,创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" align="right" |- | style="background: #66CCFF" align= center| '''<big>美国数学月刊</big> ''' |- |File:美国数学月刊.jpg|缩略…”
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| style="background: #66CCFF" align= center| '''<big>美国数学月刊</big> '''
|[[File:美国数学月刊.jpg|缩略图|居中|[http://www.madio.net/data/attachment/forum/201504/12/192352bvaso4rr9iahjxo7.jpg 原图链接]]]
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中文名: 美国数学月刊
创刊时间: 1894年
创刊人: [[班杰明·芬克尔]]
发行单位: [[美国数学协会]]
《美国数学月刊》(American Mathematical Monthly),是本杰明·芬克尔在1894年创办的数学期刊。现时它由美国数学协会发行,每年十期。
The American Mathematical Monthly (ISSN 0002-9890) is a mathematical journal founded by Benjamin Finkel in 1894. It is currently published 10 times each year by the Mathematical Association of America.
The American Mathematical Monthly is an expository journal intended for a wide audience of mathematicians, from undergraduate students to research professionals. Articles are chosen on the basis of their broad interest and reviewed and edited for quality of exposition as well as content. In this the American Mathematical Monthly fulfills a different role than typical mathematical research journals.
Since 1997, the journal has been available online at the Mathematical Association of America's website.
The MAA gives the Lester R. Ford Awards annually to "authors of articles of expository excellence" published in the American Mathematical Monthly.<ref>[http://www.madio.net/thread-230746-1-1.html 美国数学月刊American Mathematical Monthly1894-1999电子版],青蛙王子网, </ref>
== 参考来源 ==
[[Category: 310 數學總論]]
| style="background: #66CCFF" align= center| '''<big>美国数学月刊</big> '''
|[[File:美国数学月刊.jpg|缩略图|居中|[http://www.madio.net/data/attachment/forum/201504/12/192352bvaso4rr9iahjxo7.jpg 原图链接]]]
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中文名: 美国数学月刊
创刊时间: 1894年
创刊人: [[班杰明·芬克尔]]
发行单位: [[美国数学协会]]
《美国数学月刊》(American Mathematical Monthly),是本杰明·芬克尔在1894年创办的数学期刊。现时它由美国数学协会发行,每年十期。
The American Mathematical Monthly (ISSN 0002-9890) is a mathematical journal founded by Benjamin Finkel in 1894. It is currently published 10 times each year by the Mathematical Association of America.
The American Mathematical Monthly is an expository journal intended for a wide audience of mathematicians, from undergraduate students to research professionals. Articles are chosen on the basis of their broad interest and reviewed and edited for quality of exposition as well as content. In this the American Mathematical Monthly fulfills a different role than typical mathematical research journals.
Since 1997, the journal has been available online at the Mathematical Association of America's website.
The MAA gives the Lester R. Ford Awards annually to "authors of articles of expository excellence" published in the American Mathematical Monthly.<ref>[http://www.madio.net/thread-230746-1-1.html 美国数学月刊American Mathematical Monthly1894-1999电子版],青蛙王子网, </ref>
== 参考来源 ==
[[Category: 310 數學總論]]