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| style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>缅甸云杉</big> '''
|[[File:喜马拉雅云杉1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/63FBDE8EA43C851F.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
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二名法::Picea farreri C. N.
Page & Rushforth
界 ::植物界
门 ::裸子植物门(Gymnospermae)
纲 ::松杉纲(Coniferopsida)
目 ::松柏目(Pinales)或松杉目(Pinales)
科 ::[[松科]](Pinaceae)
属 ::[[云杉属]](Picea,spruce )
种 ::缅甸云杉
'''缅甸云杉'''(miǎn diàn yún shān,学名 '''Picea farreri''' C. N. Page & Rushforth )是[[松科]],[[云杉属]]的一种植物。产于[[西藏]]南部([[亚东]]、[[吉隆]]等地)海拔2900-3600米地带。[[不丹]]、[[锡金]]、[[尼泊尔]]也有分布。
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%CF%B2%C2%ED%C0%AD%D1%C5%D4%C6%C9%BC 喜马拉雅云杉], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref>
[[File:喜马拉雅云杉2.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/202AF7F0640D113E.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
[[File:喜马拉雅云杉3.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/C3C771C0307FE240.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
[[File:喜马拉雅云杉4.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/85D8BD8B45E4B13A.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
化石标本为球果、种鳞、枝条和针叶的痕迹。球果圆柱形,长 6.5 cm,宽 2.5 cm。种鳞倒 卵形,多数长 1.6 cm 左右,宽 1.2 cm(个别长 1.0 cm,宽 0.7 cm),顶端钝圆,基部有种子痕 迹。腹面具明显而清楚的条纹。叶条形,长 1.9~2.3 cm,宽 1.0~1.3 mm,顶部突尖,叶顶钝 或微尖、有时在叶子中间可清楚见到一段脊(《中国新生代植物》编写组,1978)。
Picea spinulosa (Griff.) Henry in Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 39. 219. 1906; Beissn. in Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 15: 83. 1906, et Handb. Nadelh. ed. 2. 287. 1909, Beissn. u. Fitsch. ibidem ed. 3. 282. 1930; Clinton-Baker, Illustr. Conif. 2: 50. cum tab. 1909; Elwes and Henry, Trees Great Brit. and Irel. 6: 1366. 1912; Troup, Silv. Indian Trees 3: 1154. 1921; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees and Shrubs 50. 1927, ed. 2. 31. 1940, et Bibliogr. 28. 1949; Lacassagne in Trav. Lab. Forest. Toulouse II, 3(1): 238. 1934; 郝景盛, 中国裸子植物志 88. 1945, 再版75. 1951; Dallimore and Jackson, Handb. Conif. ed. 3. 439. 1948, rev. Harrison, Handb. Conif. and Ginkgo. ed. 4. 381. 1966; 郑万钧等, 植物分类学报 13(4): 66. 1975. ——Abies spinulosa Griff. in Journ. Travels 259. 1847, et Icon. Pl. Asiat. 4: t. 363. 1854. ——Picea alcockiana Carr. var. morindoides Mott. Conif. Taxac. 273. 1902, nom nud. ——Picea morindoides Rehd. in Sarg. Trees and. Shrubs 2: 95. t. 48. 1903; Mast. in Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 39: 132. 218. 274. f. 84. 113. 1906, ibidem 41: 388. 1907; Stapf in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 133: t. 8168. 1907.
Abies spinulosa Griffith, J. Trav. 259. 1847; Picea morindoides Rehder; P. spinulosa var. yatungensis Silba.
Trees to 60 m tall; bark rough, flaking, scaly; branchlets pendulous, initially brownish yellow, turning gray in 2nd year, slender, glabrous; winter buds brown, ovoid or conical-ovoid. Leaves directed forward on upper side of branchlets, spreading on lower side, linear, flattened or subflattened, broadly rhombic in cross section, 1.5-3.5 cm × 1.1-1.8 mm, slightly keeled on both surfaces, stomatal lines 5-7 in each of 2 white bands adaxially, occasionally 1-3 incomplete stomatal lines abaxially, apex acute or acuminate.
Seed cones green, purple at margin of seed scales, maturing brown or dark brown, oblong-cylindric or cylindric, 9-11 × 3-4.5 cm. Seed scales closely arranged, obovate or obtrullate, thick, ca. 2 × 1.8 cm, exposed part smooth and glossy, not striate. Seeds dark brown, ca. 5 mm; wing pale brown, lustrous, obovate-oblong, 1.1-1.5 cm × ca. 5 mm.
Mountains; 2900-3600 m. S Xizang [Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim]
The timber is used for construction, and the species is cultivated for afforestation.<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=foc FOC >> Vol.4 (1999) >> Pinaceae >> Picea ] </ref>
产于[[西藏]]南部([[亚东]]、[[吉隆]]等地)海拔2900-3600米地带。[[不丹]]、[[锡金]]、[[尼泊尔]]也有分布。<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=foc 《中国植物志》 第7卷 (1978) >> 166页 PDF >> 西藏云杉 Picea spinulosa] </ref>
木材供建筑等用。西藏南部可用来造林。<ref>[http://www.plant.csdb.cn/details?guid=paleoname:2873 Picea spinulosa (Griff) Hebry | 中国植物主题数据库 .中国植物主题数据库[引用日期2020-08-21] </ref>
(图版 90,图 16~25)
== 参考来源 ==
[[Category:370 植物學總論]]
| style="background: #008080" align= center| '''<big>缅甸云杉</big> '''
|[[File:喜马拉雅云杉1.jpg|缩略图|居中|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/63FBDE8EA43C851F.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
| style="background: #008080" align= center|
| align= light|
二名法::Picea farreri C. N.
