朱江 |
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國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 科研工作者
中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目"關鍵海域中尺度物理海洋過程的預報模式及關鍵技術研究"第3課題"關鍵海域中尺度物理海洋過程預報模式研究" (2008-2011, 課題負責人);
85. Zhang T., J. Zhu, X.. Yang , 2008: Non-stationary thermal time accumulation reduces the predictability of climate change effects on agricuture, Agr. Forest. Meteorol. Doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.04.007.
84. Zheng F., J. Zhu, 2008: Balanced Multivariate Model Error in the Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation for an Intermediate Coupled Model, JGR-Oceans. 113, C07002, doi:10.1029/2007JC004621.
83. Xie J.P., J. Zhu and L. Yan, 2008: Assessment and inter-comparison of five high resolution sea surface temperature products in the shelf and coastal seas around China, Continental Shelf Research, In press.
82. Lin C., J. Zhu and Z. Wang, 2008: Model biases correction using ensemble Kalman filter assimilation for dust storm prediction, JGR-Atmosphere, in press.
81. Zhang Tianyi, Zhu Jiang, Yang Xiaoguang, Zhang Xiaoyu 2008: Correlations changes between rice yield in the North and Northwest China and ENSO during the period of 1960–2004, Agr. Forest. Meteorol., doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.01.018
80. Wan L., J. Zhu, L. Bertino, and H. Wang, 2008: Initial Ensemble Generation and Validation for Ocean Data Assimilation using HYCOM in the Pacific. Ocean Dynamics, 58:81–99. DOI 10.1007/s10236-008-0133-x.
79. Xie J., and J. Zhu, 2008: Estimation of the Surface and Mid-Depth Currents from ARGO Floats and Error Analysis in Pacific. J. Marine System. in press.
78. 李興宇, 郭學良, 朱江,2008: 中國地區空中雲水資源氣候分布特徵及變化趨勢, 大氣科學, 已接受.
77. Wang R. W., J. Zhu, Z.D. Luo, M, I. Navon, 2008: An equation-free, reduced-order modeling approach to tropic Pacific simulation, Advances in Geosciences book series, World Scientific Publishing. In press.
76. 林彩燕,朱江,王自發, 2008: 沙塵輸送模式的不確定性分析. 大氣科學。已接受。
75. Luo Zhen-dong, Yun-kui Mao, Jiang Zhu, 2008: A Petrov-Galerkin least squares mixed mixed-element method for the stationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, in press.
74. Luo Zhen-dong, Yun-kui Mao, Jiang Zhu, 2008: Element method for the stationary, incompressible magnet- hydrodynamics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, in press.
73. 鄭飛,朱江,王慧, 2007: ENSO集合預報系統的檢驗評價, 氣候與環境研究,已接受。
72. Li Xingyu, Guo Xueliang Zhu Jiang, 2008: Climatic Features of Cloud Water Distribution and Cycle over China, AAS, in press.
71. Nie S., Y. Luo, and J. Zhu, 2008: Trends and scales of observed soil moisture variations in China. AAS. In press.
70. Lin C., Z. Wang, and J. Zhu, 2008: A data assimilation method of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for use in severe dust storm forecasts over China. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 8, 2975–2983.
69. Xinan Yue, Weixing Wan, Libo Liu, Fei Zheng, Jiuhou Lei, Biqiang Zhao, Guirong Xu, Shun-Rong Zhang, and Jiang Zhu, 2007: Data assimilation of incoherent scatter radar observation into a one-dimensional midlatitude ionospheric model by applying ensemble Kalman filter, Radio Science, Vol. 42, RS6006, doi:10.1029/2007RS003631.
68. Luo Zhen-dong, Rui-wen Wang and J. Zhu, 2007: Finite difference scheme based on proper orthogonal decomposition for the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equation. Science in China (A), 50(8), 1186-1196.
67. Luo, Z. D., J. Zhu, R.W. Wang, and I. M. Navon, 2007:Proper orthogonal decomposition approach and error estimation of mixed finite element methods for the tropical Pacific Ocean reduced gravity model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 196, 4184-4195.
66. 高山, 王凡, 李明悝, 陳永利, 閻長香, 朱江,2007: 中尺度渦的高度計資料同化模擬, 中國科學D, 37(12) 1669-1678。
65. Zheng F., J. Zhu, R. Zhang, 2007: The Impact of Altimetry Data on ENSO Ensemble Initializations and Predictions, GRL . VOL. 34, L13611, doi:10.1029/2007GL030451.
