

前往: 導覽搜尋


增加 52,335 位元組, 4 年前
创建页面,内容为“ 截至2011年,美国有4599所有授予学位资格的高等学校,其中四年制的2870所,两年制的1729所。当中著名的高校以私立居…”


== 关于美国的大学认证 ==

美国有两个层次的认证机构。一个是6大地区性认证(Regional Accreditation)机构。另一个是全国性认证(National Accreditation)机构的认证,全美共有47个全国性认证机构。

美国有六个区域认证机构,它们主要功能在评估教育单位,包括公立和私立大学和学院及其他相关学校. 这六个机构是:
:Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools<br />
:New England Association of Schools and Colleges<br />
:North Central Association of Colleges and Schools<br />
:Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges<br />
:Southern Association of Colleges and Schools<br />
:Western Association of Schools and Colleges<br />

全美认证机构:<br />
:Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET)<br />
:Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS)<br />
:Distance Education and Training Council (DETC)<br />
:Council for Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA)<br />

=== 中国大陆 ===
教育部通过教育部教育涉外监管信息网(www.jsj.edu.cn)和中国留学网(www.cscse.edu.cn)公布了43个中国公民主要留学国家1万多所学校名单,基本涵盖了中国公民主要留学目的地国的正规高等学校。所公布名单根据有关情况定期调整,目前为第三十九版,更新时间为2013年2月18日。请参见[https://web.archive.org/web/20130703040828/http://www.jsj.edu.cn/index.php/default/index/sort/12018#1 教育部公布的43个国家学校名单]


== [[阿拉巴马州]] Alabama ==
* [[亚拉巴马大学系统]]([[:en:University of Alabama System|University of Alabama System]])
** [[阿拉巴马大学]](University of Alabama)
** [[阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校]](The University of Alabama at Birmingham)
** [[阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校]]
* [[奥本大学]](Auburn University)
** [[奥本大学蒙哥马利分校]]([[:en:Auburn University Montgomery|Auburn University Montgomery]])
* [[特洛依大学]]([[特洛伊大学]]) called Troy State University pre-2005
** [[特洛依大学蒙哥马利分校]]([[:en:Troy University at Montgomery|Troy University at Montgomery]])
** [[特洛依大学多森分校]]([[特洛伊大学]])
** [[特洛依大学凤凰城分校]]([[特洛伊大学]])
* [[马里昂军事学院]]
* [[北亚拉巴马大学]]([[北阿拉巴马大学]])
* [[南亚拉巴马大学]]([[南阿拉巴马大学]])
* [[杰克森维尔州立大学]]([[杰克逊维尔州立大学]])
* [[蒙特瓦洛大学]]
* [[山佛大学]]([[:en:Samford University|Samford University]])
* [[伯罕南方学院]]([[:en:Birmingham-Southern College|Birmingham-Southern College]])
* [[温泉丘学院]]([[:en:Spring Hill College|Spring Hill College]])
* [[塔斯卡极大学]]([[塔斯基吉大学]])
* [[杭丁顿学院]]([[:en:Huntingdon College|Huntingdon College]])
* [[安德鲁杰克森大学]] ([[:en:Andrew Jackson University|Andrew Jackson University]])
* [[空军大学]]([[:en:Air Command and Staff College|Air Command and Staff College]])
* [[亚拉巴马农机大学]]([[:en:Alabama A&M University|Alabama A&M University]])
* [[亚拉巴马州立大学]]{{〈}}[[:en:Alabama State University|Alabama State University]])
* [[雅典州立大学]]([[:en:Athens State University|Athens State University]])
* [[南哥伦比亚大学]] ([[:en:Columbia Southern University|Columbia Southern University]])
* [[莎玛市康格迪亚学院]]([[:en:Selma University|Selma University]])
* [[佛克大学]]([[:en:Faulkner University|Faulkner University]])
* [[杰得森学院]]([[:en:Judson College (Alabama)|Judson College]])
* [[迈尔斯学院]]([[:en:Miles College|Miles College]])
* [[澳克伍德大学]]([[欧克伍德大学]])
* [[东南圣经学院]](Southeastern Bible College)
* [[南基督大学]](Southern Christian University)
* [[史迪尔门学院]]([[:en:Stillman College|Stillman College]])
* [[泰拉迪拉学院]]([[:en:Talladega College|Talladega College]])
* [[美国体育学院]]([[:en:United States Sports Academy|United States Sports Academy]])
* [[莫比尔大学]]([[:en:University of Mobile|University of Mobile]])
* [[西亚拉巴马大学]]([[西阿拉巴马大学]])

== [[阿拉斯加州]] Alaska ==
*[[阿拉斯加大学系统]] (University of Alaska System)位于美国阿拉斯加州,成立于1917年。阿拉斯加大学最大的校园位于[[安克雷奇]]。
**[[阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校|阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校]](University of Alaska Fairbanks)
**[[阿拉斯加大学安克雷奇分校]](University of Alaska Anchorage)
**[[阿拉斯加大学东南分校]](University of Alaska Southeast),位于朱诺市。

== [[亚利桑那州]] Arizona ==
* [[凤凰城大学]](University of Phoenix)
* [[西方国际大学]](Western International University)
* [[大峡谷大学]](Grand Canyon University)
* [[德外尔理工学院]](DeVry Institute of Technology)。
* [[亚利桑那大学]](University of Arizona)——位于土桑(一译图桑)
* [[北亚利桑那大学]](Northern Arizona University)——位于旗竿市(Flagstaff)
* [[亚利桑那州立大学]](Arizona State University)——位于坦佩
* [[雷鸟国际管理学院]](Thunderbird School of Global Management)——位于格兰代尔

== [[阿肯色州]] Arkansas ==
**[[阿肯色大学]](University of Arkansas)

== [[加利福尼亚州]] California ==
=== 联邦大学 ===
* [[海军研究院]],[[蒙特雷县|蒙特瑞]](Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey)
* [[国防语言学院]],[[蒙特雷县|蒙特瑞]](Defense Language Institute, Monterey)

