蒴果宽椭圆体形,与花被片等长或稍短;种子多数,细小,褐色,稍有光泽,近半圆形,有细网纹。花期6-7月 。
Herbs small, to 8 cm. Root thin. Stems numerous, ascending, thin, stiff. Leaves sessile, basal leaves in a rosette; cauline leaves in pseudowhorls of 3-10, gray-green, linear, 5-10 × 0.3-0.5 mm, apex acute. Inflorescences terminal or seemingly axillary, trichotomous umbellate cymes. Pedicel 7-8 mm, thin, stiff. Tepals 5, elliptic to oblong, 2-2.5 mm, midvein green, margin white membranous. Stamens 3-5, shorter than tepals. Styles 3, short. Capsule broadly ellipsoid, ca. as long as tepals or slightly shorter. Seeds numerous, brown, slightly shiny, D-shaped, ca. 0.2 mm, reticulate. Fl. Jun-Jul. 2n = 18.
Dry sands, roadsides, shady and wet fields; 400-1200 m. Hebei, Xinjiang [India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka; Africa, S to SE Asia, Australia, S Europe].
This species is used medicinally. It is a very inconspicuous and easily overlooked ephemeral.
生长于海拔500-1 150米干旱沙地或路边田间阴湿处。