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{| class="wikitable" align="right"
| style="background: #FF2400" align= center| '''<big>中国旅游丛书</big>'''
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作 者:徐明强


定 价:68.00



页 数:291

装 帧:[[平装]]
About the Author

Xu Mingqiang, born in Suzhou of

iangsu Province in China, is the

Editor-in-Chief of the Foreign

Languages Press. He majored in

English for two years before joining

the FLP as a translator/editor. He did

a postgraduate course in Victoria

University of Wellington in New

Zealand in 1978-80, and obtained the

FCO scholarship and completed his MPhil degree in

publishing studies in Stirling University of UK in 1991-92.

Active in international publishing, he was awarded the

title of one of the 100 Outstanding Publishers in China by

the Chinese Publishers' Association in 1996.

Having lived in Beijing for over 30 years, he regards the

city as his second hometown. He loves the city, the people

and even the local accent which though he still finds it

difficult to master. His special interest in Beijing gave him

an impulse to write this book for the visitors to the city.<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/530448746_121119314  “中国旅游发展模式研究系列丛书”出版发行]搜狐网,2022-03-17</ref>