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排泄器官是將機體新陳代謝過程中產生的終產物排出體外的器官。 [1]由於動物進化水平不同和適應多變環境的結果,排泄器官一般可分為下列5類:①原生動物的伸縮泡。②昆蟲的馬爾皮基氏小管。③甲殼動物的觸角腺。④無脊椎動物的腎器官,包括原腎管、後腎管和腎管。⑤脊椎動物的腎臟。[2]
前腎的位置靠近體腔的前段,由許多排泄小管(腎小管renal tubules)組成。小管的一端開口於體腔,開口處膨大成漏斗狀,其上着生纖毛,這就是腎口,可以直接從體腔內收集代謝廢物。在腎口附近還有由血管叢形成的血管球,它們利用濾過血液的方式把血中的廢物排出送入排泄小管中。小管的另一端與一個總的管道相通。這個總管稱為前腎導管,其末端通到體外。
中腎是魚類和兩棲類成體階段執行排泄機能的器官,位於前腎的後方。排泄小管的腎口已顯出退化,有些小管的腎口甚至完全退化,不能直接與體腔相通。靠近腎口附近的排泄小管外凸成為小支,小支末端膨大內陷成為雙層的囊狀結構,叫做腎球囊(包曼氏囊),把血管球包入其中,共同形成腎小體(malpighian body)。腎小體和它的排泄小管一起組成一個泌尿機能的基本構造,特稱為腎單位(nephron)。
排泄作用是指生物體將代謝廢物排出體外的作用,是所有生物生存的必要過程。單細胞生物透過細胞表面排出廢物。高級植物以葉面上的氣孔排氣。多細胞生物則有特別的排泄器官。其中有參與排泄作用的器官(其他系統的一部分),也可歸類到排泄系統(Excretory system)的一部分。
英文翻譯:Invertebrates to rid the body of waste organs. The general sub-situations: (1) no special drainage devices. Such as coelenterate, etc. directly from the various cells, gas exchange and discharge of waste; echinoderms from the deformation of body cavity fluid cell collection metabolites across the skin gills escape in vitro. (2) contraction bubble. protozoa found in fresh water and porous animal production. (3) of the original kidney. found in Platyhelminthes, there are fake body cavity of animals and part of animals and molluscs larvae. the basic structure for the 1 on the longitudinal excretory duct and the number of lines, ranging from flame cell flame cell hollow, containing a bundle of cilia continue to swing to the collection of waste sent to the excretory duct, excretory pore from the exhaust. But the line of insects is only one original cell-derived renal tubular or H-shaped cells, nonciliated cells, excretory duct cells of pipes for. (4) after the kidney-type. found in annelid and molluscs. the basic structure, including openings in the body cavity of the 1 on one or more pairs of glandular organs, metabolic wastes discharged by the kidneys Kong. annelid post-renal tube (ectodermal origin) and the mesoderm may be the source of the body cavity tube synthesis of the common ducts and excretory pore. Some species can also be the original kidney tube and body cavity catheter synthesis. some crustacean similar excretion of renal tube device, saying antennary gland. (5) Malpighian tubules. found in terrestrial arthropods. Malpighian tubules was filamentous, from two to hundreds of Article immersed in the blood. Malpighian tubules of the wall is only one layer of cells, the end of the blind side, other side of the pass into the gastro-intestinal, metabolic wastes excreted by the anus.