64. 肖賢俊, 王東曉, 閆長香,朱江,2007:南海三維變分海洋同化系統的驗證. 自然科學進展, 17(3), 353-361。
63. Yan C. X., J. Zhu, and G. Q. Zhou, 2007: Impacts of XBT, TAO, altimetry and ARGO observations on the tropic Pacific Ocean data assimilation, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 24(3), 383-398.
62. Luo Z, J. Chen, J. Zhu, R. Wang and I. M. Navon, 2007: An optimizing reduced order FDS for the tropical Pacific Ocean reduced gravity model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, DOI: 10.1002/fld.1452.
61. Cao Y., J. Zhu, I. M. Navon, and Z. D Luo, 2007: A reduced order approach to four-dimensional variational data assimilation using proper orthogonal decomposition. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. DOI:10.1002/fld.1365. 2007; 53:1571–1583.
60. Liu F., J. Zhu, F. Hu and E. Y. Wang, 2007: An optimal, weather condition dependent approach to decision-support of emission control of urban air pollution. Environmental Modeling and Software. 22(4), 548-557.
59. Cao, Y., J. Zhu, Z. D. Luo and I. M. Navon, 2006. Reduced Order Modeling of the Upper Tropical Pacific Ocean Model Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposion, Computer Mathematics with Applications. 52,1373-1386.
56. Luo Zhen-dong, Yun-kui Mao, Jiang Zhu, 2006: Nonlinear Galerkin mixed element method for the stationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 27(12):1697–1707.
55. 王自發 謝付瑩 王喜全 安俊嶺 朱江,2006: 嵌套網格空氣質量預報模式系統(NAQPMS)的發展與應用,大氣科學。30(5), 778-790.
54. 朱江,汪萍, 2006: 利用集合卡爾曼平滑和集合卡爾曼平滑濾波反演污染源, 大氣科學。30(5), 871-882.
53. Zheng F., J. Zhu, Zhang R. H., and G. Q. Zhou, 2006: Ensemble forecast of ENSO using an intermediate coupled model. GRL, 33, L19604, doi:10.1029/2006GL026994.
52.姜華,王輝,朱江,譚本馗,2006:北太平洋副熱帶環流的經向輸送與Sverdrup輸送關係研究,科學通報,51( 2 ).
Hua J. H. Wang, J. Zhu and B. K. Tan, 2006: Relationship between real meridional volume transport and Sverdrup transport in the North Subtropical Pacific, Chinese Science Bulletin,51(14), 1757-1760.
51. Zheng F., J. Zhu, R. H. Zhang, and G. Q. Zhou, 2006: Improved ENSO forecasts by assimilating sea surface temperature observations into an intermediate coupled model, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23, 615-624.
50. 朱江, 閆長香, 2005: 三維變分資料同化中的非線性平衡約束, 中國科學 (D), 2005年 35卷 12期, 1187-1192.
Zhu J., Yan C X., 2006: Nonlinear balance constraint in 3DVAR. Science in China (D), 49. 331-336.
49. 朱江 周廣慶 閆長香 符偉偉,游小寶,2006:一個三維變分海洋資料同化系統的設計和初步應用,中國科學。
Zhu J., G.. Q. Zhou, C. X. Yan and X. B. You, 2006, A three-dimensional variational ocean data assimilation system: Scheme and preliminary results,Science in China (D), 49(12),1212-1222.
48. 殷述廣,朱耀仲,鍾敏,閆昊明,朱江,2005:全球海水質量季節變化研究,大地測量與地球動力學,25( 4 ).
47. Xie J P., J. Zhu, L. Xu, G Q. Zhou, C X. Yan and P W. Guo, 2005: Evaluation of middle depth currents of NCEP reanalysis in Tropic Pacific using ARGO float position information. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.22 No.5, 677–684.
46. 劉峰,胡非,朱江,2005:用伴隨方法求解多個工業污染源優化布局問題,中國科學(D),35(1),
Liu F, Hu F and Zhu J. Adjoint method for optimum planning of industrial pollutant sources. Science in China (D), 2005, 48 (8): 1270~1279.
45. Fu, W. W., J. Zhu, G. Q. Zhou and H. J. Wang, 2005: A comparison study of tropic Pacific ocean state estimation: low-resolution assimilation vs. high resolution simulation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.,Vol.22 No.2, 212-219.
44. Han, G., J. Zhu and G. Zhou, 2004: Salinity estimation using T-S relation in the context of variational data assimilation. J. Geophys. Res., 109. doi:10.1029/2003JC001781.
43. Yan C. X., J. Zhu and G. Q. Zhou, 2004: The roles of vertical correlation of the background covariance and T-S relation in estimation temperature and salinity profiles from surface dynamic height. J. Geophys. Res. 109. doi:10.1029/2003JC002224.
