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{{Infobox scientistperson| name = 马丁·卡普拉斯 <!--[[File:Nobel prize medal.svg|25px]]--><br><small>Martin Karplus</small>| image = <!-- Martin Karplus Nobel Prize 22 2013[[File: Martin_Karplus.jpg -->| image_size = 缩略图|center| alt = 300px| caption = [https://www.timesofisrael.com/daughter-of-non-israeli-nobel-chemistry-winner-lives-in-israel/ 圖片來源:马丁·卡普拉斯 ] ]]
| birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1930|03|15|y}}
| birth_place = [[奧地利]][[維也納]]
| death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) -->
| death_place =
| residence = [[美國]]
| citizenship =
| nationality = <!--{{AUT}}/美國--> [[奧地利]][[美國]] <ref name="bio">{{cite press release | title = The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 | publisher = Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | date = October 9, 2013 | url = http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2013/press.html | accessdate = October 9, 2013}}</ref><ref name="NYT-20131009">{{cite news |last=Chang |first=Kenneth |title=3 Researchers Win Nobel Prize in Chemistry |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/10/science/three-researchers-win-nobel-prize-in-chemistry.html |date=October 9, 2013 |work=[[New York Times]] |accessdate=October 9, 2013 }}</ref>| fields 研究領域 = [[化學]]| workplaces 机构 = [[哈佛大學]]<br/>[[斯特拉斯堡大学]]
| alma_mater = [[哈佛大學]]<br/>[[加州理工學院]]
| doctoral_advisor = <!--[[File:Nobel prize medal.svg|20px]]--> [[莱纳斯·鲍林]]
| academic_advisors =
| doctoral_students =
| notable_students =
| known_for =
| author_abbrev_bot = | author_abbrev_zoo = | influences = | influenced = | awards = [[湯森路透引文桂冠獎]]<br>[[諾貝爾化學獎]] (2013)<ref>[http://www.apdnews.com/news/36474.html 2013年诺贝尔化学奖] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131016071023/http://www.apdnews.com/news/36474.html |date=2013-10-16 }},亚太日报,2013年10月10日</ref>| signature = | signature_alt = | footnotes =
'''马丁·卡普拉斯'''({{lang-en|Martin Karplus}},{{bd|1930年|3月15日||catIdx=Karplus, Martin}}),是一位出生於[[奥地利]][[维也纳]]的[[犹太]]裔[[美国]][[理论化学]]家和摄影家,擁有奧、美[[雙重國籍]]<ref name="bio"></ref> 。1979年開始担任[[哈佛大学]]的西奥多·威廉·理查兹(Theodore William Richards)化学教授。
卡普拉斯與[[邁可·列維特]]、[[阿里耶·瓦舍爾]],因「為複雜化學系統創造了多尺度模型」,共同獲得2013年[[諾貝爾化學獎]] <refname="Nobel_Chem_2013_En">{{cite press release | title = The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013 | publisher = Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | date = October 9, 2013 | language = en | url = http[https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizesprizes/chemistry/laureates2013/2013summary/press.pdf | accessdate = October 9, The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013}}</ref><ref>http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/nobel/2013.html]</ref> ==早年==1950年取得[[哈佛大学]]的[[学士]][[学位]],1953年获[[加州理工学院]]的[[博士]]学位,师从[[莱纳斯·鲍林]]。1953年至1955年,在[[牛津大学]][[查尔斯·库尔森]](Charles Coulson)教授的指导下进行博士后研究
主要研究領域是[[核磁共振谱学]]、[[化学动态学]]、[[量子化学]]和[[生物大分子]]的[[分子动力学模拟]]。提出了有关[[耦合常数]]和二面角之间关系的[[卡普拉斯方程]](Karplus equation)。
*M. Karplus and R. N. Porter, ''Atoms & Molecules: An Introduction for Students of Physical Chemistry'' (Benjamin, 1970).
*C. L. Brooks III, M. Karplus, and B. M. Pettitt, ''Proteins: A Theoretical Perspective of Dynamics, Structure, & Thermodynamics'', Adv. Chem. Phys. LXXI (John Wiley & Sons, 1988).
*O. M. Becker and M. Karplus, ''A Guide to Biomolecular Simulations'' (Springer, 2006).
* {{cite journal en| author = M. Karplus | title = Spinach on the Ceiling: A Theoretical Chemist's Return to Biology | year = 2006 | journal = [[Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure]] | volume = 35 | issue = 1 | pages = 1–47 | doi = 10.1146/annurev.biophys.33.110502.133350 | format = autobiography}}
* {{en icon}}[http://mir.harvard.edu/group/karplus/pub.html 發表論文列表]
* {{en icon}}[http://www.chem.harvard.edu/research/faculty/martin_karplus.php 哈佛大學卡普拉斯研究團隊]{{dead link|date=2018年2月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* {{en icon}}[http://www-isis.u-strasbg.fr/biop/start Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory at University of Strasbourg]
* {{en icon}}[https://web.archive.org/web/20060907001621/http://www.chemistry.msu.edu/Lectureships/lectures.asp?series=MTR&Year=1995 Biography at Michigan State University website]
* {{en icon}}[http://www.mkarplusphotographer.com/ Martin Karplus photography website]
* * [https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%A9%AC%E4%B8%81%C2%B7%E5%8D%A1%E6%99%AE%E6%8B%89%E6%96%AF 马丁·卡普拉斯(wikipedia)]
{{诺贝尔化学奖获得者 (2001年-2025年)}}
{{Authority control}}
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