柔弱潤楠 |
中文名:柔弱潤楠 拉丁學名:Machilus gracillima Chun 界:植物界 科:樟科 屬:潤楠屬 種:柔弱潤楠 |
柔弱潤楠(róu ruò rùn nán,學名 Machilus gracillima Chun,異名:Persea gracillima ),小喬木,高4米,胸徑達10厘米,性狀柔弱,多葉,全體無毛。小枝纖細。果序萎縮,單獨腋生;果近球形,未十分成熟時長13毫米,宿存花被裂片開展,倒披針形,近相等,長5毫米,寬1.2毫米,紙質,淺黃色;果梗短於葉柄,長5毫米,上部略腫脹。 [1]
柔弱潤楠 小喬木,高4米,胸徑達10厘米,性狀柔弱,多葉,全體無毛。小枝纖細。
Machilus gracillima Chun in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 2: 171, t. 35. 1953.——Persea gracillima (Chun) Kosterm. in Reinwardtia 6: 192. 1962.
Persea gracillima (Chun) Kostermans.
Small trees, to 4 m tall; trunk to 10 cm d.b.h., glabrous throughout. Branchlets slender. Petiole 10-12 mm; leaf blade abaxially grayish brown and glaucous, adaxially grayish green, oblong, somewhat rhombic, 10-11 × 2.5-3.5 cm, thinly leathery, midrib slender, abaxially elevated, adaxially concave, lateral veins 10-12 pairs, together with reticulate veinlets slender on both surfaces but distinctly visible by lens, base cuneate, apex caudate-acuminate.
Flowers unknown. Infructescences very short, solitary in leaf axil. Fruit subglobose, ca. 1.3 cm in diam. (immature); persistent perianth lobes yellowish, patent, oblanceolate, subequal, ca. 5 × 1.2 mm, papery; fruiting pedicel shorter than petiole, ca. 5 mm, upper parts slightly thickened.
● Dense broad-leaved forests. N Guangxi.
This is a very rare species apparently known only from the type gathering.This is a very rare species apparently known only from the type gathering.
主要生長於闊葉混交密林中。 [3]
- ↑ 柔弱潤楠, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- ↑ 柔弱潤楠長這樣_好看視頻 - 秒懂百科 視頻時長 00:50 2019年8月30日 - 原來柔弱潤楠長這樣,本視頻由秒懂百科原創提供,0次播放,有0人點讚,0人對此視頻發表評論,好看視頻是由百度團隊打...
- ↑ 柔弱潤楠 Machilus gracillima 13.柔弱潤楠 Machilus gracillima Chun in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 2: 171, t. 35. 1953.——Persea gracillima (Chun) Kosterm. in Reinwardtia 6: 192...
- ↑ 《中國植物志》 第31卷 (1982) >> 026頁 PDF >> 柔弱潤楠 Machilus gracillima