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'''埃尔维斯·亞伦·普雷斯利'''({{lang-en|Elvis Aaron Presley{{NoteTag|1= Although some pronounce {{link-en|普里斯萊|Presley|his surname}} ['prɛzli] (PREZ-lee), Presley himself used the {{link-en|美國南部英語|Southern American English|Southern American English}} pronunciation, ['prɛsli] (PRES-lee), as did his family and those who worked with him.{{sfn|Elster|2006|p=391}} The correct spelling of his middle name has long been a matter of debate. The physician who delivered him wrote "Elvis Aaron Presley" in his ledger.{{sfn|Nash|2005|p=11}} The state-issued birth certificate reads "Elvis Aron Presley". The name was chosen after the Presleys' friend and fellow congregation member Aaron Kennedy, though a single-A spelling was probably intended by Presley's parents in order to parallel the middle name of Presley's stillborn brother, Jesse Garon.{{sfn|Guralnick|1994|p=13}} It reads Aron on most official documents produced during his lifetime, including his high school diploma, RCA record contract, and marriage license, and this was generally taken to be the proper spelling. In 1966, Presley expressed the desire to his father that the more traditional biblical rendering, Aaron, be used henceforth, "especially on legal documents". Five years later, the Jaycees citation honoring him as one of the country's Outstanding Young Men used Aaron. Late in his life, he sought to officially change the spelling to Aaron and discovered that state records already listed it that way. Knowing his wishes for his middle name, Aaron is the spelling his father chose for Presley's tombstone, and it is the spelling his estate has designated as official.{{sfn|Adelman|2002|pp=13–15}}}}}},{{bd|1935年|1月8日|1977年|8月16日}}),是一位[[ 美國]] 的[[歌手]]、[[音樂家]]和[[電影演員]],被視為20世紀中最重要的{{link-en|艾維斯·普里斯萊的文化影響|Cultural impact of Elvis Presley|文化標誌性人物}}之一。中文暱稱「貓王」(源自{{lang|en|The Hillbilly '''Cat'''}}和{{lang|en|the '''King''' of Western Bop}})。因為太知名以致於部分人們只知道他叫「Elvis」。在西方,他也常被稱爲「[[King of Rock and Roll|搖滾樂之王]]」({{lang|en|the King of Rock and Roll}}),或簡稱「'''王'''」({{lang|en|'''the King'''}})。
普里斯萊出生於[[密西西比州]][[圖珀洛 (密西西比州)|圖珀洛]],他的[[雙胞胎|孿生]]哥哥在生前[[死產]]。當他13歲時隨家人搬至[[田納西州]]的[[曼非斯 (田納西州)|孟菲斯]]居住。1954年在{{link-en|太陽唱片公司|Sun Records}}和製作人{{link-en|山姆·菲利普斯|Sam Phillips}}錄製了一首歌開始了他的音樂生涯。在吉他手{{link-en|史考地·摩爾|Scotty Moore}}和貝斯手{{link-en|比爾·布萊克|Bill Black}}的合作下,普里斯萊是早期將[[鄉村音樂]]和[[節奏藍調]]融合[[洛卡比里]]、[[uptempo]]與[[基調強節奏]]使流行化的歌手。{{link-en|湯姆·帕克|Colonel Tom Parker|湯姆·帕克上校}}(真名:安德列·冯·凯克)從[[RCA唱片|RCA公司]]安排的交易中立下契約,掌理了這位歌手二十餘年。1956年普里斯萊發行第一支RCA的單曲{{單雙書號轉換|[[Heartbreak Hotel|傷心旅館]]}}("{{lang|en|Heartbreak Hotel}}")並得到美國的排行榜冠軍。普里斯萊在一系列成功的[[電視聯播網]]的表演和許多的排行榜冠軍唱片後,被視為[[搖滾|搖滾樂]]的先驅。他對歌曲激勵性的詮釋和具爭議性的性感表演風格,在[[非裔美國人民權運動|公民權利運動]]的開端非常有效地結合穿越種族界限的影響力,使他極度知名——也具備爭議。