1988-1992 湖南師範大學,地理系,地理學學士
1992-1995 北京師範大學,資源與環境科學系,自然地理學碩士
1995-1998 北京大學,地球物理系,氣候學博士
1998-1999 北京大學,地球物理系,博士後
2000- 北京師範大學,資源所、減災院、地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室,講師、副教授、教授
1 北極濤動調製印度洋偶極子模態的機理研究NSFC-41775068, 2018-2021年, 主持
2 北極濤動影響印度洋氣候的機理研究NSFC-41375071,2014-2017年, 主持
3 中國氣候要素的周循環研究NSFC-40975043, 2010-2012年, 主持
4 南極濤動重建與變率分析 NSFC-40675034, 2007-2009年, 主持
5 北極濤動對中國氣候的影響 NSFC-40105007, 2002-2004年, 主持
6 極區海冰氣系統動力學過程的遙感監測和診斷技術,863課題-2008AA121704,2009-2011年, 主持
1 Gong D-Y, D Guo, Y Gao, J Yang, R Mao, JX Qu, MNGao, S Li, S-J Kim. Boreal winter Arctic Oscillation as an indicator of summerSST anomalies over the western tropical Indian Ocean. Climate Dynamics, 2017, 48, 2471-2488, DOI10.1007/s00382-016-3216-2
2 Gao M, J Yang, B Wang, S Zhou, D-Y Gong, S-J Kim.How are heat waves over Yangtze River valley associated with atmosphericquasi-biweekly oscillation? ClimateDynamics, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3526-z
3 Gong,D.-Y., D. Guo, S. Li, S-J Kim. Winter AO/NAO modifies summer ocean heat contentand monsoonal circulation over the western Indian Ocean. Journalof Meteorological Research, 2017, 94–106, doi: 10.1007/s13351-017-6175-6.
4 Zhang Ziyin, Daoyi Gong, Rui Mao, Seong-JoongKim, Jing Xu, Xiujuan Zhao, Zhiqiang Ma. Cause and predictability for thesevere haze pollution in downtown Beijing in November-December 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 2017,592,627-638
5 Guo YX, QH Tang, DY Gong, ZY Zhang. Estimatingground-level PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing using a satellite-basedgeographically and temporally weighted regression model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017, 198, 140-149
6 Qu JX, DY Gong, R Mao, J Yang, S Li. Possibleinfluence of Arctic Oscillation on precipitation along the East Asian rain beltduring boreal spring. Theoretical andApplied Climatology, 2017, 130(1-2), 487-495. DOI10.1007/s00704-016-1900-0.
1 Zhang ZY, XL Zhang, DY Gong, S-J Kim, R Mao, XJZhao. Possible influence of atmospheric circulations on winter hazy pollutionin Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, northern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016, 16,561-571.
2 Yang J, Q Bao, B Wang, HZ He, MN Gao, DY Gong.Characterizing two types of transient intraseasonal oscillations in the EasternTibetan Plateau summer rainfall. ClimateDynamics, 2016, DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3170-z
3 Gao M, J Yang, D Gong, H He, S-J Kim. SpringArctic Oscillation-western North Pacific connection in CMIP5 models. International Journal of Climatology,2016, 36(4), 2093-2102, doi:10.1002/joc.4486
4 Gong D-Y, D Guo, R Mao, J Yang, Y Gao, S-J Kim.Interannual modulation of East African early short rains by winter ArcticOscillation. Journal of GeophysicalResearch: Atmospheres, 2016, 121, 9441-9457, doi:10.1002/2016JD025277
5 Li Sang, Gong Daoyi, Qu Jingxuan. The significantincreasing of atmospheric biweekly disturbances over northeast Asia during thewarming hiatus. Journal of MeteorologicalResearch, 2016, 30 (5): 631-644, doi: 10.1007/s13351-016-5233-9.
1 Guo D, Y Gao, and D-Y Gong. The seasonal foot printing mechanism ofspring Arctic sea ice in the Bergen climate models. Advances in Polar Science, 2015, 25(4), 283-288.
2 He HZ, J Yang, DY Gong, R Mao, YQ Wang, MN Gao. Decadal changes intropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific in the late 1990s. Climate Dynamics, 2015, 45(11),3317-3329
3 Hu Y, X-Z Zhang, R Mao, D-Y Gong, H-B Liu, J Yang. Modeled responses ofsummer climate to realistic land use cover changes from the 1980s to the 2000sover eastern China. Journal ofGeophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2015, 120,167-179,doi:10.1002/2014JD022288
4 Zhang ZY, XL Zhang, DY Gong, WJ Quan, XJ Zhao, ZQ Ma, SJ Kim. Evolutionof surface O3 and PM2.5 concentrations and theirrelationships with meteorological conditions over the last decade in Beijing. Atmospheric Environment, 2015,108,67-75.