42. Zhou, G.., W. Fu, and J. Zhu, 2004: The impact of location dependent correlation length scales of background covariance on an ocean data assimilation system. Geophy. Res. Letters. 31, L21306, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020579.
41. Mo Jiaqi, Lin Wantao and Zhu Jiang, 2004: Asymptotic behavior of singularly perturbed Robin problem for a class of strong nonlinear equations, Progress in Natural Science , 14(5), 578-560.
40. Luo Zhendong, Zhu Jiang, et al., 2004, Mixed finite element methods for shallow water equations including current and silt sedimentation (I): The Time case, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(1), 80-92.
39. Luo Zhendong, Zhu Jiang, et al , 2004, Mixed finite element methods for shallow water equations including current and silt sedimentation (II): The discrete-case alone characteristics, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 25(6),166-180.
38. 劉峰,胡非,朱江,張遠航,王鍔一,黃順祥,陳海平,2004:大氣污染優化控制理論的一些新進展,世界科技研究與發展,26(6).
37. 莫嘉琪,林萬濤,朱江,2004:海-氣振子ENSO模型的同倫解法,53(10).
36. 陳朝暉,朱江,徐興奎,2004:利用歸一化植被指數研究植被分類、面積估算和不確定性分析的進展,氣候與環境研究 ,9(4),
35. Mo,J., J. Zhu, H. Wang, 2003: Asymptotic behavior of the shock solution for a class of nonlinear equations. Progress in Natural Science, 13(10), 768-770.
34. Mo, J. Q, J. Zhu, 2003: The nonlinear nonlocal singular perturbed problems for reaction-diffusion equations. Applied Mathematics and Menchanics, 24(5), 527-531.
33. 羅振東,朱江,武禕潔,2003:測高資料同化問題的分組Gauss-Newton共軛梯度法及其數值模擬,中國科學(E),33(7),663-672。
Luo, Z. D., J. Zhu and Y. Wu, 2003: A decouple conjugate-gradient-Gauss-Newton iterative scheme for assimilating altimetry data, Science in China (E), 46(4), 373-380.
32. Zhu, J. and Q. Zeng, 2003: A mathematical formulation for optimal control of air pollution, Science in China (D), 46(10), 994-1002.
31. Luo, Z. D., Zhu, J., Xie. Z. H., and Zhang, G. F., 2003: Difference scheme and numerical simulation based on mixed finite element method for natural convection problem, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 24(9), 1100-1110.
30. 游小寶,周廣慶,朱江,李榮鳳,2003:中國及周邊海海溫資料同化系統,科學通報,48(增刊2)。
You X, G. Zhou, J. Zhu, R. Li and Q. Zeng, 2003: Sea Temperature Data Assimilation System for the China Sea and Adjacent Areas, Chinese Science Bulletin , 48 Supp.II.70-76.
29. Zhu J., M. Kamachi, and D. Wang, 2002: Estimation of air-sea heat flux from ocean measurements: an ill-posed problem. J. Geophy. Res., Vol.107, No. C10, 3159, doi: 10.1029/2001JC000995.
28. Zhu J., W. Hui, and Zhou G., 2002: SST data assimilation experiments using an adaptive variational method. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(23), 2010-2013.
27. Zhu, J., M. Kamachi, and W. Hui, 2002: The improvement made by a modified TLM in 4DVAR with a geophysical boundary layer model. Advances in Atmospheric Science, 19(4),563-582.
26. Zhu, J., M. Kamachi, and G. Zhou, 2002: Nonsmooth Optimization Approaches to VDA of Models with on/off Parameterizations: Theoretical Issues. Advances in Atmospheric Science, Vol. 19(3),405-424.
25. Luo, Z. D., and J. Zhu, 2002: A nonlinear Galerkin/Petrov-least squares mixed element method and a posterior error estimator for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol.23 (10),1194-1206.
24. Luo, Z. D., and J. Zhu, 2002: Convergence og simplified and stabilized mixed element formats based on bubble function for the Stokes problem. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol.23 (10), 1207-1214.
23. Luo, Z.D., J. Zhu, and H. J. Wang, 2002: A nonlinear Galerkin/Petrov-least squares mixed element method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol.23 (7), 783-793.
22. Han Zhiwei, Hu Fei, Zhang Meigen, Zhu Jiang, 2002:Model study of the effecat of soil NO emission surface ozone, ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA, 16(4),470-480.
