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哈佛大學英语:Harvard University)為一所本部坐落於麻省; zh-tw:麻薩諸塞州; zh-cn:马萨诸塞州; zh-hk:麻省劍橋市私立研究型大學。其因歷史、學術影響力、財富等因素而獲評為世上最享負盛名的學府之一。[1][2][3][4][5]

哈佛於1636年由當地的殖民地立法機關立案成立,迄今為全美歷史最悠久的高等學府,並擁有北美最古老的校董委員會[6] 其最初稱之為「新學院」,該機構為了感謝一名年輕的牧師約翰·哈佛所作出的捐贈,而改名為「哈佛學院」。雖然從沒有與任何宗教派別有正式的聯繫,但早期的學院還是以培養公理會一位論派神職者為主要職責。可是自18世紀起,其課程與學生群體的宗教性質漸漸淡化,而19世紀的哈佛則進一步成為了波士頓精英Boston Brahmin的文化起源地[7][8]。美國南北戰爭後,當時的校長查爾斯·艾略特將哈佛各個學術機構綜合成了一所研究型大學,並增添了小班授課以及入學考試,而這些模式同時也影響了國家的中高等教育政策。此校亦為美洲大學協會14個原始成員之一[9],並在經濟大蕭條二次大戰後進一步修改了課程及收生政策。後與拉德克利夫學院合併成為了男女校。[9]

校方目前共有十所學院及一所高等研究院。這些單位偏佈鄰近各區:其本部位於劍橋的哈佛庭院Harvard Yard醫學、公共衛生及牙醫學院位於波士頓長木醫學區;而包括哈佛體育場在內的大學體育設施以及商學院則在奧爾斯頓Allston。哈佛同時擁有龐大的資產,每年所收到的捐款回贈數目長期位列全球教育機構之首。[10][11][12]

  1. (英文)Keller, Morton; Keller, Phyllis. Making Harvard Modern: The Rise of America's University. Oxford University Press. 2001: 463–481. ISBN 0-19-514457-0. Harvard's professional schools... won world prestige of a sort rarely seen among social institutions. (...) Harvard's age, wealth, quality, and prestige may well shield it from any conceivable vicissitudes. 
  2. (英文)Spaulding, Christina. Sexual Shakedown. (编) Trumpbour, John. How Harvard Rules: Reason in the Service of Empire. South End Press. 1989: 326–336. ISBN 0-89608-284-9. ... [Harvard's] tremendous institutional power and prestige (...) Within the nation's (arguably) most prestigious institution of higher learning ... 
  3. (英文)David Altaner. Harvard, MIT Ranked Most Prestigious Universities, Study Reports. Bloomberg. 2011-03-09 [2012-03-01]. 
  4. (英文)Collier's Encyclopedia. Macmillan Educational Co. 1986. Harvard University, one of the world's most prestigious institutions of higher learning, was founded in Massachusetts in 1636. 
  5. (英文)Newport, Frank. Harvard Number One University in Eyes of Public Stanford and Yale in second place. Gallup. 
  6. (英文)Rudolph, Frederick. The American College and University. University of Georgia Press. 1961: 3. ISBN 0-8203-1285-1. 
  7. (英文)Story, Ronald. Harvard and the Boston Brahmins: A Study in Institutional and Class Development, 1800–1865. Journal of Social History. 1975, 8 (3): 94–121. doi:10.1353/jsh/8.3.94. 
  8. (英文)Farrell, Betty G. Elite Families: Class and Power in Nineteenth-Century Boston. State University of New York Press. 1993. ISBN 0-7914-1593-7. 
  9. 9.0 9.1 (英文)Member Institutions and years of Admission. Association of American Universities. [2010-08-28]. 
  10. (英文)U.S. and Canadian Institutions Listed by Fiscal Year 2011 Endowment Market Value (PDF). National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund Institute. [2012-10-09]. [失效連結]
  11. (英文)U.S. and Canadian Institutions Listed by Fiscal Year 2012 Endowment Market Value (PDF). National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund Institute. [2013-06-29]. [失效連結]
  12. (英文)NACUBO Endowment Study: Institutions Listed by Fiscal Year 2006 Market Value of Endowment Assets with Percent Change (PDF). January 2007 [2013-06-29]. [失效連結]