

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
出生 1965年5月 四川資中
國籍 中國
母校 復旦大學
職業 分子進化生物學和保護遺傳學家

張亞平 (1965年5月),男, 四川資中人 [1]>
分子進化生物學和保護遺傳學家 ,。1986年畢業於復旦大學,1991年獲中國科學院昆明動物研究所博士學位。現為中國科學院昆明動物研究所研究員、中國科學院副院長。曾任中國科學院昆明動物研究所所長。

人物經歷 [2]

  • 1982-1986 復旦大學生物系,學士學位
  • 1986-1991 中國科學院昆明動物研究所,博士學位,導師施立明院士。
  • 1991-1992 中國科學院昆明動物研究所,助理研究員。
  • 1992-1995 美國聖地亞哥瀕危動物繁殖中心(CRES)分子遺傳實驗室,博士後研究。
  • 1995-2000 中國科學院昆明動物研究所細胞與分子進化開放研究實驗室主任,研究員,博士生導師。
  • 1996-2005 中國科學院昆明動物研究所副所長。
  • 1999-現在 雲南省畜禽分子生物學重點實驗室主任,研究員,博士生導師。
  • 2003-現在 雲南省生物資源保護與利用重點實驗室-省部共建國家重點實驗室培育基地主任,教授。
  • 2005-現在 中國科學院昆明動物研究所所長。
  • 2008-現在昆明學院名譽院長。
  • 2012.1,根據國務院《關於張亞平任職的通知》(國人字〔2012〕10號),張亞平任中國科學院副院長。


  • 中國遺傳學會理事長
  • 中國動物學會副理事長
  • 國際重要刊物Genome Biol Evol 副主編
  • Anim Genet、Sci Rep、J Hered 編委


  • 近五年來,結合基因組學的發展,從基因組水平系統研究關鍵區域人群和重要家養動物和野生動物的自然選擇和人工選擇的遺傳機制。
  • 1、家養動物起源馴化與人工選擇的基因組進化機制
  • 家養動物是人類社會發展到特定階段的產物,闡明家養動物的起源馴化歷史,在基因組水平上揭示人工馴化的遺傳機制,不僅可為未來畜禽中新品種的培育奠定科學基礎,而且對了解人類進化的歷史也有重要意義。
  • 2、動物適應性進化的遺傳機制
  • 生物進化就是生物不斷適應環境的過程,其遺傳機制是生物學上的基本問題。我們主要圍繞能量代謝、信息感受與傳導等探討動物適應其生態位的遺傳機制。
  • 3、人和動物高原適應的分子機制
  • 青藏高原是研究高原適應的天然實驗室,我們採用比較基因組學研究策略,通過比較這一關鍵地區處於不同適應階段的人群、家養動物和野生動物等不同類群高原適應機制的異同,以及同一類群在世界不同高原地區的適應機制,揭示高原適應的普遍規律。
  • 4、基因組多樣性與亞洲人群的演化
  • 了解自身的進化歷程是人類不斷探索的問題。我們在基因組水平研究現代人走出非洲之後的遷移歷史及其對環境適應的遺傳機


  • 1.973項目「中國-喜馬拉雅地區生物多樣性演變與保護研究」
  • 2.NFSC重大項目「動物DNA條形碼基因和隱存多樣性的研究」
  • 3.NFSC創新群體項目「基因組中新遺傳結構的起源與動物的適應進化」
  • 4.NFSC 面上項目「家犬在人工選擇下的高原適應機制研究」
  • 5.NFSC 重大研究計劃集成項目「家犬在人工選擇下的微進化研究」
  • 6.農業部轉基因重大專項
  • 「基於人工選擇作用分析克隆鑑定重要功能基因」
  • 「豬、牛、羊肌肉生長和脂肪沉積性狀重要育種價值基因的克隆及其功能驗證」
  • 7.中國科學院戰略先導專項
  • 子課題「豬脂肪沉積等優質高產分子模塊解析」
  • 子課題「西南分子育種基地的完善與能力提升」
  • 子課題「青藏高原家養動物適應性狀的解析」
  • 子課題「馴化動植物對高寒環境的適應及基因資源利用」


  • 2002 美國「The Bay Foundation and the Josephine Bay and C. Michael Paul
  • Foundation」的「生物多樣性領導獎」(Biodiversity Leadership Awards)
  • 1994 全國青年科技標兵
  • 1996 雲南省自然科學一等獎(獼猴屬的分子進化研究)
  • 1996 第三屆中國青年科學家獎
  • 1997 國家自然科學三等獎(中國若干特有珍稀動物類群的細胞與分子進化研究)
  • 2001 雲南省自然科學一等獎(滇金絲猴生物學研究)
  • 2004 中國青年五四獎章
  • 2004 生命科學創新獎(全球華人生物科學家大會)
  • 2004 何梁何利基金科學與技術進步獎
  • 2005 雲南省科學技術突出貢獻獎
  • 2005 雲南省自然科學一等獎(線粒體基因組多樣性與東亞人群歷史的研究)
  • 2006 國家自然科學二等獎(線粒體基因組多樣性與東亞人群歷史的研究)
  • 2006 長江學者成就一等獎
  • 2009 第二屆談家楨生命科學成就獎
  • 2010 雲南省自然科學一等獎(真獸類若干類群的分子系統學研究)
  • 2013 雲南省自然科學特等獎(基因組多樣性與亞洲人群的演化)
  • 2013 雲南省自然科學一等獎(動物適應性進化的分子機制)
  • 2014 國家自然科學獎二等獎(基因組多樣性與亞洲人群的演化)