21. Zhao S., X. Xiong, F. Hu., and J. Zhu., 2001: Rotating annulus experiment: Large-scale helical soliton in the atmosphere? Physical Review (E), Vol. 64, 056621.
20. Kamachi, M., Kuragano, T., Yoshioka, N., Zhu, J., and Uboldi, F., 2001: Ocean data assimilation of satellite altimetry and predictability in the western North Pacific, Advances in Atmospheric Science, 18(9),767-786.
19. Zhu, J. And M. Kamachi, 2000: The role of time-step size on numerical instablity of tangent linear models. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 1562-1572.
18. Zhu, J. And M. Kamachi, 2000: An adaptive variational method for data assimilation with imperfect models. Tellus, 52A, 265-279.
17. Wang D., G. Wu, J. Zhu, J. Lan, 2000: Analysis on observing optimization for the wind-driven circulation by an adjoint approach, Science in China (Series D), 43(3), 243-252.
16. Wang, B., Zou X., and Zhu J., 2000: Data assimilation and its applications, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 97, 11143-11144.
15. Zhu, J., Q. Zeng, D. Guo and Z. Liu, 1999: Optimal control of sedimentation in navigation channels. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 125, 750-759.
14. Xie Z., Z. Luo, Q. Zeng, J. Zhu, Y. Dai, B. Wang, X. Bi, Z. Lin, 1999: Numerical simulation of moisture content and flux for the unsaturated soil water flow problem. Progress in Natural Science, 9(9), 678-686.
13. 朱江,曾慶存,郭冬建,劉卓,1998:一個水動力泥沙數學模型的伴隨算子法敏感性分析,泥沙研究,第2期,89-96。
12. 朱江,曾慶存,郭冬建,劉卓,1997:利用伴隨算子法從岸邊潮位站資料估計近岸模式的開邊,中國科學(D),27(5),462-468。
Zhu, J., Q. Zeng, D. Guo and Z. Liu, 1998: Estimating open boundary conditions from coastal tidal observations by adjoint approach. Science in China (D), 41(3), 330-336.
11. Liu, Z., D. J. Guo, J. Zhu, and Q. C. Zeng, 1998: Preliminary research of numerical simulation sedimentation in the estuary of the Yangtze River (I)-Numerical generation of adaptive mesh and the computation of current , Progress in Nature Science, 8(4), 469-477.
10. 朱江,郭冬建,曾慶存,劉卓,1997:求解海洋環流定常解的直接積分法與伴隨法比較,海洋學報,19(4),10-14。
9. 王東曉,朱江,1997:伴隨方法在海洋數值模式中的應用,地球物理學進展,12(1),98-107。
8. 朱江,曾慶存,郭冬建,劉卓,1997:關於航道挖泥沙工程最優控制問題,中國科學(E),27(1),61-66。
Zhu, J., Q. Zeng, D. Guo and Z. Liu, 1997: Optimal control problems related to navigation channel engineering, Science in China (E), 41, 82-88.
7. 朱江,曾慶存,郭冬建,劉卓,1997:IAP正壓模式的伴隨模式和二階伴隨模式的構造,中國科學(E),27(3),277-283。
6. Zhu, J., 1996: Four-dimensional data quality control through the adjoint approach. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 10(1), 73-80.
5. Zeng, Q., D. Guo, Z. Liu and J. Zhu, 1996: Numerical modeling of silt sedimentation and relevant engineering problems. International Journal of Sediment Research, 11(1), 22-37.
4. 朱江,徐啟春等,1995:海溫數值預報資料同化試驗:Ⅰ.客觀分析的最優插值法試驗,海洋學報,17(6),9-20。
3. Zhu J., 1992: On weak cotype 2 and Orlicz property of Lorentz space d(a,1). Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 34, 271-276.
2. Zhu J., 1992: Some isotropic characterizations of ln, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 34, 117-121
1. Zhu, J., 1991: Some topics in Banach space theory, Ph.D thesis, Lancaster University.
2011年 8月1日上午,"2011年碳循環與氣候會議暨第三屆氣候和環境北京國際暑期學校"在北京隆重開幕。 會議與暑期學校由中國科學院大氣物理研究所、大氣科學和地球流體力學數值模擬國家重點實驗室(LASG)主辦,來自國內外高等院校和科研院所專家以及氣候與環境領域研究生、博士後和青年學者三百餘人參加會議。
- 移至 ↑ 中國科學院大氣物理研究所所長朱江研究員帶領專家組在上黃邊界大氣觀測站考察 ,美篇, 2018-07-24
- 移至 ↑ 朱江任中科院大氣物理研究所所長(圖/簡歷) ,人民網, 2014-06-12