夯實 |
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中文名稱;夯實 外文名稱;Compaction 本義;加固,打牢基礎 讀音;hāng shí 性質;漢語詞語 注音;ㄏㄤ ㄕㄧˊ |
夯實是一個漢語詞語,讀音為hāng shí 。釋義為加固,引申意義為打牢基礎,多用於建築行業。利用重物使其反覆自由墜落,對地基或填築土石料進行夯擊,以提高其密實度的施工作業。
[1][tamp;pun] 搗實,利用重物使其反覆自由墜落 對地基或填築土石料進行夯擊,以提高其密實度的施工作業。[1]
夯實( compacter), 此釋義來源於 網絡辭典。
[建] compaction
香港建造業常用英文詞彙一 ...compacted concrete 壓實混凝土 compaction 壓實; 夯實compaction pile 壓實樁 ...
[推薦3][名詞委審定]漢英公路科技名詞(1997)共有 0 條回復件 ...焊接鋼橋||welded steel bridge 夯實|| tamping 航空攝影測量||aerial photogrametry ..
分層夯實 tamping in layers; superficial compaction; compaction in layers; superficial compaction WESTBANK
夯實混凝土 rammed concrete
夯實道床 ballast ramming; ballast consolidating
泥土夯實 soilcompaction
夯實基礎 Lay A Solid Foundation ; Solid Foundation;The Hang Solid Foundation ;Steady Base
夯實的 compacted
回填夯實 Backfill tamper
夯實係數 coefficient of compaction
夯實樁 compacting pile
其次,要 夯實銀行資本和資金。
Second , stabilise bank capital and funding .
加強人民調解工作, 夯實維穩 第一道防線。
To strengthen the people's mediation work , lay a solid foundation for the first line of defensive wen .
他們在 夯實泥土。
They are ramming earth down .
他為自己 夯實了經濟基礎,也積累了人生的經驗。
He solidified the economic base for themselves , but also the accumulation of life experience .
整壩體的一半以上是由 夯實的細粒物料構成的堤壩。
An embankment dam in which more than the half of the total volume is formed of compacted fine grained material .
過去的學習和經歷 夯實了我的計算機理論和實踐知識。
Experience of the past to lay a solid foundation of learning and my knowledge of computer theory and practice .
從而在物質基礎上進一步 夯實了民族團結、社會和諧的基礎。
In order to further strengthen the material basis for national unity and social harmony .
在壓路機不能達到的路槽和檢查井邊緣,採用蛙式打夯機 夯實。
Depressed trough , manhole edges and other places where the roller can not reach shall be compacted with frog rammer.
炮台建築採用黃泥、石灰、細砂拌和,逐層填築 夯實,非常堅固。
Fort building is Wong , lime , fine sand mixing , layer by layer filling compaction , very strong .
Thanks to sound monetary policies , inflation worldwide had stayed low in recent years .
今天,你們的畢業為你 夯實了進入國內最好的法律行政機構工作的基礎。
Your graduation today solidifies your acceptance into one of the finest law enforcement agencies in our nation .
中西部和 東北地區加快開放開發,積極 承接產業轉移,發展基礎不斷 夯實;
We have opened up and developed faster in central-west and north -east areas , changing the industries continuously and actively and going on making a solid foundation for development .
通過加大投入、 夯實基礎、創新機制、優化服務,推進了社區建設的新發展。
Through increased investment , solid foundation for innovative mechanisms , to better our services and to promote community building in the new development .
全區文化基礎設施建設不斷 夯實,文化網絡基本形成,各項文化事業繁榮發展。
Culture in the region continue to strengthen infrastructure construction , culture network has basically taken shape , the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings .
四年的生物化學課程讓我得到了現代的實驗技術訓練並 夯實了生化專業知識基礎。
Biochemistry courses for four years I have been training in modern experimental techniques and lay a solid foundation for the biochemical basis of professional knowledge .
一般來說,城堡是巨大的建築物,需要打下 夯實的地基和使用如石頭般堅固的材料。
Castles are usually enormous structures requiring strong foundations and the use of heavy construction materials such as stone .
城牆內部由泥土 夯實,外部全部磚砌,城牆上以磚石輔就,上面可以並行兩輛馬車。
Walls from the soil to lay a solid foundation of internal and external all brick , masonry walls up to Des on the top , can be two parallel carriage .
良好的生態環境、豐富的礦產資源、深厚的文化底蘊,為 安澤工農業發展 夯實了先天基礎。
A good ecological environment , rich in mineral resources , rich cultural , industrial and agricultural development for Anze solid foundation for the birth .
五是加快推進人事制度改革與隊伍建設,為順利推進國土資源管理各項工作 夯實人才基礎。
Fifth , it is accelerating the reform of personnel system and team -building , land and resources management for the smooth progress of the work reinforce the personnel base .
高考所具有的公平意蘊、複雜功能與重大影響 夯實和力證了其存在的社會"立基"與合理性。
The equity connotation , complex functions and huge influence the College Entrance Examination demonstrates show its rationality of existence .
小型、超小型號的自動打樁錘可以打護坡樁、公路鐵路護欄樁、還可以用其衝擊破路和 夯實各類基礎。
Small , ultra-small models can play Piles of automatic hammer , highway , rail barrier pile , Impact also can be used to consolidate all types of roads and infrastructure .
作為一家家族企業,我們以長遠的戰略目標, 夯實的財政制度和身處全球53個國家員工的傑出表現為指導方針。
As a family company , we are guided by our long-term orientation , financial solidity and the excellence of our people in 53 countries around the globe .
扼要闡述了彈性元件的特性及在振動 夯實機械中的應用,較詳細地介紹了彈性元件的設計方法及計算機輔助設計。
The characteristic of elastic element which is applied in vibration tamping mechanism is briefly stated , and the designing method of elastic element , as well as CAD is introduced .
試驗研究表明,水泥摻入比、初始含水量和 夯實功對 夯實水泥黃土的抗剪強度、壓縮性和微觀結構有着重要的影響。
The results indicate that cement mixing ratio , water content and comparative effort have important influence on shear strength , compressibility and microstructure of the compacted cement -loess .
我認為,現在是一個很好的時機來 夯實基礎、來向大家表示:'沒錯,我們應該提出一種不同的模式,我們應該就我們所提供的內容得到合理的報酬。
I think the time is right for someone to put a stake in the ground and say : 'Yes , we should come up with a different model and we should get paid fair compensation for the content that we deliver .
中國共產黨作為一個 執政黨,要想達到長時間推行自己的社會理想和政治主張的目的, 夯實自己的 執政基礎,鞏固自己的 執政地位,就必須降低其執政成本。
As a ruling party , in order to push its social ideals and political opinions , tamp its ruling base , and consolidate its ruling position , the CPC has to reduce its ruling cost .
本研究亦以遲滯模式探討土壤水份入滲 曲線受到孔隙率變化之影響,而於定流量入滲數值模擬中發現,孔隙率因 夯實而越低時,上邊界附近對應之含水比越高,濕鋒深度則越淺。
In the infiltration simulation , while the porosity becomes smaller due to compaction , higher water content appears near the top boundary , and the wetting front depth decreases with the porosity .
- ↑ 夯實穩產保供基礎全力確保肉產品質量 , 快資訊 2022-04-13