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沈永明 ,男,大連理工大學長江學者特聘教授 ,畢業於成都科技大學(現四川大學),博士; [1]




國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者




79年08月~83年08月 成都科技大學(現四川大學)水利工程系 本科生

85年08月~88年08月 成都科技大學(現四川大學)水利工程系 碩士生

88年08月~91年06月 成都科技大學(現四川大學)高速水力學國家重點實驗室 博士生

91年06月~93年06月 大連理工大學海岸和近海工程國家重點實驗室 博士後


83年08月~85年08月 水電部天津勘測設計院 助理工程師

93年06月~96年06月 大連理工大學海岸和近海工程國家重點實驗室 副教授

96年06月~現在 大連理工大學海岸和近海工程國家重點實驗室 教授

98年10月~現在 大連理工大學海岸和近海工程國家重點實驗室 博士生導師

01年01月~02年12月 大連理工大學特聘教授

02年12月~現在 教育部"獎勵計劃"特聘教授


93年06月~94年08月 英國HR Wallingford Senior Visiting Scholar

95年03月~95年09月 香港大學機械工程系 Research Associate

95年09月~96年12月 美國Portland州立大學土木工程系 Research Associate

98年11月~99年11月 日本九州大學土木工程系 Visiting Professor

01年07月~01年10月 香港大學機械工程系 Senior Research Associate

02年07月~02年10月 香港大學機械工程系 Senior Research Associate











[1]Y.M.Shen, Y.H.Zheng, T.Komatsu, et al, A Three-dimensional Numerical Model of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality in Hakata Bay, 《Ocean Engineering》(Pergamon), 2002, 29(4): 461-473.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[2]Y.M.Shen, C.O.Ng and A.T.Chwang, A Two-fluid Model of Turbulent Two-phase Flow for Simulating Turbulent Stratified Flows, 《Ocean Engineering》(Pergamon), 2003, 30(2): 153-161.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[3]Y.M.Shen, C.O.Ng and H.Q.Ni, 3D Numerical modeling of non-isotropic turbulent buoyant helicoidal flow and heat transfer in a curved open channel, 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》(Pergamon), 2003, 46(11): 2087-2093.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[4]Y.M.Shen, C.O.Ng and Y.H.Zheng, Simulation of Wave Propagation over a Submerged Bar using the VOF Method with a Two-equation k-ε Turbulence Modeling, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2004, 31(1): 87-95.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[5]S.D.Wang, Y.M.Shen and Y.H.Zheng, Two-dimensional numerical simulation for transport and fate of oil spills in seas, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2005, 32 (13):1556-1571.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[6]S.D.Wang, Y.M.Shen, Y.K.Guo, et al, Three-dimensional numerical simulation for transport of oil spills in seas, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2008, 35 (5-6): 503-510. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[7]Y.M.Shen, Y.K.Guo, Y.H.Zheng, et al, Three-dimensional numerical simulation of nonisotropic thermal density flow in a strongly curved open channel, 《Applied Mathematical Modelling》(Elsevier), 2008, 32(10):1956-1964.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[8]Y.M.Shen, J.Tang, W.R.Huang, Numerical simulation of long-shore currents induced by regular breaking wave. 《Journal of Coastal Research》, 2008, SI 52: 215-222.

[9]J.H.Wang, Y.M.Shen, Modeling oil spills transportation in seas based on unstructured grid, finite-volume, wave-ocean model, 《Ocean Modelling》(Elsevier), 2010, 35(4): 332-344. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[10]Y.M.Shen, W.Q.Zhao and H.Q.Ni, The Two-Fluid Model of Turbulent Buoyant Recirculating Two-Phase Flow, 《Science in China》, A輯, 1993, 36(9): 1129-1139.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[11]Y.M.Shen, Y.H.Zheng and C.-O.Ng, Interaction of oblique waves with an array of long horizontal circular cylinders,《Science in China》, Series E, 2007, 50(4): 490-509. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[12]Y.M.Shen, C.Liu, A Three-dimensional k-ε-kp Model in Curvilinear Coordinates for Sediment Movement and Bed Evolution,《Science in China》, Series E, 2009, 52(4): 1090-1100. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[13]C.Liu, Y.M.Shen, A three-dimensional solid-liquid two-phase turbulence model with the effect of vegetation in non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinates,《Science in China》, Series G, 2009, 52(7): 1062-1073. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[14]J.H.Wang,Y.M.Shen, Development of an integrated model system to simulate transport and fate of oil spills in seas,《Science in China》, Series E, 2010, 53(9): 2423-2434. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[15]J.H.Wang,Y.M.Shen, Development and validation of a three-dimensional, wave-current coupled model on unstructured meshes, 《Science in China》, Series G, 2011,54(1): 42–58.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[16]Y.M. Shen, J.H. Wang, B.H. Zheng, et al., Modeling study of residence time and water age in Dahuofang Reservoir in China, 《Science in China》, Series G, 2011,54(1):127-142.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[17]J.H.Wang, Y.M.Shen, H.Zhen, et al., Three-dimensional numerical modelling of water quality in Dahuofang Reservoir in China,《Science in China》, Series G, 2011, 54 (7): 1328-1341. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[18]沈永明, 劉誠, 彎曲河床中底沙運動和河床變形的三維k-ε-kp兩相湍流模型,《中國科學》, E輯, 2008, 38 (7): 1118-1130.