  • 1. Liu YH, Wang L, Xu T, Guo XM, Li Y, Yin TT, Yang HC, Hu Y, Adeola AC, Sanke OJ, Otecko NO, Wang M, Ma YP, Charles OS, Sinding MHS, Gopalakrishnan S, Samaniego JA, Hansen AJ, Fernandes C, Gaubert P, Budd J, Dawuda PM, Rueness EK, Jiang LB, Zhai WW, Gilbert MTP, Peng MS, Xiaopeng Qi XP*, Wang GD*, ZhangYP*. Whole-genome sequencing of African dogs provides insights into adaptations against tropical parasites. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2018, 35: 287-298. IF14.558
  • 2. Wang MS, Otecko NO, Wang S, Wu DD, Yang MM, Xu Y, Murphy RW, Peng MS*, Zhang YP*. An evolutionary genomic perspective on the breeding of dwarf chickens. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2017, 34:3081-3088. IF14.558
  • 3. Wang MS, Zeng Y, Wang X, Nie WH, Wang JH, Su WT, Otecko NO, Xiong ZJ, Wang S, Qu KX, Yan SQ, Yang MM, Wang W, Dong Y*, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Draft genome of the gayal, Bos frontalis. Giga science, 2017, 6(11):1-7. IF10.644
  • 4. Zeng L, Ming C, Li Y, Su LY, Su YH, Otecko NO, Liu HQ, Wang MS, Yao YG, Li HP, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Rapid evolution of genes involved in learning and energy metabolism for domestication of the laboratory rat. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2017, 34:3148-3153. IF14.558
  • 5. Zeng L, Ming C, Li Y, Su LY, Su YH, Otecko NO, Dalecky A, Donnellan S, Aplin K, Liu XH, Song Y, Zhang ZB, Esmailizadeh A, Sohrabi SS, Nanaei HA, Liu HQ,Wang MS, Atteynine SA, Rocamora G, Brescia F, Morand S, Irwin DM, Peng MS, Yao YG, Li HP*, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Out of southern East Asia of the brown rat revealed by large scale genome sequencing. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2017, doi:10.1093/molbev/msx276. IF14.558
  • 6. Li Y, Wang MS, Otecko NO, Wang W, Shi P, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Hypoxia potentially promotes Tibetan longevity. Cell Research, 2017, 27(2):302-305. IF12.393
  • 7. Yu L*, Wang GD, Ruan J, Chen YB, Yang CP, Cao X, Wu H, Liu YH, Du ZL, Wang XP, Yang J, Cheng SC, Zhong L, Wang L, Wang X, Hu JY, Fang L, Bai B, Wang KL, Yuan N, Wu SF, Li BG, Zhang JG, Yang YQ, Zhang CL, Long YC, Li HS, Yang JY, Irwin DM, Ryder OA, Li Y, Wu CI*, Zhang YP*. Genomic analysis of snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus) identifies genes and processes related to high-altitude adaptation. Nature Genetics. 2016, 48:947.