=== 公立大学 ===
* [[加利福尼亚州立大学|加州州立大学(California State University)]]
** [[圣路易斯欧比斯普分校]](California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo)
** [[:en:California Maritime Academy|加州海事学校]](California Maritime Academy)
** [[加州理工州立大学]](California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo)
** [[波莫纳加州州立理工大学|加州州立理工大学波莫那]](California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
** [[加州州立大学贝克斯菲尔德分校]](California State University, Bakersfield)
** [[加州州立大学海峡群岛分校]](California State University, Channel Islands)
** [[加州州立大学奇科分校]](California State University, Chico)
** [[加州州立大学多明格斯山分校]](California State University, Dominguez Hills)
** [[东湾加州州立大学|加州州立大学东湾]](California State University, East Bay)
** [[加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校]](California State University, Fresno)
** [[加州州立大学富勒顿分校]](California State University, Fullerton)
** [[加州州立大学长滩分校]](California State University, Long Beach)
** [[洛杉矶加利福尼亚州立大学|加州州立大学洛杉矶]](California State University, Los Angeles)
** [[加州州立大学蒙特利湾分校]](California State University, Monterey Bay)
** [[加州州立大学北岭分校]](California State University, Northridge)
** [[萨克拉门托加州州立大学|加州州立大学沙加缅度]](California State University, Sacramento)
** [[加州州立大学圣贝纳迪诺分校|加州州立大学圣贝纳迪诺]](California State University, San Bernardino)
** [[:en:California State University, San Marcos|加州州立大学圣马可斯]](California State University, San Marcos)
** [[:en:California State University, Stanislaus|加州州立大学史坦尼斯劳斯]](California State University, Stanislaus)
** [[:en:Humboldt State University|汉保德州立大学]](Humboldt State University)
** [[圣地亚哥州立大学]](San Diego State University)
** [[旧金山州立大学]](San Francisco State University)
** [[圣荷西州立大学]](San José State University)
** [[:en:Sonoma State University|索诺马州立大学]](Sonoma State University)
* [[加利福尼亚大学|加州大学(University of California)]]
** [[柏克莱加州大学|柏克莱分校]](University of California, Berkeley)
** [[戴维斯加利福尼亚大学|戴维斯分校]](University of California, Davis)
** [[加州大学黑斯廷斯法学院|哈斯汀法学院]](University of California, Hastings College of the Law)
** [[尔湾加利福尼亚大学|尔湾分校]] (University of California, Irvine)
** [[洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学|洛杉矶分校]](University of California, Los Angeles)
** [[美熹德加利福尼亚大学|美喜德分校]](University of California, Merced)
** [[加利福尼亚大学河滨分校|河滨分校]](University of California, Riverside)
** [[加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校|圣地亚哥分校]](University of California, San Diego)
** [[加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校|旧金山分校]](University of California, San Francisco)
** [[加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校|圣塔芭芭拉分校]](University of California, Santa Barbara)
** [[圣塔克鲁兹加利福尼亚大学|圣塔克鲁兹分校]](University of California, Santa Cruz)

=== 私立大学 ===
* [[艺术中心设计学院]] (ArtCenter College of Design, '''ArtCenter''' or '''ACCD''')
* [[阿苏萨太平洋大学]](Azusa Pacific University, '''APU''') http://www.apu.edu/
* [[加州理工学院]](California Institute of Technology, '''Caltech''')
* [[查普曼大学]] (Chapman University)
* [[克莱蒙学院]] ([[:en:Claremont Colleges|Claremont Colleges]]) http://www.claremont.edu/
* [[克莱蒙研究大学]] ([[:en:Claremont Graduate University|Claremont Graduate University]], '''CGU''') http://www.cgu.edu
* [[克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院]] ([[:en:Claremont McKenna College|Claremont McKenna College]], '''CMC''') http://www.claremontmckenna.edu/
* [[哈维穆德学院]] ([[:en:Harvey Mudd College|Harvey Mudd College]]) http://www.hmc.edu/
* [[金门大学]](Golden Gate University, San Francisco) http://www.ggu.edu/
* [[凯克研究院]] ([[:en:Keck Graduate Institute|Keck Graduate Institute]]) http://www.kgi.edu
* [[拉西瑞亚大学]](La Sierra University) http://www.lasierra.edu/
* [[拉文大学]](University of La Verne, '''ULV''')http://laverne.edu/
* [[罗马林达大学]](Loma Linda University) http://www.llu.edu/
* [[洛约拉马利蒙特大学|罗耀拉马利蒙特大学 ]] (Loyola Marymount University, '''LMU''')
* [[西方学院]](Occidental College, '''OXY''')http://www.oxy.edu/
* [[太平洋大学|太平洋大学]] (University of the Pacific)
* [[太平洋联合学院]](Pacific Union College) http://www.puc.edu/
* [[佩珀代因大学]] (Pepperdine University) http://www.pepperdine.edu/
* [[匹兹学院]] ([[:en:Pitzer College|Pitzer College]]) http://www.pitzer.edu/
* [[波莫纳学院]] ([[:en:Pomona College|Pomona College]]) http://www.pomona.edu/
* [[加利福尼亚圣玛丽学院]] (Saint Mary's College of California)
* [[圣地亚哥大学]](University of San Diego, '''USD''')
* [[旧金山大学]]([[:en:University of San Francisco|University of San Francisco]],'''USF''')
* [[圣克拉拉大学|圣克拉拉大学]] (Santa Clara University, '''SCU''')
* [[斯克利普斯学院]] ([[:en:Scripps College|Scripps College]]) http://www.scrippscollege.edu/
* [[南加州大学]](University of Southern California, '''USC''')
* [[史丹佛大学]](Stanford University)
* [[西来大学]](University of the West, Rosemead) http://www.uwest.edu/

== [[科罗拉多州]] Colorado ==
=== 州立大学 ===
* [[科罗拉多大学波德分校]](University of Colorado Boulder)
* [[科罗拉多大学圆石市分校]]
* [[科罗拉多大学科罗拉多泉分校]]
* [[科罗拉多大学丹佛分校]]
* [[科罗拉多州立大学]](Colorado State University)
* [[科罗拉多矿业学院]](Colorado School of Mines)
* [[北科罗拉多大学]](University of Northern Colorado)
* [[亚当斯州立学院]](Adams State College)
* [[科罗拉多西方州立学院]](Western State College of Colorado)
* [[南科罗拉多大学]](University of Southern Colorado)
* [[路易斯堡学院]](Fort Lewis College)
* [[科罗拉多技术学院]](Colorado Technical College)
* [[大都会州立学院]](Metropolitan State College)
* [[美国空军军官学校]](United States Air Force Academy)

