2007年畢業於北京林業大學心理學系,獲理學學士學位;2010年畢業於北京林業大學應用心理學專業,獲教育學碩士學位;2015年畢業於日本前橋工科大學,並於2016年獲工學博士學位;2015年-2016年在日本群馬大學從事博士後研究工作,後在在前橋工科大學任助理研究員,並在北京工業大學未來網絡高精尖創新中心任海外特聘兼職研究人員。2019年7月來校任教 。
主要研究領域為認知神經科學、腦信息學(Brain Informatics)、兒童青少年發展心理學和特殊兒童心理學。主講課程包括「認知心理學」、「大學生心理健康教育」、「社會心理學」等;作為團隊成員參與國家級一流本科課程「心理諮詢與治療」;擔任多家國內外學術期刊審稿人。
Yang Y, Zhang X, Peng Y, Bai J, Lei X*. A dynamic causal model on self-regulation of aversive emotion, Brain informatics 7 (1): 20, 2020. DOI:10.1186/s40708-020-00122-0 Bai J, Mo K, Peng Y, Hao W, Qu Y, Lei X and Yang Y*. The Relationship Between the Use of Mobile Social Media and Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Effect of Boredom Proneness, Front. Psychol 11:568492, 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568492 (通訊作者) Kuai H*, Zhang X*, Yang Y*, Chen J, Shi B, and Zhong N. THINKING-LOOP: The semantic vector driven closed-loop model for brain computing, IEEE Access 2020. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2963070 (共同一作)Yang Y, Zhong N, Friston K, Imamura K, et al.
The functional architectures of addition and subtraction: Network discovery using fMRI and DCM, Human Brain Mapping 38 (6): 3210-3225, 2017. Li H, Zhou H, Yang Y, Wang H, Zhong N, More randomized and resilient in the topological properties of functional brain networks in patients with major depressive disorder, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 44: 274-278, 2017. Yang Y, Zhong N, et al. Task and resting-state fMRI reveal altered salience responses to positive stimuli in patients with major depressive disorder, PLoS ONE 11 (5): e0155092, 2016. Yang Y, Feng L, et al. Alterations in emotional and salience responses to positive stimuli in major depressive disorder, Springer LNAI 9919, 114-123, 2016.Yang Y, Hu C, et al. Morphologic and functional connectivity alterations in patients with major depressive disorder, Springer LNAI 9250, 33-42, 2015. Yang Y, Emi T, et al. Shift of brain-state during recovery from discomfort induced by aversive pictures, Springer LNAI 8609, 45-56, 2014.Yang Y, Zhong N, et al.Common and dissociable neural substrates for 2-digit simple addition and subtraction, Springer LNAI 8211, 92-102, 2013.[1]