  • 8. Li HP, Xiang-Yu JG, Dai GY, Gu ZL, Ming C, Yang ZF, Ryder OA, Li WH*, Fu YX*, Zhang YP*. Large numbers of vertebrates began rapid population decline in the late 19th century. PNAS. 2016, 113:14079-14084.
  • 9. Shen QK, Sulaiman X, Yao YG, Peng MS*, Zhang YP*. Was ADH1B under Selection in European Populations? Am J Hum Genet. 2016, 99:1217-1219.
  • 10. Wang GD, Zhai WW, Yang HC, Wang L, Zhong L, Liu YH, Fan RX, Yin TT, Zhu CL, Poyarkov AD, Irwin DM, Hytonen MK, Lohi H, Wu CI, Savolainen P, and Zhang YP*. Out of southern East Asia: the natural history of domestic dogs across the world. Cell Research. 2016,26:21-33.
  • 11. Wang GD, Peng MS, Yang HC, Savolainen P, Zhang YP*. Questioning the evidence for a Central Asian domestication origin of dogs. PNAS. 2016, 113:E2554-E2555.
  • 12. Wang MS, Zhang RW, Su LY, Li Y, Peng MS, Liu HQ, Zeng L, Irwin DM, Du JL, Yao YG, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Positive selection rather than relaxation of functional constraint drives the evolution of vision during chicken domestication. Cell Research. 2016, 26: 556-573.
  • 13. Wang MS, Huo YX, Li Y, Otecko NO, Su LY, Xu HB, Wu SF, Peng MS, Liu HQ, Zeng L, Irwin DM, Yao YG, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Comparative population genomics reveals genetic basis underlying body size of domestic chickens. J Mol Cell Biol. 2016, 8(6):542-552.
  • 14. Wang GD, Zhai WW, Yang HC, Wang L, Zhong L, Liu YH, Fan RX, Yin TT, Zhu CL, Poyarkov AD, Irwin DM, Hyt?nen MK, Hannes Lohi H, Wu CI, Savolainen P*, Zhang YP*. Out of southern East Asia: the natural history of domestic dogs across the world. Cell Research, 2016, 26:21-33.
  • 15. Wang MS, Li Y, Peng MS, Zhong L, Wang ZJ, Li QY, Tu XL, Dong Y, Zhu CL, Wang L, Yang MM, Wu SF, Miao YW, Liu JP, Irwin DM, Wang W, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Genomic analyses reveal potential independent adaptation to high altitude in Tibetan chickens. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015, 32:1880-1889.
  • 16. Peng MS, Shi NN, Yao YG, Zhang YP*. Caveats about interpretation of ancient chicken mtDNAs from northern China. PNAS, 2015, 112:E1970-E1971.
  • 17. Peng MS, Fan L, Shi NN, Ning T, Yao YG, Murphy RW, Wang WZ*, Zhang YP*. DomeTree: a canonical toolkit for mitochondrial DNA analyses in domesticated animals. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2015, 15:1238-1242.
