

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

來自 孔夫子網 的圖片

秒懂經濟法》(英文版),出版社: 清華大學出版社,ISBN:9787302602347。











Consumer Law

Story 1 How To Sue Seller In Court?

Story 2 What To Do If Spammed By Calls?

Story 3 What If Courier Loses Package?

Story 4 When Can You Receive Three-Fold Compensation?

Story 5 What If You Buy Defective Cosmetics?

Story 6 What If Beauty Salon Disappears?

Food Safety Law

Story 1 When Can You Get Refund On Food?

Story 2 What If You Get Sick Eating Take-Away Food?

Story 3 How To Get 10 Times Compensation?

Story 4 What To Look For In Candy For Children?

Story 5 What If Your Child Drinks Poisoned Milk?

Story 6 Are Dietary Supplements Illegal?

Story 7 Can Steroids Be Put In Protein Shakes?

Product Quality Law

Story 1 What If You Get Hurt Eating Shellfish?

Story 2 Is Seller Responsible For Faulty Products?

Story 3 Can You Claim If Warranty Has Expired?

Story 4 How To Sue Seller?

Social Insurance Law

Story 1 Do Expats Pay For Social Insurance?

Story 2 When Can I Get My Pension?

Story 3 How To Use Medical Insurance To Pay For Hospital Bills?

Story 4 Is An Injury From A Company-Organised Entertainment Event A Workplace Injury?

Story 5 What Rights Do Women Have For Having Children?

Story 6 Do I Have To Pay Housing Provident Fund Even If I Do Not Want To Buy A House?

Labour Law

Story 1 How To Apply For Work Documents In China?

Story 2 Do You Have The Correct Labour Contract?

Story 3 What If You Are Being Discriminated At Work?

Story 4 How Long Should Probation Be?

Story 5 Can Boss Penalize You For Leaving Company?

Story 6 How Much Overtime Is Illegal?

Story 7 What Is An Open-Ended Labour Contract?

Story 8 How To Sue Your Boss?

Story 9 May Boss Stop You From Leaving Company?

Story 10 Are You Being Fired Illegally?

Story 11 Can You Get A Part-Time Job?

Story 12 What If Your Employee Is A Fraud?

Story 13 What Kind Of Compensation To Expect When Leaving Job?

Story 14 Can You Be Fired For Office Romance?

Story 15 Any Penalty To Leave Company?

Story 16 Is Changing Titles Illegal?

Story 17 Do You Get Paid While Pregnant?

Environmental Law

Story 1 Who Pays For Environmental Pollution?

Story 2 Can Streetlights Be Switched On Anytime?

Story 3 Who Is Responsible For Pollution Damages?

Story 4 Who Should Be Held Accountable For Joint Pollution?

Competition Law

Story 1 Is Entry Fee Privately Paid Commercial Bribery?

Story 2 Is Copying Other Brands Illegal?

Story 3 Can You Hire People To Queue Up?

Story 4 How To Protect Your Recipe?

Story 5 Are Competitors Free To Say Whatever They Want?

Story 6 Is Promotional Lottery Illegal?

Story 7 Is Buying Reviews Illegal?



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