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Yan Qing

增加 385 位元組, 19 天前
'''Rank''' 36th, Skilful Star (天巧星)  of the 36 Heavenly Spirits
'''Yan Qing''' is a fictional character in [[Water Margin]], one of the [[Four Great Classical Novels]] in [[Chinese literature]]. Nicknamed "Langzi" (浪子; meaning "the Wanderer" or "the Prodigal"), he ranks last among the 36 Heavenly Spirits, the first third of the [[108 Stars of Destiny]].<ref name="ITW01">{{cite web |url=https://www.docin.com/p-570257907.html | title= 水浒传英文版 | language=zh | publisher=道客巴巴}}</ref>
Yan Qing, who is more than six chi tall, is a handsome youth with a fair complexion, red lips, thick eyebrows, broad shoulders and a narrow waist. Tattoos of big bright flowers cover his body. In addition to his skill in martial arts, archery and wrestling, Yan Qing sings well and plays many kinds of instruments. His charming looks, his proficiency in learning new tongues and his astuteness in assessing situations and picking up leads make him an ideal spy and infiltrator. He realises this potential after joining [[Liangshan]].
Orphaned when a child, Yan Qing is raised by the wealthy squire [[Lu Junyi]], who lives in Daming Prefecture. Grateful to Lu, Yan Qing, who becomes one of two stewards in Lu's house, is steadfastly loyal to his master.<ref name="ITW01">{{cite web |url=http://www.poisonpie.com/words/others/somewhat/outlaws/index.html | title= Outlaws of the Marsh: A Somewhat Less Than Critical Commentary | language=zh | publisher= Poison Pie Publishing House}}</ref>
==Becoming an outlaw==