  • 18. Bai B, Zhao WM, Tang BX, Wang YQ, Wang L, Zhang Z, Yang HC, Liu YH, Zhu JW, Irwin DM, Wang GD*, Zhang YP*. DoGSD: the dog and wolf genome SNP database. Nucleic Acids Research, 2015, 43:D777-D783.
  • 19. Liu HQ, Wei JK, Li B, Wang MS, Wu RQ, Rizak JD, Zhong L, Wang L, Xu FQ, Shen YY*, Hu XT*, Zhang YP*. Divergence of dim-light vision among bats (order: Chiroptera) as estimated by molecular and electrophysiological methods. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5.
  • 20. Shao Y, Li JX, Ge RL, Zhong L, Irwin DM, Murphy RW, Zhang YP*. Genetic adaptations of the plateau zokor in high-elevation burrows. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5.
  • 21. Zhou ZY, Li AM, Wang LG, Irwin DM, Liu YH, Xu D, Han XM, Wang L, Wu SF, Wang LX*, Xie HB*, Zhang YP*. DNA methylation signatures of long intergenic noncoding RNAs in porcine adipose and muscle tissues. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5.
  • 22. Ge RL, Cai QL, Shen YY, Murphy RW, Wang J, Zhang YP*, Wang J*. Draft genome sequence of the Tibetan antelope. Nature Communications, 2013, 4.
  • 23. He L, Wu WJ, Yang JK, Cheng H, Zuo XB, Lai W, Gao TW, Ma CL, Luo N, Huang JQ, Lu FY, Liu YQ, Huang YJ, Lu QJ, Zhang HL, Wang L, Wang WZ, Wang MM, Xiao SX, Sun Q, Li CY, Bai YP, Li H, Zhou ZC, Zhou FS, Chen G, Liang B, Qi J, Yang XY, Yang T, Zheng X, Sun LD, Zhang XJ, and Zhang YP*. Two new susceptibility loci 1q24.2 and 11p11.2 confer risk to severe acne. Nature Communications 2014, 5.
  • 24. Li Y, Wang GD, Wang MS, Irwin DM, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Domestication of the Dog from the Wolf Was Promoted by Enhanced Excitatory Synaptic Plasticity: A Hypothesis. Genome Biology and Evolution, 2014, 6:3115-3121.
  • 25. Li Y, vonHoldt BM, Reynolds A, Boyko AR, Wayne RK, Wu DD*, Zhang YP*. Artificial selection on brain-expressed genes during the domestication of dog. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2013,30(8):1867-76.
  • 26. Li Y, Wu DD, Boyko AR, Wang GD, Wu SF, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*. Population Variation Revealed High-Altitude Adaptation of Tibetan Mastiffs. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2014, 31(5):1200–1205.
  • 27. Liu J, Wang XP, Cho S, Lim BK, Irwin DM, Ryder OA, Zhang YP*, Yu L*. Evolutionary and Functional Novelty of Pancreatic Ribonuclease: a Study of Musteloidea (order Carnivora). Scientific Reports, 2014, 4.
  • 28. Luo J, Gao Y, Ma W, Bi XY, Wang SY, Wang J, Wang YQ, Chai J, Du R, Wu SF, Meyer A, Zan RG, Xiao H, Murphy RW, Zhang YP*. Tempo and mode of recurrent polyploidization in the Carassius auratus species complex (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Heredity, 2014, 112:415-427.
  • 29. Shi NN, Fan L, Yao YG, Peng MS*, Zhang YP*. Mitochondrial genomes of domestic animals need scrutiny. Molecular Ecology, 2014, 23:5393-5397.
  • 30. Wang GD, Xie HB, Peng MS, Irwin D, and Zhang YP*. Domestication Genomics: Evidence from Animals. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 2014,2:65-84.
  • 31. Wang GD, Zhai WW, Yang HC, Fan RX, Cao X, Zhong L, Wang L, Liu F, Gao Y, Lv XM, Irwin DM, Savolainen P, Wu CI*, Zhang YP*. The genomics of selection in dogs and the parallel evolution between dogs and humans. Nature Communications, 2013,4:1860.