Page & Rushforth
界 ::植物界
门 ::裸子植物门(Gymnospermae)
纲 ::松杉纲(Coniferopsida)
目 ::松柏目(Pinales)或松杉目(Pinales)
科 ::[[松科]](Pinaceae)
属 ::[[云杉属]](Picea,spruce )
种 ::缅甸云杉
'''缅甸云杉'''(miǎn diàn yún shān,学名 '''Picea farreri''' C. N. Page & Rushforth )是[[松科]],[[云杉属]]的一种植物。产于[[西藏]]南部([[亚东]]、[[吉隆]]等地)海拔2900-3600米地带。[[不丹]]、[[锡金]]、[[尼泊尔]]也有分布。
<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/%CF%B2%C2%ED%C0%AD%D1%C5%D4%C6%C9%BC 喜马拉雅云杉], 植物智, 2020-01-18</ref>
[[File:喜马拉雅云杉2.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/202AF7F0640D113E.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
[[File:喜马拉雅云杉3.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/C3C771C0307FE240.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
[[File:喜马拉雅云杉4.jpg|缩略图|left|250px|[http://img1.iplant.cn/gotoimg/236/85D8BD8B45E4B13A.jpg 原图链接] [http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=p 来自植物智]]]
化石标本为球果、种鳞、枝条和针叶的痕迹。球果圆柱形,长 6.5 cm,宽 2.5 cm。种鳞倒 卵形,多数长 1.6 cm 左右,宽 1.2 cm(个别长 1.0 cm,宽 0.7 cm),顶端钝圆,基部有种子痕 迹。腹面具明显而清楚的条纹。叶条形,长 1.9~2.3 cm,宽 1.0~1.3 mm,顶部突尖,叶顶钝 或微尖、有时在叶子中间可清楚见到一段脊(《中国新生代植物》编写组,1978)。
Picea spinulosa (Griff.) Henry in Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 39. 219. 1906; Beissn. in Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. Ges. 15: 83. 1906, et Handb. Nadelh. ed. 2. 287. 1909, Beissn. u. Fitsch. ibidem ed. 3. 282. 1930; Clinton-Baker, Illustr. Conif. 2: 50. cum tab. 1909; Elwes and Henry, Trees Great Brit. and Irel. 6: 1366. 1912; Troup, Silv. Indian Trees 3: 1154. 1921; Rehd. Man. Cult. Trees and Shrubs 50. 1927, ed. 2. 31. 1940, et Bibliogr. 28. 1949; Lacassagne in Trav. Lab. Forest. Toulouse II, 3(1): 238. 1934; 郝景盛, 中国裸子植物志 88. 1945, 再版75. 1951; Dallimore and Jackson, Handb. Conif. ed. 3. 439. 1948, rev. Harrison, Handb. Conif. and Ginkgo. ed. 4. 381. 1966; 郑万钧等, 植物分类学报 13(4): 66. 1975. ——Abies spinulosa Griff. in Journ. Travels 259. 1847, et Icon. Pl. Asiat. 4: t. 363. 1854. ——Picea alcockiana Carr. var. morindoides Mott. Conif. Taxac. 273. 1902, nom nud. ——Picea morindoides Rehd. in Sarg. Trees and. Shrubs 2: 95. t. 48. 1903; Mast. in Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 39: 132. 218. 274. f. 84. 113. 1906, ibidem 41: 388. 1907; Stapf in Curtis's Bot. Mag. 133: t. 8168. 1907.
Abies spinulosa Griffith, J. Trav. 259. 1847; Picea morindoides Rehder; P. spinulosa var. yatungensis Silba.
Trees to 60 m tall; bark rough, flaking, scaly; branchlets pendulous, initially brownish yellow, turning gray in 2nd year, slender, glabrous; winter buds brown, ovoid or conical-ovoid. Leaves directed forward on upper side of branchlets, spreading on lower side, linear, flattened or subflattened, broadly rhombic in cross section, 1.5-3.5 cm × 1.1-1.8 mm, slightly keeled on both surfaces, stomatal lines 5-7 in each of 2 white bands adaxially, occasionally 1-3 incomplete stomatal lines abaxially, apex acute or acuminate.
Seed cones green, purple at margin of seed scales, maturing brown or dark brown, oblong-cylindric or cylindric, 9-11 × 3-4.5 cm. Seed scales closely arranged, obovate or obtrullate, thick, ca. 2 × 1.8 cm, exposed part smooth and glossy, not striate. Seeds dark brown, ca. 5 mm; wing pale brown, lustrous, obovate-oblong, 1.1-1.5 cm × ca. 5 mm.
Mountains; 2900-3600 m. S Xizang [Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim]
The timber is used for construction, and the species is cultivated for afforestation.<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=foc FOC >> Vol.4 (1999) >> Pinaceae >> Picea ] </ref>
产于[[西藏]]南部([[亚东]]、[[吉隆]]等地)海拔2900-3600米地带。[[不丹]]、[[锡金]]、[[尼泊尔]]也有分布。<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Picea%20spinulosa?t=foc 《中国植物志》 第7卷 (1978) >> 166页 PDF >> 西藏云杉 Picea spinulosa] </ref>
木材供建筑等用。西藏南部可用来造林。<ref>[http://www.plant.csdb.cn/details?guid=paleoname:2873 Picea spinulosa (Griff) Hebry | 中国植物主题数据库 .中国植物主题数据库[引用日期2020-08-21] </ref>
(图版 90,图 16~25)
== 参考来源 ==
[[Category:370 植物學總論]]