| influenced = [[威廉·莎士比亞]]
| signature = }}
'''克里斯托弗·馬洛'''({{lang-en|Christopher Marlowe}}<ref>"Christopher Marlowe was baptised as 'Marlow,' but he spelled his name 'Marley' in his one known surviving signature." David Kathman. [http://shakespeareauthorship.com/name1.html#3 "The Spelling and Pronunciation of Shakespeare's Name: Pronunciation."]</ref>,{{bd|1564年||1593年|5月30日|catIdx=Marlowe}}), [[ 英國]][[伊丽莎白一世 (英格兰)|伊莉莎白 ]] 年代]] 的[[劇作家]]、 [[ 詩人 ]] 及[[翻譯]]家,為[[莎士比亞]]的同代人物。馬洛以寫作[[無韻詩]](blank verse)及[[悲劇]]聞名,[[克里斯托弗·馬洛]]最著名的是他寫的戲劇《浮士德博士的悲剧》<ref>[https://site.douban.com/160701/widget/articles/8442529/article/38865743/ 豆瓣 - 马洛《浮士德博士的悲剧》]</ref>。亦有學者認為他在生時比莎士比亞更出名<ref>Robert A. Logan, ''Shakespeare's Marlowe'' (2007) p.4. "During Marlowe's lifetime, the popularity of his plays, Robert Greene's...remarks...including the designation "famous," and the many imitations of ''Tamburlaine'' suggest that he was for a brief time considered England's foremost dramatist."</ref>。
1593年5月18日,英國政府下令通緝馬洛,但卻並沒有列出任何理由。同月20日,馬洛於被帶到[[英國樞密院]]前接受審訊,其後需要每天向他們報到。10天後,馬洛與Ingram Frizer等人爭執期間,被Ingram Frizer用匕首刺死。到了現在,仍沒有人知道他的死與樞密院的審問有沒有關連。<ref>Nicholl, Charles (2006). "By my onely meanes sett downe: The Texts of Marlow's Atheism", in Kozuka, Takashi and Mulryne, J.R. ''Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson: new directions in biography''. Ashgate Publishing, p. 153.</ref>
[[馬羅]]在 [[ 英格蘭 ]] 東南部的[[坎特伯雷]]出生,父親[[John Marlowe]]為造鞋匠,母親名[[Catherine]]。<ref>This is commemorated by the name of the town's main theatre, the [[Marlowe Theatre]], and by the town museums. However, St. George's was gutted by fire in the [[Baedeker raids]] and was demolished in the post-war period - only the tower is left, at the south end of Canterbury's High Street {{cite web |url=http://www.digiserve.com/peter/cant-sgm1.htm |title=存档副本 |accessdate=2010-12-19 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20061019111934/http://www.digiserve.com/peter/cant-sgm1.htm |archivedate=2006-10-19 }}</ref>馬羅的出生日期不詳,但因為當時嬰兒在出生後必須受洗,而馬羅的領洗日期為1564年2月26日,所以假定他於1564年2月中出生。