=== 私立大学 ===
* [[科罗拉多学院]] (Colorado College)
* [[丹佛大学]](University of Denver)
* [[洛雷多高原学院]](Loretto Heights College)
* [[瑞吉斯学院]](Regis College)

== [[康乃狄克州]] Connecticut ==
* [[耶鲁大学]](Yale University)
* [[维思大学]](Wesleyan University)
* [[亚柏特麦格纳斯学院]](Albert Magnus College)
* [[南康涅狄格州立大学]](Southern Connecticut State University)
* [[桥港大学]](University of Bridgeport)
* [[桥港电机学院]](Bridgeport Engineering Institute)
* [[圣心大学]](Sacred Heart University)
* [[中康涅狄格州立大学]](Central Connecticut State University)
* [[恰特欧克学院]](Charter Oak College)
* [[哈特福研究中心]](Hartford Graduate Center)
* [[三一学院 (康乃狄克州)|三一学院 ]](Trinity College)
* [[康涅狄格大学]](University of Connecticut)
* [[康涅狄格学院]](Connecticut College)
* [[东康涅狄格州立大学]](Eastern Connecticut State University)
* [[费尔菲尔德大学]](Fairfield University)
* [[哈特福大学]](University of Hartford)
* [[圣约瑟夫学院]](St. Joseph College)
* [[纽罕文大学]](University of New Haven)
* [[邮政学院]](Post College)
* [[昆尼皮雅克学院]](Quinnipiac College)
* [[圣艾尔奉萨斯学院]](St. Alphonsus College)
* [[西康涅狄格州立大学]](Western Connecticut State University)

== [[德拉瓦州]] Delaware ==
* [[德拉瓦大学]] (University of Delaware)

== [[佛罗里达州]] Florida ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[佛罗里达大学]](University of Florida) http://www.ufl.edu/
* [[佛罗里达州立大学]](Florida State University) http://www.fsu.edu/
* [[中佛罗里达大学]](University of Central Florida) http://www.ucf.edu/
* [[北佛罗里达大学]](University of North Florida) http://www.unf.edu/
* [[南佛罗里达大学]](University of South Florida) http://www.usf.edu/
* [[西佛罗里达大学]](University of West Florida) http://www.uwf.edu/
* [[佛罗里达农工大学]](Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University) http://www.famu.edu/
* [[佛罗里达大西洋大学]](Florida Atlantic University) http://www.fau.edu/
* [[佛罗里达国际大学]](Florida International University) http://www.fiu.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[安柏瑞德航空大学]](Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) http://www.erau.edu/
* [[佛罗里达理工学院]](Florida Institute of Technology) http://www.fit.edu/
* [[迈阿密大学 (佛罗里达州)|迈阿密大学]](University of Miami) http://www.miami.edu/
* [[佛罗里达南方大学]](Florida Southern College) http://www.flsouthern.edu/
* [[诺瓦东南大学]](Nova Southeastern University) http://www.nova.edu/
* [[洛林斯学院]](Rollins College) http://www.rollins.edu/
* [[西勒大学]](Schiller International University) http://www.schiller.edu/
* [[史丹森大学]](Stetson University) http://www.stetson.edu/
* [[坦帕大学]](University of Tampa) http://www.ut.edu/
* [[杰克森维尔大学]](Jacksonville University) http://www.ju.edu/

== [[乔治亚州]] Georgia ==
''' 公立 '''

* 乔治亚大学系统(University System of Georgia)(22所分校) http://www.usg.edu/
** [[乔治亚大学]](The University of Georgia) http://www.uga.edu/
** [[乔治亚理工学院]](Georgia Institute of Technology) http://www.gatech.edu/
** [[乔治亚州立大学]](Georgia State University) http://www.gsu.edu/

''' 私立 '''

* [[埃默里大学]](Emory University) http://www.emory.edu/

== [[夏威夷州]] Hawaii ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[夏威夷大学马诺阿分校]] (University of Hawaii at Mānoa)

''' 私立 '''
* [[杨百翰大学夏威夷分校]](Brigham Young University Hawaii)https://byuh.edu/

== [[爱达荷州]] Idaho ==
''' 公立 '''

* [[爱达荷大学]](University of Idaho)
*[[爱达荷州立大学]](Idaho State University)
*[[树城州立大学]](Boise State University)
*[[南爱达荷学院]](College of Southern Idaho)
*[[南爱达荷技术学院]](Eastern Technical College)
*[[北爱达荷学院]](North Idaho College)

''' 私立 '''

*[[爱达荷爱柏森学院]](Albertson College of Idaho)
*[[西北纳萨瑞恩学院]](Northwest Nazarene College)
*[[瑞克斯学院]](Ricks College):[[摩门教]]的教会学校

== [[伊利诺州]] Illinois ==
''' 公立 '''

* 伊利诺大学系统(University of Illinois System)
**[[伊利诺大学芝加哥分校]](University of Illinois at Chicago)
** [[伊利诺大学厄巴纳-香槟分校]](University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

''' 私立 '''

* [[芝加哥大学]](University of Chicago) http://www.uchicago.edu/
* [[西北大学 (美国伊利诺州)|西北大学]](Northwestern University) http://www.northwestern.edu/
* [[帝博大学]](DePaul University) http://www.depaul.edu/
* [[芝加哥洛约拉大学|芝加哥罗耀拉大学]] (Loyola University Chicago)
* [[昆希大学]](Quincy University) http://www.quincy.edu/
* [[伊利诺理工学院]](Illinois Institute of Technology) http://www.iit.edu/

== [[印第安纳州]] Indiana ==
* [[普度大学]](Purdue University) http://www.purdue.edu
* [[印第安纳大学]](Indiana University) http://www.indiana.edu
* [[印第安纳州立大学]](Indiana State University) https://web.archive.org/web/20081231140128/http://www.indstate.edu/home.htm
* [[印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波里斯联合分校]](IUPUI) http://www.iupui.edu

''' 私立 '''
* [[巴特勒大学]] (Butler University)
* [[德堡大学|德堡大学]] (DePauw University)
* [[洛斯胡曼理工学院]](Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute) http://www.rose-hulman.edu/
* [[圣母大学]](University of Notre Dame) http://www.nd.edu/
* [[瓦贝希学院]](Wabash College) http://www.wabash.edu/

== [[爱荷华州]] Iowa ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[爱荷华大学]](University of Iowa) http://www.uiowa.edu/
* [[爱荷华州立大学]](Iowa State University) http://www.iastate.edu/
* [[北爱荷华大学]](University of Northern Iowa) http://www.uni.edu/

