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 <br> 【[[兰屿芭蕉]]】,拉丁文名为【Musa insularimontana】,名称状态为【被SP2000收录,状态为:Musa insularimontana为接受名】,国内分布区域为【[[台湾]]全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)】
<br> 拉丁文名:
Musa insularimontana
<br> 名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Musa insularimontana为接受名中文名:兰屿芭蕉形态描述:11. Musa insularimontana Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 3 194. 1913. 兰屿芭蕉 lan yu ba jiao Pseudostems subcylindric. Leaf blade narrow. Inflorescence pendulous, curved, slender; rachis terete, ca. 3 cm thick, densely pubescent. Bracts wholly brownish red, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 7 × 3 cm, strongly concave. Flowers sessile, ca. 8 per bract, in 2 rows. Male flowers compound tepal cylindric, ca. 3.5 cm, outer lobes oblong-triangular, ca. 5 mm, apex corniculate; free tepal elliptic-obovate, ca. 1.5 cm, apex truncate or emarginate and shortly cuspidate. Berries cylindric, 10--12 cm; stalk ca. 4 cm, unequally 4-angled, densely pubescent.* Near sea level to 100 m. Taiwan (Lan Yu opposite SE coast).No specimens were seen by the present authors. The description is taken from the protologue. From Flora of China FOC Vol. 24 Page 318国内分布:台湾全球观测记录分布(数据来自GBIF)<ref>[http://www.iplant.cn/info/Musa%20insularimontana?t=focl   岛山芭蕉(dǎo shān bā jiāo)”],植物智, </ref>=='''参考文献'''=={{Reflist}}
[[Category:370 植物學總論]]