5 李桑, 龔道溢. 中國南方1980-2010年雷暴頻次的統計特徵及其變化. 高原氣象, 2015, 34(2), 503-514
6 屈靜玄, 龔道溢, 李桑. 春季北極濤動對南海氣候的影響. 科學通報, 2015,60(24),2327-2337
7 Mao Rui, Dao-Yi Gong, Tianbao Zhao, Wenshan Wang,and Jing Yang, 2015: Trends in the Frequency of High Relative Humidity overChina: 1979–2012. Journal of Climate,28, 9816–9837.
1 GongDao-Yi, Wenshan Wang, Yun Qian, Wenbinh Bai, Yuanxi Guo, and Rui Mao. Observedholiday aerosol reduction and temperature cooling over East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,2014, 119, 6306-6324,doi:10.1002/2014JD021464.
2 Gong Dao-Yi,Yongqi Gao, Dong Guo, Rui Mao, Jing Yang, Miao Hu, Miaoni Gao.Interannual linkage between Arctic/NorthAtlantic Oscillation and tropical Indian Ocean precipitation during borealwinter. Climate Dynamics, 2014,42,1007-1027, DOI:10.1007/s00382-013-1681-4
3 Yang J, Q. Bao, D. Ji, D. Gong, R. Mao, Z. Zhang, and S. Kim.Simulation and causes of Eastern Antarctica surface cooling related with ozonedepletion during austral summer in FGOALS-s2. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2014, 31,1147-1156, doi:10.1007/s00376-014-3144-1
4 Zhang Ziyin, Daoyi Gong,Jingjin Ma. A study on the electric power load of Beijing andits relationships with meteorological factors during summer and winter. Meteorological Applications, 2014, 21,141–148, DOI:10.1002/met.1313
5 Miao-Ni Gao, Jing Yang, Dao-Yi Gong, andSeong-Joong Kim. Unstable relationship between spring Arctic Oscillation andEast Asian summer monsoon. InternationalJournal of Climatology, 2014, 34, 2522-2528, DOI: 10.1002/joc.3849
6 Zhang Ziying, Daoyi Gong, Seongjoong Kim, RuiMao, and Jing Yang. Is the Antarctic Oscillation trend during the recentdecades unusual? Antarctic Science,2014, 26(4), 445-451, doi:10.1017/S0954102013000734.
7 Hu Miao, Daoyi Gong, Rui Mao. Possible influenceof February-April Arctic Oscillation on the ITCZ activity of western-centralPacific. Journal of Tropical Meteorology,2014, 20(3),218-227
8 Guo Dong, Yongqi Gao, Ingo Bethke, Daoyi Gong,Ola M. Johannessen, Huijun Wang. Mechanism on how the spring Arctic sea iceimpacts the East Asian summer monsoon. Theoreticaland Applied Climatology, 2014, 115(1-2), 107-119,doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0872-6.
1 Gong Dao-Yi,Yongqi Gao, Miao Hu, Dong Guo. Associationof Indian Ocean ITCZ variations with the Arctic Oscillation during borealwinter. Atmospheric and Oceanic ScienceLetters, 2013,6, 300-305,doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.12.0108.
2 郭元喜, 龔道溢, 汪文珊, 毛睿, 胡淼. 中國東部夏季雲量與日氣溫統計關係, 地理科學, 2013, 33(1), 104-109
3 Mao Rui,Chang-Hoi Ho, Song Feng, Dao-Yi Gong, Yaping Shao. The influence of vegetationvariation on northeast Asian dust activity. Asia-PacificJournal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, 49(1), 87-94, doi:10.1007/s13143-013-0010-5
4 Mao Rui, GongDaoyi, Shao Yaping, Wu Guangjian, Bao Jingdong. Numerical analysis forcontribution of the Tibetan Plateau to dust aerosols in the atmosphere over theEast Asia. Science China: Earth Sciences,2013, 56(2), 301-310,doi:10.1007/s11430-012-4460-x.
