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中国科学院动物研究所:中国科学院动物研究所(Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences)的前身是1928年成立的静生生物调查所、1929年成立的北平研究院动物学研究所和1930年成立的中央研究院动物研究所;1950年,成立了中国科学院昆虫研究室和动物标本整理委员会;1962年,成立动物研究所。










1. Yu, X.-D., T.-T. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2007. Distribution of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) across a forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern China. Environmental Entomology, 36: 348-355. (SCI 1.237)

2. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2006. Effects of larch plantation regeneration on carabid assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Southwestern China. Forest Ecology and Management 231: 169-177. (SCI)

3. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2006. Habitat associations and seasonal activity of Carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Beijing, North China. Entomologica Fennica 17:174-183. (SCI)

4. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2006. Distribution of ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera) across a forest-clearcut ecotone in Wolong Natural Reserve, sourthwestern. Insect Science 13(2): 127-136 (SCI. E)

5. Zhou, H.-Z., X.-D.Yu and T.-H. Luo. 2005. Discovery of subfamily Necrophilinae (Coleoptera: Agyrtidae) in China and description of a new species of Necrophilus Latreille. Coleopterist Bullitin 59(1): 62-69. (SCI)

6. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo, Q. Dai , Y.-M. Wu and H.-Z. Zhou. 2005. A large-scale pattern in species diversity of reptiles in the Yangtze River Basin. Biodiversity Science, 13 (4): 298-314. (于晓东,罗天宏戴强伍玉明周红章. 2005. 长江流域爬行动物物种多样性大尺度格局研究. 生物多样性,13 (4): 298-314.)

7. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2005. Large-scale patterns in species diversity of fishes in the Yangtze River Basin. Biodiversity Science, 13(6): 473-495. (于晓东,罗天宏,周红章.2005.长江流域鱼类物种多样性大尺度格局研究.生物多样性,13(6): 473-495.)

8. Luo, T.-H., H.-Z. Zhou, X.-D. Yu, J.-J. Tan, Coleoptera, Eumolpidae, in Yang, X.-K.(ed.) Insect Fauna of Middle-West Qingling Range and South Mountains of Gansu Province. p.429-438. (罗天宏,周红章,于晓东,谭娟杰. 2005. 鞘翅目:肖叶甲科. 见杨星科主编:秦岭西段及甘南地区昆虫. 北京,科学出版社, 第429-438页).

9. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2004. Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages of native forests and non-native plantations in Northern China. Entomologica Fennica. 15: 129-137. (SCI)

10. Yu, X.-D., T.-H. Luo and H.-Z. Zhou. 2004.Species Diversity of Litter-layer Beetles in Four Forest Types in Eastern Hengduan Mountain Region. Zoological Research, 25(1): 7-14.(于晓东,罗天宏,周红章. 2004. 横断山区东部四种林型地表甲虫的物种多样性. 动物学研究. 25(1): 7-14.)

11. Luo, T.-H., H.-Z. Zhou, X.-D. Yu, Coleoptera, Histeridae, in Yang, X.-K.(ed.) Insects from Mt. Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi. p.302-303. (罗天宏,周红章,于晓东. 2004. 鞘翅目:阎甲科. 见 杨星科 主编:广西十万大山地区昆虫. 北京, 中国林业出版社. 第302-303页).

12. Luo, T.-H., H.-Z. Zhou, X.-D. Yu, J.-J. Tan, Coleoptera, Eumolpidae, in Yang, X.-K.(ed.) Insects from Mt. Shiwandashan Area of Guangxi. p.356-364.(罗天宏,周红章,于晓东,谭娟杰. 2004. 鞘翅目:肖叶甲科. 见 杨星科 主编:广西十万大山地区昆虫. 北京,中国林业出版社. 第356-364页).[2]