[19]沈永明, 劉誠, 曲線坐標系下考慮植被影響的k-ε-Ap固液兩相雙流體湍流模型, 《中國科學》, G輯, 2009, 39 (6): 854-864.

[20]王金華,沈永明,適用於複雜地形海域的溢油模擬系統,《中國科學》,E輯,2010, 40(11): 1367-1377.

[21]沈永明, 鄭永紅, 吳修廣, 近岸海域污染物遷移轉化的三維水質動力學模型,《自然科學進展》, 2004, 14(6): 694-699.

[22]沈永明, 鄭永紅, 吳朝安, 斜向波與任意多個長水平圓柱的相互作用,《中國科學》, E輯, 2007,37(1):107-126.

[23]J.H.Wang, Y.M.Shen, Seasonal circulation and influence factors of the Bohai Sea: a numerical study based on Lagrangian particle tracking method, 《Ocean Dynamics》(Springer), 2010, 60(6): 1581-1596. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[24]J.Tang, Y.M.Shen, Y.H.Zheng, et al, An Efficient and flexible Computational Model for Solving the Mild Slope Equation,《Coastal Engineering》(Elsevier), 2004, 51(2): 143-154.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[25]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen, X.G.Wu, et al, Determination of Wave Energy Dissipation Factor and Numerical Simulation of Wave Height in the Surf Zone, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2004, 31(8-9): 1083-1092.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[26]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen,Y.G.You, et al, On the Radiation and Diffraction of Water Waves by a Rectangular Structure with a Sidewall, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2004, 31(17-18): 2087-2104.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[27]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen, Y.G.You, et al, Hydrodynamic properties of two vertical truncated cylinders in waves, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2005, 32 (3-4): 241-271.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[28]Y.M.Shen, Y.H.Zheng and Y.G.You, On the radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by a rectangular structure over a sill. Part I. infinite domain of finite water depth,《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2005, 32 (8-9):1073-1097.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[29]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen, Y.G.You, et al, Wave radiation by a floating rectangular structure in oblique Seas, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2006, 33 (1): 59-81.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[30]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen, Y.G.You, et al, Scattering of linear water waves by a fixed and infinitely long rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall in oblique seas, 《Journal of waterway, port and coastal engineering》, ASCE, 2006, 132(2):106-113.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[31]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen, J.Tang, Radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long submerged rectangular structure parallel to a vertical wall, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2007, 34 (1): 69-82.(已被SCI和EI收錄)

[32]Y.H.Zheng, Y.M.Shen, C.O. Ng, Effective boundary element method for the interaction of oblique waves with long prismatic structures in water of finite depth, 《Ocean Engineering》(Elsevier), 2008, 35 (5-6): 494-502. (已被SCI和EI收錄)

[33]J.Tang, Y.M.Shen, L.Cui, Modeling near-shore currents induced by irregular breaking wave. 《Journal of Coastal Research》, 2008, SI 52: 245-252. (已被SCI收錄)

[34]C.Liu and Y.M.Shen, A three dimensional k-ε-Ap model for water-sediment movement, 《International Journal of Sediment Research》, 2010, 25(1):17-27. (已被SCI收錄)

[35]佟飛飛, 沈永明, 崔雷, 基於曲線坐標系下緩坡方程模擬近岸波浪及波生流, 《中國科學》, G輯, 2011,41(2):161-169.

[36]劉誠, 沈永明,梁燕, 圍油欄前壓力垂直結構對油水界面穩定性的影響,《中國科學》, G輯, 2011,41(2):170-177.

[37]王金華,沈永明等,基於拉格朗日粒子追蹤的渤海冬季與夏季環流及影響因素,《水利學報》,2011, 42(5): 544-553. (EI收錄)

[38]鄭永紅, 沈永明, 邱大洪, 結合拋物型緩坡方程計算波浪輻射應力, 《海洋學報》, 2000, 22(6): 110-116.

[39]吳修廣, 沈永明, 鄭永紅等, 非正交曲線坐標下二維水流計算的SIMPLEC算法, 《水利學報》, 2003, (2): 25-30.(已被EI收錄)

[40]J.H.Wang, Y.M.Shen, On the development and verification of a parametric parallel unstructured-grid finite-volume wind wave model for coupling with ocean circulation models, 國際《Environmental Modelling & Software》(Elsevier),2012,37:179-192. (已被SCI和EI收錄)










  1. 沈永明 ,大連理工大學網
  2. 沈永明 ,跨考研招網