173. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Symbolism. www.newadvent.org. [2019-07-21]. 
  174. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Veneration of Images. www.newadvent.org. [2019-07-21]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-19). 
  175. EWTN: Mary was United to Jesus on the CrossVatican website on Behold Your Mother! Template:Wayback
