

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋
Secret Intelligence Service

簡稱   軍情六處

成立日期 1909年

總部   英國倫敦蘭貝斯區沃克斯豪爾

人員   3,200(fy 2012–13)

年度預算 £2.3億(fy 2010–11

隸屬部長 傑里米·亨特英國外交部

網站   軍情六處

英國秘密情報局英語:Secret Intelligence Service縮寫SIS),通稱「軍情六處」(英文Military Intelligence, Section 6,縮寫:MI6),是英國對外的情報機構,於1909年成立,負責在海外進行間諜工作。自1569年伊麗莎白一世時期英國國務大臣弗朗西斯·沃爾辛厄姆爵士創建「英國保密局」後,曾幾度變更其機構形式,直到1912年由曼斯菲爾德·卡明海軍准將組建成現在這樣的機構。







恩斯特·西弗德語Ernst Schäfer (Zoologe)西藏亞東縣拍攝]]



  1. 移至 Whitehead, Jennifer. MI6 to boost recruitment prospects with launch of first website. Brand Republic. 13 October 2005 [10 July 2010]. 
  2. 移至 Ian Cobain and Richard Norton-Taylor. Sins of colonialists lay concealed for decades in secret archive. The Guardian. 18 April 2012 [25 June 2012]. 
  3. 移至 Richard Tomlinson. The Big Breach: From Top Secret to Maximum Security. Mainstream Publishing. 2001. ISBN 1-903813-01-8. 


  • Aldrich, Richard J.(2006), The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence, London: John Murray ISBN 978-1-58567-274-5
  • Davies, Philip H.J.(2004). MI6 and the Machinery of Spying London: Frank Cass, ISBN 978-0-7146-8363-8(h/b)
  • Davies, Philip H.J.(2005)'The Machinery of Spying Breaks Down' in Studies in Intelligence Summer 2005 Declassified Edition.
  • Dorril, Stephen (2001) MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations London: Fourth Estate, ISBN 978-1-85702-701-3
  • Humphreys, Rob (1999) London: The Rough Guide, Rough Guides, ISBN 978-1-85828-404-0
  • Jeffery, Keith (2010) MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909–1949 London: Bloomsbury, ISBN 978-0-7475-9183-2
  • Judd, Alan (1999) The quest for C : Sir Mansfield Cumming and the founding of the British Secret Service, London: HarperCollins, ISBN 978-0-00-255901-0
  • Seeger, Kirsten Olstrup (2008) 'Friendly Fire'(DK)ISBN 978-87-7799-193-6. A biography of the author's father who was a member of the Danish resistance during the Second World War.
  • Smith, Michael (2010) SIX: A History of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service Pt 1 Murder and Mayhem 1909–1939, London: Dialogue, ISBN 978-1-906447-00-7
  • Smiley, Colonel David (1994). Irregular Regular. Norwich: Editions Michael Russell. ISBN 978-0-85955-202-8. An autobiography of a British officer, honorary colonel of the Royal Horse Guards, David de Crespigny Smiley LVO, OBE, MC, who served in the Special Operations Executive during World War II(Albania, Thailand)and was a MI6 officer after war(Poland, Malta, Oman, Yemen). Translated in French by Thierry Le Breton, Au cœur de l』action clandestine. Des Commandos au MI6, L』Esprit du Livre Editions, France, 2008 ISBN 978-2-915960-27-3
  • Tomlinson, Richard; Nick Fielding (2001). The Big Breach: From Top Secret to Maximum Security. Mainstream Publishing ISBN 978-1-903813-01-0
  • Walton, Calder (2012). Empire of Secrets. London: Harperpress. ISBN 978-0-00-745796-0