  • 32. Zhou ZY, Li AM, Adeola AC, Liu YH, Irwin DM, Xie HB*, Zhang YP*. Genome-Wide Identification of Long Intergenic Noncoding RNA Genes and Their Potential Association with Domestication in Pigs. Genome Biology and Evolution, 2014, 6:1387-1392.
  • 33. Li JT, Li Y, Klaus S, Rao DQ, Hillis DM, Zhang YP*: Diversification of rhacophorid frogs provides evidence for accelerated faunal exchange between India and Eurasia during the Oligocene. PNAS, 2013, 110(9): 3441-3446.
  • 34. Murphy RW, Crawford AJ, Bauer AM, Che J, Donnellan SC, Fritz U, Haddad CFB, Nagy ZT, Poyarkov NA, Vences M, Wang WZ, Zhang YP*: Cold code: the global initiative to DNA barcode amphibians and nonavian reptiles. Molecular Ecology Resources 2013, 13(2): 161-167.
  • 35. Yan F, Zhou WW, Zhao HT, Yuan ZY, Wang YY, Jiang K, Jin JQ, Murphy RW, Che J*, Zhang YP*. Geological events play a larger role than Pleistocene climatic fluctuations in the genetic structure of the montane stream-dwelling frog Quasipaa boulengeri (Anura: Dicroglossidae) in southern China. Molecular Ecology 2013, 22: 1120–1133.
  • 36. Che J, Chen HM, Yang JX, Jin JQ, Jiang K, Yuan ZY, Murphy RW, Zhang YP*: Universal COI primers for DNA barcoding amphibians. Molecular Ecology Resources 2012, 12(2): 247-258.
  • 37. Chen R, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*: Differences in selection drive olfactory receptor genes in different directions in dogs and wolf. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2012, 29(11): 3475-3484.
  • 38. Ji LD, Qiu YQ, Xu J, Irwin DM, Tam SC, Tang NL, Zhang YP*: Genetic adaptation of the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway to oxygen pressure among Eurasian human populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2012, 29(11): 3359-3370.
  • 39. Jin W, Wu DD, Zhang X, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*: Positive selection on the gene RNASEL: correlation between patterns of evolution and function. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2012, 29(10): 3161-3168.
  • 40. Shen YY, Liang L, Li GS, Murphy RW, Zhang YP*: Parallel evolution of auditory genes for echolocation in bats and toothed whales. PloS Genetics 2012, 8(6): e1002788.
  • 41. Zhou WW, Wen Y, Fu JZ, Xu YB, Jin JQ, Ding L, Min MS, Che J, Zhang YP*: Speciation in the Ranachensinensis species complex and its relationship to the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Ecology 2012, 21(4): 960-973.
  • 42. Gao JJ, Pan XR, Hu J, Ma L, Wu JM, Shao YL, Barton SA, Woodruff RC, Zhang YP*, Fu YX: Highly variable recessive lethal or nearly lethal mutation rates during germ-line development of male Drosophila melanogaster. PNAS, 2011, 108(38): 15914-15919.
  • 43. Kong QP, Sun C, Wang HW, Zhao MA, Wang WZ, Zhong L, Hao XD, Pan H, Wang SY, Cheng YT, Zhu CL, Wu SF, Liu LN, Jin JQ, Yao YG, Zhang YP*: Large-scale mtDNA screening reveals a surprising matrilineal complexity in East Asia and its implications to the peopling of the region. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2011, 28(1): 513-522.
  • 44. Sun YB, Shen YY, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*: Evaluating the roles of energetic functional constraints on teleost mitochondrial-encoded protein evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2011, 28(1): 39-44.
  • 45. Wu DD, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*. De novo origin of human protein-coding genes. PloS Genetics 2011, 7(11): e1002379
  • 46. Yu L, Luan PT, Jin W, Ryder OA, Chemnick LG, Davis HA, Zhang YP*: Phylogenetic utility of nuclear introns in interfamilial relationships of Caniformia (Order Carnivora). Systematic Biology 2011, 60(2):175-187.
