

前往: 導覽搜尋


移除 2,934 位元組, 5 年前
{{Infobox islands
| name = 温哥华岛
| image name = Vancouver Island contour map.png
| image caption =
| image size =
| locator map =
| native name =
| native name link =
| nickname =
| location = [[太平洋]],位于加拿大西南海岸
| coordinates = {{Coord|49|30|N|125|30|W|type:isle|display=inline,title}}<ref>{{cite web|url=http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/learningresources/facts/islands.html/#pacific|title=The Atlas of Canada - Sea Islands|accessdate=16 September 2010}}</ref>
| archipelago =
| total islands =
| major islands =
| area_km2 = 31285
| rank = 第43位
| highest_mount = [[Golden Hinde (mountain)|Golden Hinde]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.vancouverisland.com/parks/?id=411|title=BC Parks - Strathcona Provincial Park, Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia|accessdate=16 September 2010}}</ref>
| elevation_m = 2,195
| highest mount = {{link-en|Golden Hinde|Golden Hinde (mountain)}}
| country = 加拿大
| country admin divisions title = [[加拿大行政区划|省]]
| country admin divisions = {{flag|British Columbia}}
| country admin divisions title 1 =
| country admin divisions 1 =
| country admin divisions title 2 =
| country admin divisions 2 =
| country capital city =
| country largest city = [[维多利亚_(卑诗)|维多利亚]](省会)
| country largest city population = 344,615<ref>
{{cite web
|title= Saanich, BC Census Profile
| country leader title =
| country leader name =
| population = 759,366<ref name="bcstats.gov.bc.ca">{{cite web |url=http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/data/pop/pop/dynamic/PopulationStatistics/Query.asp?category=Census&type=SR&topic=Estimates&agegrouptype=Standard&subtype=&region=400&year=2009&agegroup=totals&gender=t&output=browser&rowsperpage=all |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6E7bIycgG?url=http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/data/pop/pop/dynamic/PopulationStatistics/Query.asp?category=Census |archivedate=2013-02-02 |title=Vancouver Island Population Figures 2008 |publisher=Bcstats.gov.bc.ca |date=2009-01-15 |accessdate=2011-02-19 |deadurl=yes }}</ref>
| population as of = 2011
| density_km2 = 23.94
| ethnic groups =
| additional info =
'''温哥华岛''' ({{lang-en|Vancouver (Vancouver Island}} {{lang-fr| Île de Vancouver}} )位于[[加拿大]][[不列颠哥伦比亚]]的西南隅。该岛长约460公里(285英里),宽50-80公里(30-50英里),面积达31,285平方公里(12,221平方英里),是[[北美]]大陆西海岸最大的岛屿,也是世界第四十三、加拿大第十一大岛屿。该岛名字得自于[[乔治·温哥华]],这位前[[英国皇家海军]]官员于1791年到1794年间考察了整个东北[[太平洋]]海岸。根据2011年的统计,温哥华岛总人口为759,366人,其中近一半(344,615人)居住在该岛南端的[[维多利亚 (不列颠哥伦比亚)|维多利亚]]。岛上其它主要城市还包括[[纳奈莫]](Nanaimo),[[艾伯尼港]](Port Alberni),[[考特尼]](Courtenay),以及[[坎贝尔里弗]](Campbell River)等。而[[卑诗省]]第一大城市[[温哥华]]并不在温哥华岛上。[[温哥华]]市位于北美大陆,而温哥华岛是一个外岛,两者全无关系,只有名称上的雷同,因为两地皆为探险家[[乔治·温哥华]]所发现。
== 地理 ==
== 外部连结 ==
* [http://www.sooke.org/tourism-photo-file/ 温哥华岛Sooke社区的照片(英语)]
{{Pacific Islands}}