''' 私立'''
*[[格林内尔学院|格林内尔学院]] (Grinnell College)

== [[堪萨斯州]] Kansas ==
*[[堪萨斯大学]](University of Kansas) https://www.ku.edu/
*[[堪萨斯州立大学]](Kansas State University) https://www.k-state.edu/

== [[肯塔基州]] Kentucky ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[肯塔基大学]](University of Kentucky) http://www.uky.edu/
* [[路易斯维尔大学]](University of Louisville) http://louisville.edu/
* [[肯塔基州立大学]](Kentucky State University) http://www.kysu.edu/
* [[北肯塔基大学]](Northern Kentucky University) http://www.nku.edu/
* [[东肯塔基大学]](Eastern Kentucky University) http://www.eku.edu/
* [[西肯塔基大学]](Western Kentucky University) http://www.wku.edu/
* [[默海尔州立大学]](Morehead State University) https://web.archive.org/web/20080509072356/http://www.morehead-st.edu/
* [[莫瑞州立大学]](Murray State University) http://www.murraystate.edu/
* [[肯塔基社区暨科技学院系统]](Kentucky Community and Technical College System)(16所分校) http://www.kctcs.edu/
* [[匹兹堡州立大学]](Pittsburg State University) http://www.pittstate.edu/
* [[爱许兰社区技术学院]](Ashland Community and Technical College ) http://www.ashland.kctcs.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[贝勒明大学]](Bellarmine University) http://www.bellarmine.edu/
* [[坎贝斯维尔大学]](Campbellsville University) http://www.campbellsville.edu/
* [[特兰西瓦尼亚大学]](Transylvania University) http://www.transy.edu/
* [[斯伯丁大学]](Spalding University) http://www.spalding.edu/
* [[苏利文大学系统]](Sullivan University System)(6所分校) http://www.sullivan.edu/
* [[伯里亚学院]](Berea College) http://www.berea.edu/
* [[中央学院]](Centre College) http://www.centre.edu/
* [[乔治城学院]](Georgetown College) http://www.georgetowncollege.edu/

== [[路易斯安那州]] Louisiana ==
''' 公立 '''

* 路易斯安那州立大学系统(Louisiana State University System)(11所分校) https://web.archive.org/web/20041001050039/http://www.lsusystem.lsu.edu/
** [[路易斯安那州立大学]](Louisiana State University)https://web.archive.org/web/20041012011900/http://www.lsu.edu/index2.html
** [[路易斯安那州门罗大学]](University of Louisian at Monroe) http://www.ulm.edu/
** [[路易斯安那理工大学]] (Louisiana Tech University,Louisiana Tech或La. Tech)
** [[新奥尔良大学]](University of New Orleans) http://www.uno.edu/

''' 私立 '''

* [[杜兰大学]](Tulane University) http://www.tulane.edu/

== [[缅因州]] Maine ==
* [[贝兹学院]]([[:en:Bates College|Bates College]])
* [[鲍登大学]](Bowdoin College)
* [[寇比学院]]([[:en:Colby College|Colby College]])
* [[大西洋学院]]([[:en:College of the Atlantic|College of the Atlantic]])
* [[哈森学院]]([[:en:Husson College|Husson College]])
* [[圣约色夫学院]]([[:en:St. Joseph's College of Maine|St. Joseph's College]])
* [[汤玛斯学院]]([[:en:Thomas College|Thomas College]])
* [[联合学院]]([[:en:Unity College|Unity College (Maine)]])
* [[卫斯布鲁克学院]]([[:en:Westbrook College|Westbrook College]])
* [[缅因大学]] (University of Maine)
* [[新英格兰大学]]([[:en:University of New England|University of New England]])
* [[南缅因州大学]]([[:en:University of Southern Maine|University of Southern Maine]])
* [[:en:Maine Maritime Academy|Maine Maritime Academy]]

== [[马里兰州]] Maryland ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[马里兰大学系统]](University System of Maryland)
**[[马里兰大学巴尔的摩县分校]](University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
** [[马里兰大学学院市分校]](University of Maryland, College Park}) http://www.umd.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[约翰霍普金斯大学]](Johns Hopkins University) http://www.jhu.edu/
* [[马里兰罗耀拉大学]] (Loyola University Maryland)

== [[麻萨诸塞州]] Massachusetts ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[安默斯特学院]](Amherst College) https://www.amherst.edu
* [[巴布森学院]] (Babson College)
* [[波士顿建筑学院]](Boston Architectural College) http://the-bac.edu/
* [[波士顿学院]](Boston College) http://www.bc.edu/
* [[波士顿大学]](Boston University) http://www.bu.edu/
* [[布兰戴斯大学]](Brandeis University) http://www.brandeis.edu/
* [[克拉克大学]](Clark University)
* [[爱默森学院]](Emerson College) http://www.emerson.edu/
* [[哈佛大学]](Harvard University (Cambridge)) http://www.harvard.edu/
* [[圣十字学院]] (College of the Holy Cross,Holy Cross)
* [[麻省理工学院]](Massachusetts Institute of Technology) http://web.mit.edu/
* [[曼荷莲学院|曼荷莲学院]] (Mount Holyoke College)
* [[东北大学 (美国)|东北大学]](Northeastern University)http://www.neu.edu
* [[史密斯学院]] (Smith College)
* [[春田学院]](Springfield College) http://www.springfieldcollege.edu
* [[萨福克大学]](Suffolk University)http://www.suffolk.edu/
* [[塔夫茨大学]](Tufts University) https://web.archive.org/web/20041210144445/http://www.tufts.edu/main.php?p=noflash
* [[卫斯理学院]] (Wellesley College)
* [[韦顿学院 (马萨诸塞州)|韦顿学院]] (Wheaton College)
* [[威廉姆斯学院]] (Williams College)http://www.williams.edu
* [[伍斯特理工学院|伍斯特理工学院]] (Worcester Polytechnic Institute,WPI)

''' 公立 '''
* [[麻省大学]](University of Massachusetts)https://web.archive.org/web/20091125061607/http://www.massachusetts.edu/index.html
** [[马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校|麻萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校]] (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

== [[密西根州]] Michigan ==
''' 公立 '''