  • 47. Bawa KS, Koh LP, Lee TM, Liu JG, Ramakrishnan PS, Yu DW, Zhang YP, Raven PH: China, India, and the environment. Science 2010, 327(5972): 1457-1459.
  • 48. Che J, Zhou WW, Hu JS, Yan F, Papenfuss TJ, Wake DB, Zhang YP*: Spiny frogs (Paini) illuminate the history of the Himalayan region and Southeast Asia. PNAS, 2010, 107(31): 13765-13770.
  • 49. Peng MS, Quang HH, Dang KP, Trieu AV, Wang HW, Yao YG, Kong QP, Zhang YP*: Tracing the Austronesian footprint in Mainland Southeast Asia: a perspective from mitochondrial DNA. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010, 27(10):2417-2430.
  • 50. Shen YY, Liang L, Zhu ZH, Zhou WP, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*: Adaptive evolution of energy metabolism genes and the origin of flight in bats. PNAS,2010, 107(19): 8666-8671.
  • 51. Wu DD, Zhang YP*: Positive selection drives population differentiation in the skeletal genes in modern humans. Human Molecular Genetics 2010, 19(12): 2341-2346.
  • 52. Yu L, Jin W, Wang JX, Zhang X, Chen MM, Zhu ZH, Lee H, Lee M, Zhang YP*: Characterization of TRPC2, an essential genetic component of VNS chemoreception, provides insights into the evolution of pheromonal olfaction in secondary-adapted marine mammals. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010, 27(7): 1467-1477.
  • 53. Yu L, Wang XY, Jin W, Luan PT, Ting N, Zhang YP*: Adaptive evolution of digestive RNASE1 genes in leaf-eating monkeys revisited: new insights from ten additional colobines. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2010, 27(1): 121-131.
  • 54. Zhang DR, Chen MY, Murphy RW, Che J, Pang JF, Hu JS, Luo J, Wu SJ, Ye H, Zhang YP*: Genealogy and palaeodrainage basins in Yunnan Province: phylogeography of the Yunnan spiny frog, Nanorana yunnanensis (Dicroglossidae). Molecular Ecology 2010, 19(16): 3406-3420.
  • 55. Zhong L, Zhang YP, Fu WP, Dai LM, Sun C, Wang YQ: The Relationship between GSTP1 I105V polymorphism and COPD: a reappraisal. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2010, 181(7): 763-765
  • 56. Pang JF, Kluetsch C, Zou XJ, Zhang AB, Luo LY, Angleby H, Ardalan A, Ekstrom C, Skollermo A, Lundeberg J,Matsumura S, Leitner T, Zhang YP*, Savolainen P: mtDNA data indicate a single origin for dogs South of Yangtze River, less than 16,300 years ago, from numerous wolves. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2009, 26(12): 2849-2864.
  • 57. Shen YY, Shi P, Sun YB, Zhang YP*: Relaxation of selective constraints on avian mitochondrial DNA following the degeneration of flight ability. Genome Research 2009, 19(10): 1760-1765.
  • 58. Wu DD, Wang GD, Irwin DM, Zhang YP*. A profound role for the expansion of trypsin-like serine protease family in the evolution of hematophagy in mosquito. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2009, 26(10): 2333-2341.
  • 59. Zhao M, Kong QP, Wang HW, Peng MS, Xie XD, Wang WZ, Jiayang, Duan JG, Cai MC, Zhao SN, Cidanpingcuo, Tu YQ, Wu SF, Yao YG, Bandelt HJ, Zhang YP*: Mitochondrial genome evidence reveals successful Late Paleolithic settlement on the Tibetan Plateau. PNAS,2009, 106(50): 21230-21235.


  1. [1]中國科學院
  2. [2] 張亞平 研究員;中國科學院院士
