小果野蕉 |
中文學名:小果野蕉 拉丁學名:Musa acuminata Colla 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:單子葉植物綱 亞 綱:姜亞綱 目:藤黃目 科:芭蕉科 屬:芭蕉屬 種:小果野蕉 分布區域:雲南東南部 至西部及廣西西部 是否引種栽培:非人工引種栽培 |
小果野蕉(xiǎo guǒ yě jiāo),學名 Musa acuminata Colla,俗名:尖葉蕉,異名:Musa chinensis ,為姜目、芭蕉科植物。產於中國雲南東南部至西部及廣西西部。國外印度北部、緬甸、泰國、越南、經馬來西亞至菲律賓也有分布。 [1]
Pseudostems green with black blotches, ca. 4.8 m. Leaf sheath and petiole pruinose; petiole ca. 80 cm, margin erect or spreading and basally with scarious wings; leaf blade adaxially green and pruinose, abaxially yellow-green and pruinose or not, oblong, 1.9--2.3 m × 50--70 cm, base cordate, asymmetric, midvein adaxially green, abaxially white-yellow. Inflorescence subhorizontal or vertically reflexed; peduncle usually downy or hairy.
Bracts bright red to dark violet, sometimes yellow at extreme apex, ovate, apex usually acute. Male flowers ca. 20 per bract, in 2 rows. Compound tepal white or cream, lemon yellow at apex, 3.5--4 cm, apex of outer lobes with a hooklike, hairy appendage; free tepal not more than 1/2 as long as compound tepal, apex emarginate, shortly apiculate. Infructescence ca. 1.2 m; peduncle to 70 × ca. 4 cm, white setose.
Berries incurved, green to yellow-green, 5-angled when young, cylindric at maturity, ca. 9 cm, white setose, base curved and attenuate into a stalk, apex contracted into a rostrum 6--10 mm. Seeds numerous in wild plants but absent in cultivated clones, brown, depressed, 5--6 mm in diam., irregularly angled. 2 n = 22, 33.
Shaded and moist ravines, marshlands, semimarshlands, slopes, also cultivated; near sea level to 1200 m. Native in W Guangxi and Yunnan; cultivated in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, and Yunnan [India, Indonesia (Java), Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam].
Wild plants are diploid (2 n = 22) and bear fruits containing numerous seeds making them inedible. Cultivated plants are triploid (2 n = 33) and bear seedless, edible fruits; such plants have been called M. acuminata 『Dwarf Cavendish』 ( M. cavendishii Lambert ex Paxton; M. chinensis Sweet; M. nana Loureiro).
《中國植物志》 第16(2)卷 (1981) >> 009頁 PDF >> 小果野蕉 Musa acuminata 2.小果野蕉(雲南)阿加蕉(雲南景頗語);木桂根雷(雲南傣語)
Musa acuminata Colla, Men. Gen. Musa 66. 1820; Cheesm. in Kew Bull. 1948: 17. 1948.
生長於海拔1,000米至1,200米的地區,多生長於沼澤、半沼澤、陰濕的溝谷或坡地 上,尚未由人工引種栽培。