聖殿堂 (布里斯托)檢視原始碼討論檢視歷史
聖殿堂 |
聖殿堂(Temple Church)又名聖十字堂(Holy Cross Church)是英格蘭布里斯托爾的一處教堂廢墟,位於雷德克利夫區(Redcliffe)。
此處原為 聖殿騎士團的教堂,於12世紀在格洛斯特伯爵羅伯特的土地上建造。1313年,在聖殿騎士團被取締後,醫院騎士團獲得了教堂。到14世紀早期,該堂又作為堂區教堂。從這時起,開始重建教堂,到1460年完成。最後建造的是西側的斜塔。1540年英國解散修道院時,醫院騎士團失去財產。1544年,教堂被布里斯托爾市議會收購[1]。
該堂在二戰中遭到轟炸,大部分被毀。現已列為 II* 級登錄建築[3][4]。
- ↑ Brown, Stewart. Excavations at Temple Church, Bristol: a report on the excavations by Andrew Saunders, 1960. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. 2008, 126: 113–29.
- ↑ Hannah More: the first Victorian. E. and H. Hosford, Printers. 2003 [31 December 2007]. ISBN 9780199274888.
Mrs. Easterbrook was probably the recently widowed mother of the Revd Joseph Easterbrook, vicar of the Temple church in Bristol and one of the most prominent clergymen in the city. In June 1788 he had been controversially involved in an incident which a tailor named George Lukins, from the Mendip village of Yatton, had claimed to be possessed by demons. He and six 'Wesleyan' ministers performed an exorcism in front of a great crowd in the Temple church, after which Lukins was described as calm, happy, and thankful for his deliverance.
- ↑ Template:NHLE
- ↑ Temple Church. historicengland.org.uk. English Heritage. [28 July 2006]. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-27).