* [[凯尔文学院]](Calvin College) http://www.calvin.edu
* [[底特律梅西大学]] (University of Detroit Mercy, '''UDM''')
* [[密西根大学]](University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)(校总区)(3所分校) https://web.archive.org/web/20041012030309/http://www.umich.edu/noflash.html
* [[密西根州立大学]](Michigan State University)http://www.msu.edu/
* [[密西根理工大学]](Michigan Technological University)http://www.mtu.edu/
* [[东密西根大学]](Eastern Michigan University)http://www.emich.edu/
* [[中密西根大学]](Central Michigan University)http://www.cmich.edu/
*[[奥克兰大学 (密西根州)]](Oakland University)
*[[韦恩州立大学]](Wayne State University)
* [[西密西根大学]](Western Michigan University)http://www.wmich.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[安德鲁斯大学]](Andrews University)http://www.andrews.edu/

== [[明尼苏达州]] Minnesota ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[明尼苏达大学]](University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) http://www.umn.edu/
* [[维诺纳州立大学]](Winona State University) http://www.winona.edu/
* [[伯米吉州立大学]](Bemidji State University) http://www.bemidjistate.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[卡尔顿学院]](Carleton College ) https://www.carleton.edu
*[[玛卡莱斯特学院]] (Macalester College)

== [[密西西比州]] Mississippi ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[密西西比州立大学]](Mississippi State University)
*[[南密西西比大学]](University of Southern Mississippi)

''' 私立 '''
* [[密西西比学院]](Mississippi College) http://www.mc.edu/

* [[密尔塞普斯学院]](Millsaps College) http://www.millsaps.edu/

== [[密苏里州]] Missouri ==
''' 公立 '''
**[[密苏里大学]](University of Missouri)
**[[密苏里科技大学]](Missouri University of Science and Technology)
''' 私立 '''
*[[圣路易大学]](Saint Louis University)
* [[圣路易斯华盛顿大学|华盛顿大学 (圣路易斯市)]](Washington University in St. Louis) http://www.wustl.edu/

== [[蒙大拿州]] Montana ==
*[[蒙大拿大学]](University of Montana)
*[[蒙大拿州立大学]](Montana State University)

== [[内布拉斯加州]] Nebraska ==
*[[克瑞顿大学]](Creighton University)
*[[内布拉斯加大学林肯分校|内布拉斯加大学林肯分校]](University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

== [[内华达州]] Nevada ==
** [[内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校|内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校]]

== [[新罕布什尔州]] New Hampshire ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[新罕布什尔大学]](University of New Hampshire) http://www.unh.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[达特茅斯学院]](Dartmouth College) http://www.dartmouth.edu/
* [[南新罕布什尔大学]](Southern New Hampshire University) http://www.snhu.edu/

== [[新泽西州]] New Jersey ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[罗格斯大学]](Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey) http://www.rutgers.edu
* [[新泽西理工学院]](New Jersey Institute of Technology) http://www.njit.edu/
''' 私立 '''
* [[普林斯顿大学]](Princeton University) http://www.princeton.edu
* [[史蒂文斯理工学院]](Stevens Institute of Technology) https://web.archive.org/web/20070124183245/http://www.stevens.edu/main/home/

== [[新墨西哥州]] New Mexico ==
*[[新墨西哥大学]] (University of New Mexico,UNM)
*[[新墨西哥州立大学]](New Mexico State University)
* [[新墨西哥矿业及科技学院]] (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,New Mexico Tech)

== [[纽约州]] New York ==
''' 公立 '''

* [[纽约州立大学]](State University of New York) http://www.suny.edu/
**[[宾汉顿大学]] (Binghamton University, State University of New York)
**[[纽约州立大学水牛城分校]](University at Buffalo)
**[[石溪大学]](Stony Brook University)
** [[纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校]] (University at Albany ,State University of New York)
* [[纽约市立大学]](City University of New York) http://www.cuny.edu/
** [[纽约市立学院]](City College of New York) http://www1.ccny.cuny.edu/
*[[西点军校]] (The United States Military Academy at West Point)

''' 私立 '''
* [[巴纳德学院|巴纳德学院]] (Barnard College)
* [[克拉克森大学]] (Clarkson University)
* [[柯盖德大学]](Colgate University) http://www.colgate.edu/
* [[哥伦比亚大学]](Columbia University) http://www.columbia.edu/
* [[糕包联盟学院]](The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art) http://www.cooper.edu/
* [[康乃尔大学]](Cornell University) http://www.cornell.edu/
* [[福坦莫大学]](Fordham University) http://www.fordham.edu/
*[[霍夫斯特拉大学]](Hofstra University)
* [[纽约大学]](New York University) http://www.nyu.edu/
* -{A|zh-cn:[[伦斯勒理工学院]];zh-tw:[[壬色列理工学院]];}-(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) http://www.rpi.edu/
* [[罗彻斯特大学]](University of Rochester) http://www.rochester.edu/
*[[罗彻斯特理工学院]](Rochester Institute of Technology)
* [[洛克菲勒大学]](Rockefeller University) http://www.rockefeller.edu/
* [[雪城大学]](Syracuse University) http://www.syr.edu/
*[[瓦萨学院|瓦萨学院]] (Vassar College)
* [[叶史瓦大学]](Yeshiva University) http://www.yu.edu/

== [[北卡罗莱纳州]] North Carolina ==
''' 公立 '''

* [[北卡罗莱纳大学]]系统(University of North Carolina System)(17所分校): http://www.northcarolina.edu/
**[[北卡罗来纳州立大学]](North Carolina State University at Raleigh) http://www.ncsu.edu
**[[University of North Carolina at Asheville|北卡罗来纳大学艾西维尔分校]](University of North Carolina at Asheville) http://www.unca.edu
**[[北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校]](University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) http://www.UNC.edu
**[[University of North Carolina at Charlotte|北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校]](University of North Carolina at Charlotte) http://www.uncc.edu/
**[[北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校]](University of North Carolina at Greensboro) http://www.uncg.edu
**[[University of North Carolina at Pembroke|北卡罗来纳大学彭布鲁克分校]](University of North Carolina at Pembroke) http://www.uncp.edu
**[[University of North Carolina at Wilmington|北卡罗来纳大学威明顿分校]](University of North Carolina at Wilmington) http://www.uncw.edu
**[[Appalachian State University|阿巴拉契亚州立大学]](Appalachian State University) http://www.appstate.edu/
** [[东卡罗来纳大学]] (East Carolina University,ECU或East Carolina)
**[[Elizabeth City State University|伊丽莎白城市州立大学]](Elizabeth City State University) http://www.ecsu.edu
**[[Fayetteville State University|费耶特维尔州立大学]](Fayetteville State University) http://www.uncfsu.edu
**[[North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University|北卡罗来纳农业与技术州立大学]](North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University) http://www.ncat.edu
**[[North Carolina Central University|北卡罗来纳州中央大学]](North Carolina Central University) http://www.nccu.edu
**[[North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics|北卡罗来纳州科学与数学学院]](North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics) http://www.ncssm.edu
**[[University of North Carolina School of the Arts |北卡罗来纳大学艺术学院]](University of North Carolina School of the Arts ) http://www.uncsa.edu
**[[Western Carolina University|西卡罗来纳大学]](Western Carolina University) http://www.wcu.edu
**[[Winston-Salem State University|温斯顿-赛伦州立大学]](Winston-Salem State University) http://www.wssu.edu
''' 私立 '''

