

事實揭露 揭密真相
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國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者




職   稱 ---- 研究員


1人物經歷 2研究方向 3主要成就 4社會任職 5代表性論文 6獲獎記錄





2012年- 任復旦大學生命科學學院教授,博士生導師。中國疾病預防控制中心寄生蟲病預防控制所兼職研究員;

2020年- 援建內蒙古大學,擔任內蒙古大學生命科學學院院長。








1. Luo F#, Yin M#, Mo X#, Sun C, Wu Q, Zhu B, Xiang M, Wang J, Wang Y, Li J, Zhang T, Xu B, Zheng H, Feng Z, Hu W*. An improved genome assembly of the fluke Schistosoma japonicum. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019;13(8): e0007612.

2. Li Q#, Zhao N#, Liu M, Shen HM, Huang L, Mo XJ, Xu B, Zhang XM, Hu W*. Comparative Analysis of Proteome-Wide Lysine Acetylation in Juvenile and Adult Schistosoma japonicum. Front Microbiol, 2017, 8: 2248

3. Wang JP#, Yu Y#, Shen HM, Qing T, Zheng YT, Li Q, Mo XJ, Wang SQ, Li NN, Chai RY, Xu B, Liu M, Brindley PJ, McManus DP, Feng Z, Shi LM, Hu W* Dynamic transcriptomes identify biogenic amines and insect-like hormonal regulation for mediating reproduction in Schistosoma japonicum. Nat Commun.2017, 8:14693

4. Li Q, Wang W, Zhao N, Li P, Xin Y, Hu W*, Identification and validation of a Schistosoma japonicum U6 promoter. Parasit Vectors.2017, 10(1):281

5. Liu M,Ju C, Du XF, Shen HM, Wang JP, Li J, Zhang XM,Feng Z, Hu W*. Proteomic Analysis on Cercariae and Schistosomula in Reference to Potential Proteases Involved in Host Invasion of Schistosoma japonicum Larvae. Journal Proteome Research. 2015,14(11): 4623-4634

6. Yin MB#, Zheng H#, Su J, Feng Z, McManus DP, Zhou X, Jin L and Hu W *. Co-dispersal of the blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum and Homo sapiens in the Neolithic Age. Sci Rep., 2015, 5: 18058

7. Schistosoma japonicum Genome Sequencing and Functional Analysis Consortium, Zhou Y#, Zheng H#, Liu F#, Hu W#, Wang ZQ#, Gang L#, Ren S#. The Schistosoma japonicum genome reveals features of host-parasite interplay. Nature. 2009, Jul 16; 460(7253):345-51. (#equal contribution)

8. Liu F#, Cui SJ#, Hu W#, Feng Z, Wang ZQ, Han ZG*. Excretory/secretory proteome of the adult developmental stage of human blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009, Jun; 8(6):1236-51.

9. Liu F#, Hu W#, Cui SJ#, Chi M, Fang CY, Wang ZQ, Yang PY, Han ZG*. Insight into the host-parasite interplay by proteomic study of host proteins copurified with the human parasite, Schistosoma japonicum. Proteomics. 2007 Feb;7(3):450-62

10. Liu F#, Lu J#, Hu W#, Wang SY, Cui SJ, Chi M, Yang Q, Wang XR, Song HD, Xu XN, Wang JJ, Zhang XL, Zhang X, Wang ZQ, Xue CL, Brindley PJ, McMauns DP, Yang PY, Feng Z, Chen Z, Han ZG*. New perspectives on host-parasite interplay by comparative transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of Schistosoma japonicum. PLoS Pathog. 2006 Apr;2(4): e29.

11. Hu W, Brindley PJ, McManus DP, Feng Z, Han ZG*. Schistosome transcriptomes: new insights into the parasite and schistosomiasis. Trends Mol Med. 2004 May;10(5):217-25.

12. Hu W, Yan Q, Shen DK, Liu F, Zhu ZD, Song HD, Wang ZJ, Rong YP, Zeng LC, Wu J, Zhang X, Wang JJ, Xu XN, Wang SY, Fu G, Xu XR, Zhang XL, Wang ZQ, Brindley, PJ, McManus, DP, Xue CL, Feng Z, Chen Z, Han ZG*, Evolutionary and biomedical implications of a Schistosoma japonicum complementary DNA resource. Nat Genet. 2003 Oct; 35(2):139-47.





  1. 移至 胡薇 ,內蒙古大學
  2. 移至 胡薇教授簡介 ,內蒙古大學, 2024-10-23