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增加 12 位元組, 5 年前
研究成果在 American Economic Review,Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Economic Theory,Journal of Monetary Economics,International Economic Review,Review of Economic Dynamics等经济学期刊发表。
研究成果在 American Economic Review,Review of Economic Studies,Journal of Economic Theory,Journal of Monetary Economics,International Economic Review,Review of Economic Dynamics等经济学期刊发表。   作为动态合约理论比较早的研究者之一,其研究工作对这一经济学重要文献的发展及其在宏观经济学中的应用作出了贡献。   他的最新研究兴趣是动态经济关系的最优终止问题及其在劳动力及金融市场模型中的应用。
Wang, Cheng and Youzhi Yang (2015), 'Equilibrium Matching and Termination,' Journal of Monetary Economics, 76: 208-229.
Wang, Cheng and Youzhi Yang (2015), 'Outside Opportunities and Termination,' Games and Economic Behavior, 91: 207-228.
Wang, Cheng (2013), 'Incentives and the Cost of Firing in an Equilibrium Labor Market Model with Endogenous Layoffs,' International Economic Review 54(2):443-472.
Greenwood, Jeremy, Juan Sanchez and Cheng Wang (2013), 'Quantifying the Impact of Financial Development on Economic Development,' Review of Economic Dynamics 16(1): 194-215.
Wang, Cheng (2011), 'Termination of Dynamic Contracts in an Equilibrium Labor Market Model, ' Journal of Economic Theory, 146: 74-110 .
Greenwood, Jeremy, Juan Sanchez and Cheng Wang (2010), 'Financing Development: The Role of Information Costs,' American Economic Review, Vol. 100: 1875-1891.
Wang, Cheng and RuiLin Zhou (2010), 'Equilibrium Lending Mechanism and Aggregate Activity,' International Economic Review, 51(3): 631-650.