* [[杜克大学]](Duke University) http://www.duke.edu/
* [[威克森林大学]](Wake Forest University) http://www.wfu.edu/

== [[俄亥俄州]] Ohio ==
*法学院(Academy of Court Reporting)
*阿勒格尼卫思理学院(Allegheny Wesleyan College)
*[[安提亚克学院]](Antioch University)
*安东内利学院(Antonelli College)
*辛辛那提艺术学院(Art Academy of Cincinnati)
*辛辛那提艺术研究所(Art Institute of Cincinnati)
*[[爱许兰大学]](Ashland University)
*俄亥俄州雅典娜学校(Athenaeum of Ohio)
*工业技术学院(ATS Institute of Technology)
*[[鲍德温华莱士学院]](Baldwin-Wallace College)
*贝尔蒙特技术学院(Belmont Technical College)
*布拉夫顿大学(Bluffton University)
*波克学院(Bohecker College)
*[[鲍林格林州立大学]](Bowling Green State University)
*布拉福德学院(Bradford School)
*布朗麦凯学院(Brown Mackie College)
*科比和斯拉顿学院(Bryant & Stratton College)
*[[首都大学]](Capital University)
*[[凯斯西储大学]](Case Western Reserve University)
*锡达维尔大学(Cedarville University)
*俄亥俄州中部技术学院(Central Ohio Technical College)
*[[中央州立大学]](Central State University)
*查特菲尔德学院(Chatfield College)
*辛辛那提基督教大学(Cincinnati Christian University)
*辛辛那提科学学院(Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science)
*辛辛那提州立社区技术学院(Cincinnati State Technical and Community College)
*瑟克维尔圣经学院(Circleville Bible College)
*克拉克州立社区学院(Clark State Community College)
*克里夫兰艺术研究所(The Cleveland Institute of Art)
*克里夫兰电子研究所(Cleveland Institute of Electronics)
*克里夫兰音乐研究所(Cleveland Institute of Music)
*[[克里夫兰州立大学]](Cleveland State University)
*广告艺术学院(College of Art Advertising)
*圣约瑟夫学院(College of Mount St. Joseph)
*[[伍斯特学院]](The College of Wooster)
*哥伦布艺术设计学院(Columbus College of Art and Design)
*哥伦布州立社区学院(Columbus State Community College)
*亚霍加社区学院(Cuyahoga Community College)
*达维斯学院(Davis College)
*迪法恩斯学院(Defiance College)
*[[丹尼森大学]](Denison University)
*[[德维大学]](DeVry University)
*爱迪生州立社区大学(Edison State Community College)
*爱铥铁克学院(EduTek College)
*爱堤技术学院(ETI Technical College)
*斯托本佛朗西斯大学(Franciscan University of Steubenville)
*[[富兰克林大学]](Franklin University)
*加里波利斯职业学院(Gallipolis Career College)
*上帝的圣经学校和学院(God's Bible School and College)
*西伯莱联合学院-犹太宗教研究所(Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion)
*[[海德堡学院]](Heidelberg College)
*海勒姆学院(Hiram College)
*[[后京学院]](Hocking College)
*洪德罗斯学院(Hondros College)
*ITT技术研究所(ITT Technical Institute)
*国际传播学院(International College of Broadcasting)
*詹姆士罗德州立学院(James A. Rhodes State College)
*杰佛逊社区学院(Jefferson Community College)
*[[约翰卡罗尔大学]](John Carroll University)
*[[肯特州立大学]](Kent State University)
*[[凯尼恩学院]](Kenyon College)
*凯特琳医学院(Kettering College of Medical Arts)
*伊利湖学院(Lake Erie College)
*湖区社区学院(Lakeland Community College)
*罗拉和阿尔文犹太研究学院(Laura and Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies)
*罗雷恩县社区学院(Lorain County Community College)
*路德学院(Lourdes College)
*[[马龙学院]](Malone College)
*[[马里亚塔学院]](Marietta College)
*马里昂技术学院(Marion Technical College)
*中央护理学院(MedCentral College of Nursing)
*俄亥俄州医学院(Medical College of Ohio)
*俄亥俄州西北摩西学院(Mercy College of Northwest Ohio)
*俄亥俄州遁道卫理神学校(Methodist Theological School in Ohio)
*迈阿密雅各职业学院(Miami-Jacobs Career College)
*[[迈阿密大学]](Miami University)
*卡米尔蒙特护理学院(Mount Carmel College of Nursing)
*蒙特联合学院(Mount Union College)
*蒙特弗农拿撒勒大学(Mount Vernon Nazarene University)
*马克金格姆学院(Muskingum College)
*麦尔斯大学(Myers University)
*商业与技术国际学院(National College of Business and Technology)
*国际技术研究所 (National Institute of Technology)
*[[北中央州立学院]](North Central State College)
*东北俄亥俄州大学医学院(Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine)
*西北州立社区学院(Northwest State Community College)
*[[圣母院书院(美国)]](Notre Dame College)
*[[欧柏林学院]](Oberlin College)
*俄亥俄州商业学院(Ohio Business College)
*俄亥俄州推拿学院(The Ohio College of Massotherapy)
*俄亥俄州医学院(The Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine)
*俄亥俄州多米尼加大学(Ohio Dominican University)
*俄亥俄州摄影技术研究所(Ohio Institute of Photography and Technology)
*[[俄亥俄北方大学]](Ohio Northern University)
*[[俄亥俄州立大学]](Ohio State University)
*俄亥俄州技术学院(Ohio Technical College)
*[[俄亥俄大学]](Ohio University)
*俄亥俄州河谷技术学院(Ohio Valley College of Technology)
*[[俄亥俄卫斯里昂大学]](Ohio Wesleyan University)
*[[奥特本学院]](Otterbein College)
*欧文斯社区学院(Owens Community College)
*佩恩神学院(Payne Theological Seminary)
*约瑟夫宗教学院(Pontifical College Josephinum)
*职业技能学院(Professional Skills Institute)
*寻找职业学院(Quest Career College)
*拉比学院(Rabbinical College of Telshe)
*雷明顿学院(Remington College)
*可再生能源技术中心(RETS Technical Center)
*伯利圣经学院(Rosedale Bible College)
*圣玛莉神学院和神学研究所(Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology)
*广告艺术学校(School of Advertising Art)
*修尼州立大学(Shawnee State University)
*辛克莱尔社区学院(Sinclair Community College)
*东南商学院(Southeastern Business College)
*南方州立社区学院(Southern State Community College)
*西南学院(Southwestern College)
*史塔克州立技术学院(Stark State College of Technology)
*史托特赞伯格学院(Stautzenberger College)
*技术教育学院(Technology Education College)
*泰瑞州立社区学院(Terra State Community College)
*[[蒂芬大学]](Tiffin University)
*三州圣经学院(Tri-State Bible College)
*三州推拿学院(Tri-State College of Massotherapy)
*路特三一神学院(Trinity Lutheran Seminary)
*特鲁布朗商学院(Trumbull Business College)
*研究所与大学联盟(Union Institute & University)
*联合神学院(United Theological Seminary)
*[[艾克朗大学]](The University of Akron)
*[[辛辛纳提大学]](University of Cincinnati)
*[[戴顿大学]](University of Dayton)
*[[芬利大学]](The University of Findlay)
*[[俄亥俄州西北大学]](University of Northwestern Ohio)
*里欧格德大学和里欧格德社区学院(University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College)
*[[托雷多大学]](University of Toledo)
*厄巴那大学(Urbana University)
*乌耳苏拉学院(Ursuline College)
*翡特罗特学院(Vatterott College)
*弗吉尼亚马丁艺术与设计学院(Virginia Marti College of Art and Design)
*沃尔许大学(Walsh University)
*华盛顿州立社区学院(Washington State Community College)
*威尔伯福斯大学(Wilberforce University)
*威明顿学院(Wilmington College)
*瓦恩布雷那神学院(Winebrenner Theological Seminary)
*维特贝格大学(Wittenberg University)
*[[莱特州立大学]](Wright State University)
*[[泽维尔大学]](Xavier University)
*[[杨斯镇州立大学]](Youngstown State University)
*[[赞恩州立学院]](Zane State College)
*[[欧柏林大学]](Oberlin College)
*[[伍斯特学院|伍斯特学院]] (College of Wooster)

