切罗基文 (Unicode区段)
切罗基文 (Unicode区段),收录了用以书写切罗基语的切罗基文字符。切罗基语(ᏣᎳᎩ,英文:Cherokee,易洛魁语的一种)一直是靠发音和手势来表达的。
切罗基音节文字(Cherokee syllabary)是美国原住民切罗基人的语言——切罗基语——所使用的文字。大概因为是美国的原住民语言文字,所以 iOS 系统自带了切罗基语输入法(即“彻罗基文”),可以自己在手机上调出该输入法先感受一下。
切罗基文最初于3.0版本时被添加至Unicode中,那时它被视为不分大小写 的文字,但8.0版本将它重新定义为区分大小写 的文字。本区块(U+13A0..U+13FF)包含了所有切罗基文大写字母,以及六个小写字母。
版本 | 最终码位[lower-alpha 1] | 码位数 | UTC ID | L2 ID | WG2 ID | 文档 |
3.0 | U+13A0..13F4 | 85 | UTC/1991-102 | McGowan, Rick, Cherokee block description and chart draft, 1991-10-24 | ||
UTC/1995-027 | N1172 | Everson, Michael, Proposal for encoding the Cherokee script, 1995-03-14 | ||||
UTC/1995-xxx | Cherokee Proposal, Unicode Technical Committee Meeting #65, Minutes, 1995-06-02 | |||||
UTC/1996-016 | Gourd, Charles, Cherokee Syllabary, 1996-03-05 | |||||
UTC/1996-015 | Everson, Michael, Re: Cherokee Nation's ordering, 1996-03-08 | |||||
UTC/1996-017 | Everson, Michael, Proposal for encoding the Cherokee script, 1996-03-14 | |||||
N1362 | Initial comments on encoding Cherokee into ISO/IEC 10646, 1996-04-01 | |||||
X3L2/96-034 | N1356 | Suignard, Michel, US position concerning the referenced proposal to encode the Cherokee script, 1996-04-17 | ||||
N1353 | Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike, 8.11, Draft minutes of WG2 Copenhagen Meeting # 30, 1996-06-25 | |||||
UTC/1996-027.2 | Greenfield, Steve, B. Cherokee, UTC #69 Minutes (PART 2), 1996-07-01 | |||||
N1453 | Ksar, Mike; Umamaheswaran, V. S., 8.12, WG 2 Minutes - Quebec Meeting 31, 1996-12-06 | |||||
N1476 | Paterson, Bruce, Draft pDAM 12 - Cherokee, 1996-12-09 | |||||
N1596 | Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 2807, Combined PDAM Registration and FPDAM ballot: Amendment 12: Cherokee Script, 1997-06-17 | |||||
L2/97-288 | N1603 | Umamaheswaran, V. S., 6.4, Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting # 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 20 June – 4 July 1997, 1997-10-24 | ||||
L2/98-130 | Text for FDAM ballot ISO 10646 Amendment 12 - Cherokee, 1998-03-05 | |||||
L2/14-026 | Moore, Lisa, Motion 138-M2, UTC #138 Minutes, 2014-02-17, Any proposal to make the Cherokee script bicameral, should make the existing Cherokee letters uppercase. The UTC deems that this choice would provide better backward compatibility with existing implementations. | |||||
8.0 | U+13F5, 13F8..13FD | 7 | L2/13-190 | N4487 | Everson, Michael; Feeling, Durbin, Proposal for the addition of Cherokee characters, 2013-10-24 | |
L2/13-210 | Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh, 3, Recommendations to UTC #137 November 2013 on Script Proposals, 2013-10-31 | |||||
L2/14-064R | N4537R | Everson, Michael, Revised proposal for the addition of Cherokee characters, 2014-02-25 | ||||
L2/14-100 | Moore, Lisa, Consensus 139-C13, UTC #139 Minutes, 2014-05-13 | |||||
L2/14-187 | Whistler, Ken, Cherokee casing decision may break identifier syntax, 2014-07-31 | |||||
N4553 (pdf, doc) | Umamaheswaran, V. S., M62.07a, Minutes of WG 2 meeting 62 Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA, 2014-09-16 | |||||
L2/15-214 | Lunde, Ken, Phoreus Cherokee type specimen sheet, 2015-07-30 | |||||
- ↑ 切罗基音节文字及其表音策略,壹读,
- ↑ 北美仓颉塞阔雅ᏍᏏᏆᏱ与切罗基文ᏣᎳᎩ ,哔哩哔哩
- ↑ The Unicode Standard Version 14.0 – Core Specification (PDF). The Unicode Consortium. [2022-05-24].