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國家"千人計劃"引進人才,現為天津大學教授。1986年畢業於美國加州大學伯克利分校,獲電機與計算機工程博士學位。美國 Cornell 大學終身教授,Cornell 大學電氣與計算機工程系博導、數學系博導。曾獲美國總統青年研究人才獎(1989)、康奈爾大學傑出教育獎(1990)、電力系統傑出工作團隊獎(1996),1997年被選為IEEE Fellow,2006年當選長江學者特聘教授。曾擔任期刊《IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems》及《International Journal of Electric Power Components &Systems》副主編。江曉東教授共發表論文300餘篇,在國際權威期刊IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems及IEEE Trans. on Power Systems發表論文100餘篇,被他引10680餘次,h指數51, h10指數141 ,其中兩篇文章位列IEEE引用率最高的12篇文章,獲美國專利10項。

國籍 中國
職業 天津大學教授




Direct Methods for Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems.


L. Jaewook, H.D. Chiang, "A dynamical trajectory-based methodology for systematically computing multiple optimal solutions of general nonlinear programming problems" IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, v 49, n 6, June, 2004, pp. 888-899

H.D. Chiang, "Power System Stability" (Invited Encyclopedia Chapter) Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, March, 1999.

H.D. Chiang, "Direct Stability Analysis of Large Electric Power Systems Using Energy Functions: Foundation, Method, and Applications", EPRI Report, TR-109763, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA, 1998.

H.D. Chiang, C.S. Wang and A.J. Flueck, "Look-ahead Voltage and Load Margin Contingency Selection Functions for Large-Scale Power Systems", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan. 1997, pp. 173-180.

Hsiao-Dong Chiang and Chia-Chi Chu, "A Systematic Search Method for Obtaining Multiple Local Optimal Solutions of Nonlinear Programming Problems", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems: I Fundamental Theory and Applications, Vol. 43, No. 2, Feb. 1996,pp. 99-109.

Chiang, H. D. 1995. The BCU method for direct stability analysis of electric power systems: Theory and applications. In System and Control Theory in Power Systems, in press. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Chiang, H. D., A. J. Fluck, K. S. Shah, and N. Balu. 1995. CPFLOW: A practical tool for tracing power system steady-state stationary behavior due to load and generation variations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems in press.

H.D. Chiang, C.C. Chu and Jerry Cauley, "Direct Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems Using Energy Functions: Theory, Applications and Perspective, (Invited paper) Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 83, No. 11, November, 1995, pp. 1497-1529.

H.D. Chiang, "The BCU Method for Direct Stability Analysis of Electric Power Systems: Theory and Applications", IMA series, Volume 64, Systems and Control Theory for Power Systems, Springer Verlag, 1995, pp. 39 - 94.

H.D. Chiang, T.P. Conneen and A.J. Flueck, "Bifurcations and Chaos in Electric Power Systems: Numerical Studies", (invited paper) Journal of Franklin Institute, Vol. 331B, No. 6, November 1994, pp. 1001-1036.

Chiang, H. D. 1991. A decoupled load flow method for distribution power networks: Algorithm, analysis, and convergence study. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 13(3):130-38.

Chiang, H. D. 1991. Analytical results on direct methods for power system transient stability analysis. In Advances in electric power and energy conversion systems dynamics and control, vol. 43, part 3, pp. 275-334. Advances in Control and Dynamic Systems, vol. 40. New York: Academic Press.

Chiang, H. D., and J. S. Thorp. 1989. Stability regions of nonlinear dynamical systems: A constructive methodology. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 34:1229-41.

Dobson, I. and H.D. Chiang. 1989. Towards a theory of voltage collapse in electric power systems. Systems and Control Letters 253-262.

Chiang, H. D., M. Hirsch, and F. F. Wu. 1988. Stability regions of nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 33:16-27.


