


濃縮咖啡(Espresso)或義式濃縮咖啡,是一種口感強烈的咖啡類型,方法是以極熱但非沸騰的熱水,藉由高壓沖過研磨成很細的咖啡粉末來沖出咖啡。它發明及發展於義大利,年代始於20世紀初,但直到1940年代中期以前,它是種單獨透過蒸氣壓力製作出的飲品。在發明彈簧瓣槓桿(spring piston lever)咖啡機,並成功商業化,將濃縮咖啡轉型成為今日所知的飲品。製作過程用到的壓力常為9到10個大氣壓的壓力。

The qualitative definition of espresso includes a thicker consistency than drip coffee, a higher amount of dissolved solids than drip coffee per relative volume, and a serving size that is usually measured in shots. Espresso is chemically complex and volatile, with many of its chemical components degrading from oxidation or loss of temperature.沖製恰當的濃縮咖啡有項特點——咖啡脂(crema)的存在,一種紅棕色的泡沫,漂浮在濃縮咖啡表面。其由植物油蛋白質以及醣類所構成。咖啡脂具有乳劑泡沫膠體兩種元素的結合。

As a result of the high-pressure brewing process, all of the flavors and chemicals in a typical cup of coffee are concentrated. Some people prefer a single or double shot instead of one or two cups of coffee to get a quick shot of caffeine. Also, because of its intense and highly concentrated ingredients (including caffeine) espresso lends itself to mixing into other coffee based drinks, such as lattes, cappuccinos, macchiatos, and mochas, without the need to overly dilute the resulting drink.




在義大利點一杯咖啡(un caffè),亦如歐洲多數地方,表示點一杯濃縮咖啡。類似的替代品,濃縮咖啡與熱水的混合,稱作「美式咖啡」(caffè americano)。The phrase "American Coffee" (spoken in English) is widely understood, as is the commonly used term "Long Black."義大利人很少點。

  • Caffè Espresso:正式的義大利語詞。多數國家只單用'espresso'。
  • Ristretto (shortened):只加少許水,喝起來口感強烈,約10-20毫升。
  • Lungo (long):水加更多(可能到兩倍量) is let through the ground coffee, 口感較淡,約40毫升。
  • 雙倍濃縮(義大利文:Doppio;英文:double或doubleshot):一杯裡有兩份濃縮咖啡。
  • Expresso: a common French variation which is sometimes colloquially used in English speaking countries.