== [[奥克拉荷马州]] Oklahoma ==
''' 公立 '''
*[[奥克拉荷马大学]](University of Oklahoma)
*[[奥克拉荷马州立大学]](Oklahoma State University)

''' 私立 '''
* [[塔尔萨大学|塔尔萨大学]] (University of Tulsa)

== [[俄勒冈州]] Oregon ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[俄勒冈大学]](University of Oregon) http://www.uoregon.edu/
* [[俄勒冈州立大学]](Oregon State University) http://oregonstate.edu/
* [[俄勒冈健康与科学大学]] (Oregon Health & Science University,OHSU)
*[[波特兰州立大学]](Portland State University)
* [[南奥勒冈大学]](Southern Oregon University) http://www.sou.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[里德学院]](Reed College) http://www.reed.edu/

== [[宾夕法尼亚州]] Pennsylvania ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[宾州州立大学]](Pennsylvania State University System) http://www.psu.edu/
** 公园分校(Pennsylvania State University, University Park)(校总区)
* [[天普大学]](Temple University) http://www.temple.edu
* [[匹兹堡大学]](University of Pittsburgh)
* [[宾州印第安纳大学]](Indiana University of Pennsylvania) http://www.iup.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[布林莫尔学院]] (Bryn Mawr College)
* [[巴克内尔大学|巴克内尔大学]] (Bucknell University)
* [[卡内基梅隆大学|卡内基美隆大学]](Carnegie Mellon University) http://www.cmu.edu
* [[狄金森学院|狄金森学院]] (Dickinson College)
* [[德瑞索大学]](Drexel University) http://www.drexel.edu/
* [[富兰克林与马歇尔学院|富兰克林与马歇尔学院]] (Franklin and Marshall College)
* [[葛底斯堡学院|葛底斯堡学院]] (Gettysburg College)
* [[哈弗福德学院]] (Haverford College)
* [[理海大学]](Lehigh University) http://www.lehigh.edu/
* [[宾夕法尼亚大学]](University of Pennsylvania) http://www.upenn.edu/
* [[斯沃斯莫尔学院]] Swarthmore College https://web.archive.org/web/20100109042426/http://www.swarthmore.edu//x12071.xml
* [[维拉诺瓦大学]] Villanova University http://www1.villanova.edu/main.html

* Duquesne University
* La Salle College
* Lafayette College
* Robert Morris College
* St. Joseph's College

== [[罗得岛州]] Rhode Island ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[布莱恩特大学]] (Bryant University)
* [[布朗大学]](Brown University) http://www.brown.edu/
* [[普洛威顿斯学院|普洛威顿斯学院]] (Providence College)
* [[罗得岛设计学院]](Rhode Island School of Design) http://www.risd.edu

== [[南卡罗来纳州]] South Carolina ==
* [[南卡罗来纳大学]](University of South Carolina)

* [[傅尔曼大学]] (Furman University)

== [[南达科他州]] South Dakota ==
*[[南达科他大学]](University of South Dakota)

== [[田纳西州]] Tennessee ==
''' 私立 '''

* [[范德堡大学|-{范}-德堡大学]](Vanderbilt University) http://www.vanderbilt.edu/

''' 公立 '''

