

事實揭露 揭密真相
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所屬專輯:What If It Matters - (如果有一件事是重要的)


i always seems so certain

it's doesn't take a talent

(to) waste my time on you

but can i have your moment

driving down the road

you smile but it's over

i wondered just what happened

it's right around the corner

i longed to return home in the silence

din of traffic played a lonely tune

i try to catch my breath when your love fled

the emptiness still keep you close

closer still

i always seems so certain

it's doesn't take a talent

(to) blur your eyes a little

we are so alike but different

driving down the road

i smile because it's over

ain't gonna happen

(to) be my chosen lover

i longed to return home in the silence

din if traffic lpayed a lonely tune

i try to catch my breath when your love fled

the emptiness still keep you close

closer still

i longed to return home in the silence

din of traffic played a lonely tune

i try to catch my breath when your love fled

knowing that i'm not the one

i always seems so certain

i don't have that talent

(to) stay with you forever

now it is the final moment

driving down the road

thing's are better than ever

you are impossible

impossible to tell

left unsaid

better left unsaid


陳珊妮(英文:Sandee Chan,1970年-),為中國台灣知名女歌手、製作人、詞曲創作者,同時也是作家畫家攝影師[1]

2005年台灣金曲獎,陳珊妮憑其獨立創作專輯《後來我們都哭了》,獲最佳專輯製作人獎,同時《後來我們都哭了》獲得當年金曲獎最佳國語流行音樂專輯。2009年6月27日,第20屆台灣金曲獎,陳珊妮憑藉其在專輯《如果有一件事是重要的》里的精彩演繹,獲得最佳國語女歌手。陳珊妮還獲得過第10屆華語音樂傳媒大獎,世紀十年卓越女歌手。2012年4月8日,陳珊妮獲得第十二屆音樂風雲榜年度盛典最佳唱作人。2013年陳珊妮發行了全新專輯《低調人生》,並且來到上海舉辦了個人Live。2018年1月,獲2017年流行音樂年度盛典年度最佳創作女歌手。2020年7月15日,憑藉《恐怖谷》獲第31屆金曲獎最佳音樂錄影帶獎提名、憑藉《成為一個厲害的普通人》獲最佳作詞人獎提名、憑藉《Juvenile A》獲最佳專輯製作人獎提名。



