拉丁学名:Ottelia emersa Z. C. Zhao et R. L. Luo
分布区域: [[ 广西 ]] ( [[ 贵县 ]] )
花 期:5月
退化雄蕊6-9枚,2-3枚密生,长3-8毫米。果椭圆形,长4.5-7厘米,直径3-5厘米。种子多数,纺锤形,长约1.6毫米,直径0.6毫米,密被灰色绒毛。<ref>[https://haokan.baidu.com/v?pd=wisenatural&vid=4424031571206781072 出水水菜花长这样_好看视频 - 秒懂视频V] 视频时长 00:48 2019年12月27日 - 原来出水水菜花长这样,本视频由秒懂视频V原创提供,0次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业... </ref>
Leaves emersed; petiole 45-90 cm; leaf blade narrowly cordate, 9-20 × 4.5-14 cm, leathery, base cordate, apex obtuse. Flowers unisexual. Spathe 5-7.5 × 3-3.5 cm, with 3 longitudinal ribs.
Male spathe with 47-60 male flowers; sepals greenish; petals white with yellow base, obovate, 4-5.5 cm; stamens 12; filaments upper densely hairy; anthers 4-9 mm; staminodes 3; reduced pistil 1.
Female spathe with only 1 female flower; perianth larger than male ones; ovary ovoid, with 14-16 carpels; styles 14-18, bifid and hairy at apex; staminodes 6-9. Fruit oblong, 4.5-7 × 3-5 cm. Seeds fusiform, ca. 1.6 mm, densely hairy. Fl. May, fr. Jun-Jul. 2n = 22*.
● Ponds. Guangxi (Guixian).
This species differs from Ottelia cordata by its leaves emersed and not dimorphic, male flowers in each spathe with up to 47-60 flowers, and seeds densely hairy.This species differs from Ottelia cordata by its leaves emersed and not dimorphic, male flowers in each spathe with up to 47-60 flowers, and seeds densely hairy.