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拼 音:yē xiāng lán

学 名:Cymbidium

atropurpureum (Lindl.) Rolfe


亚 界:绿色植物亚界

总 门:轮藻总门


亚 门:木贼亚门(维管植物亚门)


亚 纲:百合亚纲

超 目:天门冬超目





椰香兰(yé xiāng lán,学名 Cymbidium atropurpureum (Lindl.) Rolfe:T. K. Yen,异名:Cymbidium finlaysonianum var. atropurpureum Cymbidium pendulum var. purpureum Cymbidium atropurpureum var. olivaceum Cymbidium pendulum var. atropurpureum),兰科兰属植物,产于海南省[1]


Cymbidium pendulum (Roxburgh) Swartz var. atropurpureum Lindley, Gard. Chron. 1854: 287. 1854; C. atropurpureum var. olivaceum J. J. Smith; C. finlaysonianum Wallich ex Lindley var. atropurpureum (Lindley) Veitch; C. pendulum var. purpureum W. Watson.

Plants epiphytic or rarely lithophytic, autotrophic. Pseudobulb ovoid, often weakly inflated, bilaterally flattened, to 10 × 6 cm, enclosed in persistent leaf bases and ca. 4 scarious cataphylls. Leaves usually 7-9, arching, ligulate, to 50-90(-125) × 1.5-4 cm, leathery, rigid, articulate to a broadly sheathing base to 15-20 cm, apex obtuse and unequally bilobed; shortest leaves reduced to cataphylls with an abscission zone near apex and a short blade. Inflorescence arising from within cataphylls, arching or pendulous, 28-75 cm; peduncle 5-16 cm, covered basally by 6-8 overlapping, cymbiform, acute, spreading sheaths to 7 cm; rachis pendulous, pale green, often flushed with purple, 20-55 cm, (7-)10-33-flowered; floral bracts triangular, 1-4 mm. Flowers usually coconut-scented, 3.5-4.5 cm in diam.; pedicel and ovary 15-26 mm, pale green, often flushed with purple; sepals deep maroon to dull yellow-green, strongly stained maroon; lip white, becoming yellow with age, lateral lobes stained maroon-purple, mid-lobe yellow in front of callus ridges and with maroon blotches; callus ridges bright yellow toward apex, stained maroon below; column deep maroon, sometimes paler at apex, anther cap white or pale yellow. Dorsal sepal spreading, suberect, narrowly ligulate-elliptic, 28-33 × 7-10 mm, margin revolute, apex obtuse; lateral sepals pendulous, similar, falcate, oblique. Petals weakly porrect, narrowly elliptic, 25-30 × 7.5-11 mm, margins sometimes revolute, apex obtuse or subacute; lip 21-25 × 13-15 mm when flattened, not fused to basal margins of column, 3-lobed, usually broadest across mid-lobe; lateral lobes erect, much shorter than column, apices obtuse and appearing truncate; mid-lobe weakly recurved, broadly ovate to rhombic, 11-13 × 13-14 mm, margin entire, apex obtuse to emarginate; disk minutely papillose to minutely pubescent (hairs longest on tips of lateral lobes), with a callus of 2 sigmoid raised ridges rounded and confluent at their apices and merging gradually with base of mid-lobe. Column arcuate, 16-18 × ca. 3.5 mm, winged; pollinia 2, triangular, 2-2.5 mm, deeply cleft, borne on a broadly triangular viscidium, tapering to acuminate apices. Fl. Mar-May.[2]


Forks of forest trees, occasionally on rocks, evergreen and riverine forests; sea level to 1200 m. Hainan [Indonesia (Borneo, Java, Sumatra), Malaysia, Philippines, S Thailand, S Vietnam].[3]


Cymbidium atropurpureum may be a naturalized species in China. The present authors have seen no Chinese specimens in any herbarium; nor have they seen any living plants in the wild, although one of us (Cribb) has seen a photograph by Gloria Siu of a wild plant of C. atropurpureum in Hainan. The species was misidentified as C. bicolor subsp. obtusum (a synonym of C. mannii in the present treatment) in S. Y. Ding and J. M. Yin (Ill. Wild Orchids Hainan Island, 36. 2005).Cymbidium atropurpureum may be a naturalized species in China. The present authors have seen no Chinese specimens in any herbarium; nor have they seen any living plants in the wild, although one of us (Cribb) has seen a photograph by Gloria Siu of a wild plant of C. atropurpureum in Hainan. The species was misidentified as C. bicolor subsp. obtusum (a synonym of C. mannii in the present treatment) in S. Y. Ding and J. M. Yin (Ill. Wild Orchids Hainan Island, 36. 2005).


兰花一般生长在深山幽谷的山腰谷壁,透水和保水性良好的倾斜山坡或石隙,稀疏的山草旁,次生杂木林阴下。或有遮阴,日照时间短或只有星散漏光的地方。空气湿度大且空气能流通的地方,有时也生于山溪边峭壁之上。 兰花宜种植于空气流通的环境。性喜阴,忌阳光直射,喜湿润,忌干燥,15℃至30℃最宜生长。35℃以上生长不良。5℃以下的严寒会影响其生长力,这时,兰花常处于休眠状态。如气温太高加上阳光曝晒则一两天内即出现叶子灼伤或枯焦。如气温太低又没及时转移进屋里,则会出现冻伤的现象。 兰花是肉质根,适合采用富含腐殖质的砂质壤土,排水性能必须良好,应选用腐叶土或含腐殖质较多的山土。微酸性的松土或含铁质的土壤,pH值以5.5-6.5为宜。 [4]













  1. 椰香兰, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. 椰香兰 Cymbidium atropurpureum 椰香兰(yé xiāng lán)PPBCCVHColDuocetCFHeFlorasEOLTPLIPNIBHLPOWOGBIFiDigBioBingBaiduCymbidium atropurpureum异名: Cymbidium finlaysonianum var. atropurpureum...
  3. FOC >> Vol.25 (2009) >> Orchidaceae >> Cymbidium
  4. Eulophia bicallosa .orchidspecies[引用日期2014-12-16
  5. 国兰——植物文化和栽培繁殖 .山西文水县—生态保护[引用日期2014-12-29