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== 參考文獻 ==
== 參考文獻 ==
* {{cite book
| last = Adams
| first = Henry
| title = The Life of George Cabot Lodge
| url = https://archive.org/details/georgecabotlodge00liferich
| year = 1911
| publisher = Houghton Mifflin
| location = Boston and New York
| ref = harv
| isbn = 0-8201-1316-6
* Bailey, Thomas A. ''Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal'' (1945)
* {{cite video
| people = Brands, H. W.
| date = March 11, 2008
| title = Six Lessons for the Next President, Lesson 5: Leave Under a Cloud
| url = http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F5526E48C8772B73
| publisher = Hauenstein Center at Grand Valley
| accessdate = January 23, 2010
| ref = CITEREFBrands2008
| archive-date = 2021-02-10
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20210210043833/https://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F5526E48C8772B73
| dead-url = no
* {{cite book
| last = Donald
| first = Aida D.
| title = Lion in the White House: A Life of Theodore Roosevelt
| year = 2007
| publisher = Basic Books
* {{cite book
| last = [[John A. Garraty|Garraty]]
| first = John A.
| title = Henry Cabot Lodge: A Biography
| year = 1953
| publisher = Alfred A. Knopf
}} the standard scholarly biography
* Garraty, John A. "Lodge, Henry Cabot" [http://www.anb.org/articles/05/05-00442.html; ''American National Biography Online'' Feb. 2000.] Access: Jun 30 2014
* {{Cite journal
| last = Hewes
| first = James E. Jr.
| title = Henry Cabot Lodge and the League of Nations
| journal = Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
| volume = 114
| issue = 4
| pages = 245–255
| publisher = American Philosophical Society
| date = August 20, 1970
| ref = harv
* {{cite book
| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=fLYWAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover
| title = Treaty of peace with Germany: Speech of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge
| first = Henry Cabot
| last = Lodge
| date = August 12, 1919
| location = United States Senate, Washington, D. C.
| ref = harv
| access-date = 2016-10-17
| archive-date = 2021-02-10
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20210210043705/https://books.google.com/books?id=fLYWAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover
| dead-url = no
* {{cite book
| last = Rand
| first = John Clark
| title = One of a thousand: a series of biographical sketches of one thousand representative men resident in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, A.D. 1888–'89
| url = https://books.google.com/books?id=cT_jFlh_0vgC
| accessdate = 20 November 2009
| year = 1890
| publisher = First National Publishing
| ref = harv
| archive-date = 2021-02-10
| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20210210043707/https://books.google.com/books?id=cT_jFlh_0vgC
| dead-url = no
* {{cite book
| last = Schriftgiesser
| first = Karl
| title = The Gentleman from Massachusetts: Henry Cabot Lodge
| year = 1946
| publisher = Little, Brown and Company
}}, a hostile biography
* Thomas, Evan. ''The War Lovers: Roosevelt, Lodge, Hearst, and the Rush to Empire, 1898'' (Hachette Digital, 2010)
* Widenor, William C. ''Henry Cabot Lodge and the search for an American foreign policy'' (U. of California Press, 1983)
* {{cite book
| last = Zimmermann
| first = Warren
| title = First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power
| year = 2002
| publisher = Farrar, Straus and Giroux
| isbn = 0-374-17939-5
| ref = harv

於 2021年7月14日 (三) 18:44 的修訂



出生    1850年5月12日

逝世    1924年11月9日(74歲)

母校    哈佛大學

政黨    共和黨

知名於   歷史學家

曾擔任   聯邦參議員

亨利·卡伯特·洛奇英語:Henry Cabot Lodge,1850年5月12日-1924年11月9日),美國馬薩諸塞州聯邦參議員、歷史學家,共和黨黨員。


1872年從哈佛大學獲得歷史學博士學位。他是西奧多·羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)總統多年的朋友與心腹,擔任過首任參議院多數黨領袖(非官方)。洛奇以其外交立場而知名,尤其是1919年他與伍德羅·威爾遜(Woodrow Wilson)總統在凡爾賽條約上的爭執。1919年6月威爾遜在凡爾賽和約上簽字後,11月參議院否認了威爾遜總統的簽字決定。在之後參議院為重新通過凡爾賽條約所作的努力中,洛奇堅持要求保留國會的宣戰權,但威爾遜總統拒絕了洛奇為有保留地通過凡爾賽條約而提出的"保留議案」。最終參議院否決了凡爾賽和約,美國也沒有加入國際聯盟[1]

洛奇的孫子小亨利·卡伯特·洛奇後來亦為馬薩諸塞州聯邦參議員,並在1960年美國總統選舉中擔任共和黨副總統候選人。他的另一個孫子約翰·戴維斯·洛奇John Davis Lodge則曾任康涅狄格州州長以及聯邦眾議員。


Interview with Henry Cabot Lodge about Vietnam war (1979)

