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For You Only(费翔演唱歌曲)

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歌曲:For You Only
所属专辑:野花<ref>[http://www.9ku.com/play/2735.htm For You Only ]</ref>
词曲:Steve Jolley/Tony Swain/Alison Moyet
Ready to embrace the day as we both break
When the light stole in
it found me wide awake
Wasted from a sleepless night,
I reach to touch your hair
Withdraw an empty hand
for you‘re no longer there
In between the silence,
living is an empty space
Save the ticking of a clock
whose hands are sweeping past its face
And I just don‘t want to be lonely
night and day
But as I look around me,
I just feel that way
For you only
I turn my hand to something that would clear my head
But I could not forget
the parting words we shared
I opened up my mind to all the pictures I could trace
But I could not recall the contours of your face
And, oh, you slipped away before I had the chance to say
If I did something wrong,
please tell me I‘ll accept the blame
And I just don‘t want to be lonely
night and day
But as I look around me,
I just feel that way
For you only
And I just don‘t want to be lonely
night and day
But as I look around me,
I just feel that way
For you only
for you‘re no longer there
for you‘re no longer there
In between the silence,
living is an empty space
Save the ticking of a clock
whose hands are sweeping past its face
And I just don‘t want to be lonely
night and day
But as I look around me,
I just feel that way
And I just don‘t want to be lonely
night and day
But as I look around me,
I just feel that way
For you only
[[费翔]](本名:Kris Philllps,1960年12月24日-),父亲是美国军人,母亲是中国人,出生于[[中国台湾]],毕业于[[斯坦福大学]]戏剧系,美籍华裔男歌手、演员。
费翔,上世纪八十年代最出名的华语流行音乐巨星,穿越了黑胶、卡带、CD、网络四大时代。中美混血,台湾歌星,归乡游子,特殊的身份与时代,使他成为当时少男少女们疯狂迷恋的第一男神,盒带销售超过三千万。但,一切戛然止于1989年。65场疯狂的全国巡演之后,他远渡重洋,自此脱离了我们的视线,成为百老汇演出公会里KRIS PHILLIPS。
费翔在华语乐坛,有其独特性,是唯一一位横跨亚洲流行音乐与美国百老汇音乐剧领域的歌手。<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/229959000_441168 曾是中国最知名的混血歌手,杨澜的前男友,如今年近60岁仍单身 ]</ref>
== 参考文献 ==
[[Category:913 聲樂;歌曲]]