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餡餅[1],(Cornish:Pasti,, 英语:Cornish pasty[2]是與英國康沃爾有關的傳統烤製肉餡餅。圓形酥皮上包入生肉和蔬菜做的餡料,對折起來做成半圓形餃子狀,餅皮邊緣打摺封好後烘烤。






雖然現在這道菜名字跟康沃爾郡關係密切,但其確切起源仍然不明。英語中的「pasty」這個字是由中世紀法文演變而來(O.Fr. paste from V.Lat pasta [3]),意指以鹿肉、鮭魚或其他肉類、蔬菜或乾酪填料的的派,不用容器盛裝烘烤。[4]肉餡餅一直以來都沒有在食譜書上缺席。例如:《Le Viandier》(古法文)最早的版本可追溯到1300年左右,記載了多種肉餡餅食譜。[5]1393年的《Le Menagier de Paris》紀載著鹿肉、小牛肉、牛或羊肉為材料的餡餅(pasté)食譜[6]

其他關於肉餡餅的紀錄還有:13世紀由亨利三世(1207–1272)頒布一項規定,大雅茅斯鎮每年必須繳交「100條鯡魚烤成的24個肉餡餅」給諾里奇的地方官員,地方官員送給東卡爾頓大宅主人後再,轉交給國王[7]。13世紀的編年史家馬修·帕里斯,記錄了聖奧爾本斯修道院的僧侶有「以鮮肉餡餅為食的習俗」[8]。1465年,約克大主教暨大法官(archbishop of York and chancellor of England)喬治·奈維爾(George Neville)的就職宴會上,供應了5,500個鹿肉餡餅[9]。皇室成員也吃過這種餡餅,一封麵包師寫給亨利八世第三任妻子珍·西摩(1508–1537)的信寫著:「……希望這餡餅送達時狀態比上次的還好……」[10]。17世紀中葉,塞繆爾·皮普斯在日記裡多次出現肉餡餅的相關紀錄,例如:「在威廉·潘爵士家用餐……一份鹿肉餡餅聞起來臭得要命。」[11]但在這段時期之後,肉餡餅這個詞在康沃爾就漸漸少用了[12]



2006年德文郡(Devon)的學者在1510年的帳本裡,發現一張餡餅材料的清單,帳本紀載著製作鹿肉餡餅的花費[20]。此一發現取代了當時最早的紀錄,一份1746年的食譜,該文件藏於特魯羅的康沃爾檔案局(Cornwall Records Office)[21]。由於肉餡餅在當時是公認的豪華餐點,這份來自埃奇庫姆山宅邸(Mount Edgcumbe estate)的食譜使用鹿肉作肉餡[22]。德文郡普利茅斯這份記載餡餅價格的1509年文件的出現,反而引起了鄰近兩郡(德文與康沃爾)的發源地之爭[21][23][24]。但餡餅(pasty)一詞,如上所述,在英國各地都有更早的文獻紀錄。


康沃爾肉餡餅已經被納入法定地理區域產品保護制度(protected geographical indication,PGI)食譜應該含有:牛肉丁或牛絞肉、洋蔥、馬鈴薯和以胡椒稍微調味的蕪菁甘藍塊[17]。牛肉部位通常用側腹橫肌牛排[25]。康沃爾地區有時會把蕪菁甘藍稱作蕪菁,但這個食譜不應使用普通蕪菁[26]。通常用鹽及胡椒調味,可依個人口味調整[27]。雖然胡蘿蔔在一般食譜很常見,但在傳統康沃爾肉餡餅裡不應使用這項材料[25]



儘管受官方保護的康沃爾肉餡餅有特定材料,康沃爾古食譜裡卻告訴讀者各種能取得的食物都可以當餡料[22] 。雖然餡餅最早的紀錄是鹿肉餡,而不是牛肉餡[21]。但餡餅這個詞,一直都是指稱餅皮包裹各種餡料的食物,餡料口味可以有很多變化,包括:斯蒂爾頓芝士、素食,甚至做成印度串燒雞肉口味[22]。蘋果豬肉餡餅在康沃爾與德文郡的商店都能買到,餡餅裡會包滿蘋果調味醬汁,而甜口味的蘋果加無花果或香蕉巧克力餡餅,在康沃爾某些地區也很常見 [15]

19世紀安格爾西島的的銅礦礦工會吃一種半甜鹹的餡餅(類似Bedfordshire clanger)。經專家研究後,發現該食譜據說是從康沃爾的礦工們到安格爾西找工作時傳過去的[30]。目前康沃爾市面上沒有販售這種二合一餡餅[31],只有業餘廚師在做[27] 。英國連鎖超市Morrisons販售這種餡餅,品名是錫礦工餡餅[32]。其他傳統餡料包括:豬肉、培根、雞蛋、兔肉、雞肉、鯖魚;甜餡料有:棗子、蘋果、果醬和甜的米飯等等,這也是因此產生常被提起的老笑話「魔鬼唯恐自己會被做成餡餅,不敢踏入康沃爾一步」[33]

