德加罗清真寺建筑群是位于布哈拉绿洲和[[草原]]之间的边境地带的一个城外驿站清真寺的实例。自11世纪以来,它一直在撒马尔罕-布哈拉丝绸之路段运行。其保存完好的建筑布局和[[室内设计]]包含受琐罗亚斯德教或聂斯脱里派教堂启发的前伊斯兰元素,反映了沿着萨拉夫干-卡拉库姆走廊的丝绸之路上的文化交流和跨宗教对话。作为纪念中世纪陶工保护者的瓦利·奥里夫·德加罗尼的纪念性建筑<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/733630351_121124776 古建筑的灵魂点睛——匾额 ],搜狐,2023-11-03 </ref>,德加罗清真寺在其历史过程中一直保持着[[宗教]]价值,并作为穆斯林社区<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/278808799_100205709 城市“社区自治”如何治 ],搜狐,2018-11-30</ref>的朝圣目的地发挥作用。
UZ-08 Deggaron Mosque
The Deggaron mosque architectural complex is an example of an extramural station-mosque located in the frontier zone between the Bukhara oasis and the Steppe. It has been functioning in the Samarkand-Bukhara section of the Silk Roads since the 11thcentury. Its preserved architectural layout and interior design contains pre-Islamic elements inspired by Zoroastrian or Nestorian temples, which reflects the cultural exchanges and interfaith dialogue along the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor of the Silk Roads. Constructed as a commemorative to a WaliOrifDeggaroni, a protector of Medieval potters, the Deggaron Mosque has preserved its religious value throughout the history and functions as a pilgrimage destination for the Muslim community.