* [[田纳西大学]](University of Tennessee) http://www.utk.edu/

== [[得克萨斯州]] Texas ==

''' 公立 '''
*[[休斯敦大学]](University of Houston)
* [[德州农工大学|得克萨斯A&M大学]]系统(Texas A&M University System)(9所分校 + 7 Agencies + 1 Comprehensive Health Science Center) https://web.archive.org/web/20050825231610/http://tamusystem.tamu.edu/
** Texas A&M University - College Station http://www.tamu.edu/
* [[北得克萨斯大学|北德州大学]]系统 (University of North Texas) http://www.unt.edu
* 得克萨斯州立大学系统(Texas State University system) http://www.txstate.edu
**[[得克萨斯州立大学]](Texas State University)
* [[得克萨斯理工大学]](Texas Tech University) http://www.ttu.edu/

* [[得克萨斯大学]]系统(University of Texas System)(15所分校) http://www.utsystem.edu/
------------Academic Institutions
** [[德州大学阿灵顿分校|阿灵顿分校]](University of Texas at Arlington) http://www.uta.edu/
** [[奥斯汀分校]](University of Texas at Austin) http://www.utexas.edu/
** [[布朗斯维分校]](University of Texas at Brownsville) http://www.utb.edu/
** [[得克萨斯州大学达拉斯分校|达拉斯分校]](University of Texas at Dallas) http://www.utdallas.edu/
** [[阿尔帕索分校]](University of Texas at El Paso) http://www.utep.edu/
** [[玻宓恩分校]](University of Texas of the Permian Basin) http://www.utpb.edu/
** [[汎美分校]](University of Texas-Pan American) https://web.archive.org/web/20041016074742/http://www.panam.edu/
** [[泰勒分校]](University of Texas at Tyler) http://www.uttyler.edu/
** [[圣安东尼奥分校]](University of Texas at San Antonio) http://www.utsa.edu/
------------Health Institutions
** [[西南医学中心]] (UT Southwestern Medical Center)
** [[UT Medical盖文斯顿]] (UT Medical Branch at Galveston)
** [[UT health science center-休斯敦]] (UT Health Science Center at Houston)
** [[UT health science center-圣安东尼奥]] (UT Health Science Center at San Antonio)
** [[UT health science center-泰勒]] (UT Health Science Center at Tyler)
** [[UT MD Anderson Cancer Center]] (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center)

''' 私立 '''
* [[贝勒大学]](Baylor University) http://www.baylor.edu/
* [[莱斯大学]](Rice University) http://www.rice.edu/
* [[西南复临大学]](Southwestern Adventist University)http://www.swau.edu/
* [[南美以美大学]](Southern Methodist University http://www.smu.edu/
* [[德克萨斯基督教大学|得克萨斯基督教大学]] (Texas Christian University, '''TCU''')

== [[犹他州]] Utah ==
* [[犹他大学|犹他大学]] (University of Utah)

* [[杨百翰大学]] (Brigham Young University, '''BYU''')

== [[佛蒙特州]] Vermont ==
*[[明德大学]] (Middlebury College)
*[[佛蒙特大学]] (University of Vermont)

== [[维吉尼亚州]] Virginia ==
''' 公立 '''

* [[威廉与玛丽学院]](College of William and Mary)
* [[詹姆斯麦迪逊大学]](James Madison University)
* [[维吉尼亚大学]](University of Virginia)
* [[乔治梅森大学]](George Mason University)
* [[老道明大学]](Old Dominion University)
* [[维吉尼亚军校]] (Virginia Military Institute)
* [[维吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学]](Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

''' 私立 '''

* [[北弗吉尼亚大学]](University of Northern Virginia)
*[[里奇蒙大学]] (University of Richmond)
*[[华盛顿与李大学|华盛顿与李大学]] (Washington and Lee University)
* [[美国管理科技大学]] (University of Management and Technology) https://www.umtweb.edu/

== [[华盛顿特区]] Washington, DC ==
''' 私立 '''
* [[美利坚大学]] (American University) http://www.american.edu/
* [[美国天主教大学]] (The Catholic University of America)
* [[乔治城大学]](Georgetown University) http://www.georgetown.edu/
* [[乔治华盛顿大学]](The George Washington University) http://www.gwu.edu
* [[霍华德大学|霍华大学]] (Howard University)

== [[华盛顿州]] Washington ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[西雅图华盛顿大学|华盛顿大学]](University of Washington) http://www.washington.edu/
* [[华盛顿州立大学]](Washington State University)http://www.wsu.edu/
* [[中央华盛顿大学]](Central Washington University)http://www.cwu.edu/
* [[西华盛顿大学]](Western Washington University)http://www.wwu.edu/
* [[东华盛顿大学]](Eastern Washington University)http://www.ewu.edu/

''' 私立 '''
* [[瓦拉瓦拉大学]](Walla Walla University)http://www.wallawalla.edu/
* [[西雅图大学]](Seattle University)https://web.archive.org/web/20150708201506/http://seattleu.edu/

== [[西维吉尼亚州]] West Virginia ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[西维吉尼亚大学]](West Virginia University)http://www.wvu.edu/

== [[威斯康辛州]] Wisconsin ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[威斯康辛大学]]系统(University of Wisconsin System)(12所分校)
** 博士学位研究型大学
*** [[威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校]](Madison)
** 学士、硕士学位大学
***威斯康辛大学奥克莱尔分校(Eau Claire)
***威斯康辛大学绿湾分校(Green Bay)
***威斯康辛大学帕克塞德分校(Kenosha : Parkside)
***威斯康辛大学河瀑分校(River Falls)
***威斯康辛大学史蒂芬斯角分校(Stevens Point)
***威斯康辛大学斯托特分校(Memominee : Stout)
** 综合学院
***威斯康辛大学芭拉布/撒欧克县分校(Baraboo/Sauk County)
***威斯康辛大学巴龙县分校(Barron County)
***威斯康辛大学方杜拉克分校(Fond du Lac)
***威斯康辛大学狐谷分校(Fox Valley)
***威斯康辛大学马拉忪县分校(Marathon County)
***威斯康辛大学泽田/活地县分校(Marshfield/Wood County)
***威斯康辛大学洛几县分校(Rock County)
***威斯康辛大学华盛顿县分校(Washington County)

''' 私立 '''
* [[劳伦斯大学]] (Lawrence University)
* [[马凯特大学]](Marquette University)

== [[怀俄明州]] Wyoming ==
''' 公立 '''
* [[怀俄明大学]](University of Wyoming)http://www.uwyo.edu/

== 参考文献 ==