双蕊鼠尾粟 |
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中文名:双蕊鼠尾粟 拉丁学名:Sporobolus diander (Retz.) Beauv 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:单子叶植物纲 亚 纲:鸭跖草亚纲 目:禾本目 科:禾本科 亚 科:画眉草亚科 族:鼠尾粟族 亚 族:鼠尾粟亚族 属:鼠尾粟属 种:双蕊鼠尾粟 |
双蕊鼠尾粟(shuāng ruǐ shǔ wěi sù),学名 Sporobolus diandrus (Retzius) P. Beauvois,异名:Sporobolus diander Vilfa retzii Agrostis diandra Vilfa diandra Sporobolus indicus var. flaccidus Agrostis elongata var. flaccida ,属于粟禾本科鼠尾栗属,产四川(雅安)、云南(河口)、贵州(望膜县)、广西、广东、福建、台湾等省区;生于山坡、路旁草地中或海岸、田野上。分布自印度、缅甸、锡金、巴基斯坦延伸到印度尼西亚至澳大利亚等地。 [1]
多年生。须根较粗壮。 秆直立,丛生,高30-90厘米,基部径1-2毫米,光滑无毛。双蕊鼠尾粟 叶鞘质较硬,光滑无毛或边缘具极短的纤毛,除基部者外大都短于节间;
内稃较外稃略短;雄蕊常2稀3,花药黄色或带紫色,长约0.5毫米。 囊果倒卵圆形至长圆形,成熟后红棕色,长约1毫米,果皮遇潮湿易2裂。
花果期5-8月。 染色体2n=36(Avdulov),24(Larsen,1963b.)。
Agrostis diandra Retzius, Observ. Bot. 5: 19. 1788 ["1789"]; A. elongata var. flaccida Roth ex Roemer & Schultes; Sporobolus indicus var. flaccidus (Roth ex Roemer & Schultes) Veldkamp; Vilfa diandra (Retzius) Trinius; V. retzii Steudel, nom. illeg. superfl.Perennial.
Culms tufted, erect, 30–90 cm tall. Leaf sheaths glabrous but margin ciliate; leaf blades linear, usually involute, 5–30 × 0.2–0.3 cm, glabrous on both surfaces or adaxial surface distinctly pilose at base, tapering to a long filiform apex; ligule 0.2–0.3 mm. Panicle contracted or rather loose, 7–35 × 1.5–3.5 cm; branches 1.5–9 cm, ascending or obliquely spreading, loosely spiculate, often lower 1/3 bare.
Spikelets silvery grayish or yellowish green, 1.4–1.7 mm; lower glume oblong, ca. 0.5 mm, veinless, truncate or obtuse; upper glume oblong-ovate, 1/2–2/3 spikelet length, obscurely 1-veined, acute or obtuse-erose; lemma ovate-oblong, as long as spikelet, indistinctly 1 (–3)-veined, acute to obtuse. Anthers 2(–3), 0.5–0.8 mm. Grain obovate to oblong, 0.6–0.9 mm, apex truncate. Fl. and fr. May–Aug. 2n = 24.
Sporobolus diandrus and S. fertilis are elements of the polymorphic, pantropical species complex of S. indicus (Linnaeus) R. Brown. This complex includes a range of intergrading taxa encompassing chromosome numbers from 2n = 18 to 2n = 54. Due to the small differences between these taxa and the frequency of intermediates, they are sometimes regarded as varieties of a broadly defined S. indicus.
Sporobolus diandrus 和S. fertilis是S. indicus(林尼厄斯)R.棕色的多态,泛热带的种复合体的要素。 这复合体包括多种过渡性分类群(围绕染色体数目从2n = 18到2n = 54)。 由于在这些分类群和媒体的频率之间的小的差别,他们有时被认为是广义的S. indicus的变种。