肉托竹柏 |
中文名:肉托竹柏 拉丁學名:Nageia wallichiana 科:羅漢松科 分布區域:中國雲南 |
肉托竹柏(ròu tuō zhú bǎi,學名 Nageia wallichiana (C. Presl) Kuntze,俗名:大葉羅漢松、大葉竹柏,異名:Podocarpus wallichianus Podocarpus latifolius Podocarpus blumei Nageia blumei Decussocarpus wallichianus Podocarpus agathifolius Nageia latifolia ),常綠喬木。樹皮褐色,常淺裂成條片狀。葉無中脈,有多數並行細脈,基部寬楔形,漸窄成柄狀,卵形或披針狀卵形,先端尾狀漸尖,兩面均有氣孔線。種托肥厚而肉質,種子腋生,成熟時種托綠色,種了紫紅色。生長於海拔400-800米溝谷雨林中。產於雲南南部西雙版納地區。 [1]
肉托竹柏 喬木,樹皮淺裂成條片狀。葉對生或近對生,厚革質,披針狀卵形或卵形,無主脈,有多數並列細脈,長9-14厘米,寬2.5-4.5厘米,上部漸窄,先端尾狀漸尖;
Podocarpus wallichiana Presl, Bot. Bemerk. 110. 1844; Pilger in Engler Pflanzenr. 18 Heft, 4(5): 59. 1903, et in Engler u. Prantl, Pflanzenfam. ed. 2. 13: 245. f. 134 A. 1926; Dallimore and Jackson, Handb. Conif. 58. 1923, ed. 3. 85. 1948, rev. Harrison, Handb. Conif. and Grnkgo. ed. 4. 554. 1966; Hickel in Lec. Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5: 1068. 1931; 陳嶸, 中國樹木分類學 14: 1937, 不包括廣東的植物; 郝景盛, 中國裸子植物志, 再版 22. 圖6. 1951, 不包括台灣、廣東的植物; 鄭萬鈞等, 植物分類學報 13(4): 76. 1975. ——Nageia wallichiana Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 800. 1891. ——Podocarpus latifolia auct. non. R. Br. : Wall. Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 26. t. 30. 1830.
Podocarpus wallichianus C. Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5, 3: 540. 1846; Decussocarpus wallichianus (C. Presl) de Laubenfels; Nageia blumei (Endlicher) Gordon; Podocarpus blumei Endlicher; P. latifolius Blume (1827) and Wallich (1830), not (Thunberg) R. Brown ex Mirbel (1825).
Trees to 50 m tall; trunk to at least 1 m d.b.h.; bark smooth, dark brown or gray-brown, tan or brown within, peeling in large, irregular flakes. Leaves decussate, 2-ranked, turned so that those on 1 side of branch have adaxial surface uppermost, those on the other side abaxial surface uppermost; petiole 5-10 mm;
blade dark green adaxially, paler or grayish green abaxially, elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic, (6-)9-14 × (2-)3-5 cm in adult leaves, or to 23 × 7 cm in juvenile leaves, thick and leathery, stomatal lines present on both surfaces, base cuneate to attenuate, apex acuminate.
Bracts of pollen- and seed-cone peduncles deciduous. Pollen cones axillary, in clusters of (1-)3-5 (-7) on peduncle 0.2-1 cm, 1 cone terminal, others decussate, cylindric, 0.8-1.8 cm × 4-5 mm; microsporophylls lanceolate, 2-3 mm.
Seed-bearing structures axillary, solitary or rarely paired; peduncle (0.5-)1.2-1.7(-2) cm. Receptacle of 4-7 sterile scales and 1 or 2 fertile, subterminal scales, green initially, blackish when ripe, very succulent. Epimatium bluish purple or purplish red when ripe. Seed globose, 1.5-1.8 cm in diam., with small, proximal beak.
Evergreen subtropical forests on hillsides. S Yunnan (Xishuangbanna Daizu Zizhizhou) [Bangladesh, Cambodia, NE and SE India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam][2]
肉托竹柏 產於雲南南部西雙版納地區。越南、緬甸、印度也有分布。 [3]
- ↑ 肉托竹柏, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- ↑ 肉托竹柏Nageia wallichiana_花卉圖片網 2013年7月15日 中文名(Chinese Name):肉托竹柏 學名(Scientific Name):Nageia wallichiana (Presl) O. Kuntze 英文名(English Common Name): 別名(Chinese Common Na...
- ↑ 肉托竹柏 - 園林百科 - 造價通百科 常綠喬木。樹皮褐色,常淺裂成條片狀。葉無中脈,有多數並行細脈,基部寬楔形,漸窄成柄狀,卵形或披針狀卵形,先端尾狀漸尖,兩面均有氣孔線。種托肥厚而肉質,...
- ↑ 熟悉卻不熟悉學名的生物---肉托竹柏之羅漢松科,竹柏屬 2條回復 - 發帖時間: 2014年9月4日 別名:肉托竹柏 送TA禮物 回復 舉報|1樓2014-09-04 08:38 2013紫花地丁 吧主 13 喬木,樹皮淺裂成條片狀。葉對生或近對生,厚革質,披針狀卵形或卵...