如果餡料裡的牛肉用馬鈴薯替代,這種餡餅就稱作「tiddy oggy」;「tiddy」指馬鈴薯,而「oggy」則是餡餅的意思,肉價高昂的時候就會吃這種餡餅[34]。還有一種不含肉的「香草餡餅(herby pie)」,有香芹、現採的各種綠色香草加上蝦夷蔥、野韭或韭蔥,搭配一大匙凝脂奶油[35]





  1. 康沃爾肉餡餅,每日頭條,2017-08-08
  2. Wilson, Kenneth G. (1993). The Columbia guide to standard American English. Columbia University Press. p. 321. ISBN 0-231-06989-8.
  3. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=pasty&searchmode=none
  4. Cambridge Dictionaries Online. "Pasty". Retrieved 14 June 2012.
  5. Scully, Terence, ed.; Taillevent (1988). The Viandier of Taillevent: an edition of all extant manuscripts. Pasty mentions: University of Ottawa Press. p. 361. ISBN 0-7766-0174-1.
  6. The Goodman of Paris. c. 1393.
  7. Nuttall, P Austin (1840). A classical and archæological dictionary of the manners, customs, laws, institutions, arts, etc. of the celebrated nations of antiquity, and of the middle ages. London. p. 555.
  8. Brayley, Edward Wedlake (1808). The Beauties of England and Wales, Or Delineations, Topographical, Historical and Descriptive. VII (Hertford, Huntingdon and Kent). London: Thomas Maiden. p. 40.
  9. Encyclopaedia Britannica 1823 vol VIII. Printed for Archibald Constable and Company. 1823. p. 585.
  10. Shackle, Eric (21 April 2001). "A short history of ... Cornish pasties | Life and style | The Observer". London: Guardian. Retrieved 14 August 2009.
  11. "Thursday 1 August 1667". The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Phil Gyford. Retrieved 1 September 2011.
  12. Laura Mason & Catherine Brown (2007). From Bath Chaps to Bara Brith: The Taste of South West Britain. Harper Press. pp. 32–33. ISBN 978-0-7524-4742-1.
  13. Harris, J Henry (2009). Cornish Saints & Sinners. Wildside Press LLC. p. 195.
  14. Devlin, Kate (25 July 2008). "The History of the Cornish Pasty". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Grigson, Jane (1993) English Food. Penguin Books, p. 226
  16. 16.0 16.1 Miller, Luke; Westergren, Marc. "History of the Pasty". The Cultural Context of the Pasty". Michigan Technological University. Retrieved 13 March 2006.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 "Cornish Pasty (PGI)" (PDF). DEFRA. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  18. Mansfield, Emma (2011). The Little Book of the Pasty. Cornwall: Lovely Little Books. p. 101. ISBN 978-1-906771-28-7.
  19. Martin, Edith (1929). Cornish Recipes: Ancient and Modern. Truro: A. W. Jordan.
  20. "A pasty in Plymouth's Old Audit Book". Volume number 1/130, from the Borough of Plymouth records, dated 1510. Plymouth City Council. Archived from the original on 12 January 2012. Retrieved 2 April 2011.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 "Who invented the Cornish pasty?". London: Independent.co.uk. 13 November 2006. Retrieved 21 September 2009.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Trewin, Carol; Woolfitt, Adam (2005). Gourmet Cornwall. Alison Hodge Publishers. pp. 125–129. ISBN 0-906720-39-7.
  23. "UK | England | Cornwall | Devon invented the Cornish pasty". BBC News. 13 November 2006. Retrieved 14 August 2009.
  24. "West Devon Record Office". Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 23 December 2005.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Clarke, Felicity (23 February 2011). "Ultimate Cornish Pasty Recipe". The Guardian. Retrieved 4 March 2011.
  26. Beckford, Martin (20 August 2010). "Turnip or swede? Brussels rules on ingredients of Cornish pasty". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Ann Pringle Harris (7 February 1988). "Fare of the Country; In Cornwall, a Meal in a Crust". New York Times. Retrieved 15 March 2005.
  28. Hall, Stephen (2001). The Cornish Pasty. Nettlecombe, UK: Agre Books. ISBN 0-9538000-4-0.
  29. Pascoe, Ann (1988). Cornish Recipes Old and New. Penryn: Tor Mark Press. p. 1. ISBN 0-85025-304-7.
  30. "UK | Wales | North West Wales | Sweet-savoury pastie back on menu". BBC News. 26 March 2006. Retrieved 21 September 2009.
  31. 31.0 31.1 Merrick, Hettie (1995). The Pasty Book. Penryn: Tor Mark Press.
  32. http://www.cornishpasties.org.uk/Pasties-with-aftersVIII-Morrisons-Tin-Miners.htm
  33. Cornish Recipes, Ancient & Modern, Edith Martin, Truro, 1929
  34. Bareham, Lindsey (21 November 2008). "The perfect pasty?". The Times. Retrieved 11 March 2011.
  35. Cornish Recipes, Ancient & Modern, Edith Martin, Truro, 1929
  36. Wallop, Harry (22 February 2011). "Cornish pasty given EU protected status". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2 March 2011.
  37. Cornish Pasty". Here and Now Magazine. Retrieved 2 April 2011.
  38. Middleton, Kimberley (27 February 2011). "This is where the great pasty revolt begins". The Independent. Retrieved 2 April 2011.