5 YangJing, Qing Bao, Bin Wang, Dao-Yi Gong, Haozhe He, Miao-Ni Gao. Distinctquasi-biweekly features of the subtropical East Asian monsoon during early andlate summers, Climate Dynamics, 2013,DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1728-6
6 胡淼, 龔道溢, 毛睿. 2-4月北極濤動對中西太平洋ITCZ活動的可能影響. 熱帶氣象學報,2013,29(1):55-65
7 Mao, R., D.-Y. Gong, J. Yang, Z.-Y. Zhang, S.-J.Kim, and H.-Z. He. Is there a linkage between the tropical cyclone activity inthe southern Indian Ocean and the Antarctic Oscillation?, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,2013, 118(15),8519-8535, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50666.
8 Zhang Ziyin, Guo Wenli, Gong Daoyi, KimSeongjoong. Evaluation of the twentieth century reanalysis data in describingthe East Asian winter monsoon variability. Advancesin Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, 30(6), 1645-1652.doi:10.1007/s00376-012-2226-1.
1 Yang J, Gong DY, Wang WS, Hu M, Mao R. Extremedrought event of 2009/2010 over southwestern China. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2012, 115:173-184, doi10.1007/s00703-011-0172-6.
2 胡淼, 龔道溢, 王璐, 周天軍, 張自銀. 1-3月AO對北半球熱帶太平洋和大西洋對流活動的可能影響. 氣象學報,2012, 70(3),479-491
3 張自銀, 龔道溢, 胡淼, 雷楊娜. 多種東亞冬季風指數及其與中國東部氣候關係的比較. 地理研究, 2012, 31(6),987-1003
4 郭元喜, 龔道溢, 汪文珊, 張自銀, 毛睿. 中國中東部秋季PM10時空變化及其與日氣溫的關係, 地理學報, 2012, 67(9), 1155-1164
5 Wang WS, DY Gong, ZY Zhou, YX Guo. Robustness ofthe aerosol weekly cycle over Southeastern China. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 61, 409-418, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.07.029
6 毛睿, 龔道溢, Yaping Shao, 鄔光劍,包景東. 青藏高原隊東亞上空沙塵氣溶膠貢獻的數值模擬分析. 中國科學:地球科學, 2012, 42(7), 1094-1103.
1 Mao R, Gong DY, Yang J, Bao J D. Linkage betweenthe Arctic Oscillation and winter extreme precipitation over central-southernChina. Climate Research, 2011,50,187-201, C1041, doi:10.3354/cr01041.
2 Gong DY, J Yang, S J Kim, Y Gao, D Guo, T Zhou, M Hu. Spring ArcticOscillation-East Asian summer monsoon connection through circulation changesover the western North Pacific. ClimateDynamics, 2011, 37:2199-2216, doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1041-1.
3 Mao R, C.-H. Ho, Y Shao,D.-Y. Gong, J Kim. Influence of Arctic Oscillation on dust activity overnortheast Asia. Atmospheric Environment,2011,45(2), 326-337.
4 Linderholm, H. W., T.Ou, J. Jeong, C. K. Folland, D. Gong, H. Liu, Y. Liu, and D. Chen. Interannualteleconnections between the summer North Atlantic Oscillation and the EastAsian summer monsoon, Journal ofGeophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2011, 116, D13107, doi:10.1029/2010JD015235
1 Qian Y, D Gong, R Leung.Light rain events change over North America, Europe and Asia for 1973-2009. Atmospheric Science Letters, 2010,11:301-306,doi:10.1002/asl.298
2 Yang J, D Y Gong.Intensified reduction in summertime light rainfall over mountains comparedwith plains in eastern China. ClimaticChange, 2010. 100,807-815. doi10.1007/s10584-010-9863-0
3 張自銀, 龔道溢, 何學兆雷楊娜馮勝輝. 近500年南極濤動指數重建及其變率分析. 地理學報, 2010, 65(3),259-269
4 黃建斌, 王紹武, 龔道溢, 周天軍, 聞新宇, 張自銀, 朱錦紅. 近千年的大氣濤動. 科學通報,2010,55:1932-1936.
5 Huang J B, Wang S W, Gong D Y, Zhou T J, WenX Y, Zhang Z Y, Zhu J H. Atmospheric Oscillations over the last millennium. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(22):2469-2472.
6 雷楊娜, 龔道溢, 孫嫻, 何曉嬡, 張自銀, 郭棟. 基於全球模式對中國21世紀夏季高溫的變化預估. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 46(1):85-91.
7 Zhang ZY, Gong D Y., HeX Z, Lei Y N, Feng S H. Statistical reconstruction of Antarctic Oscillationindex based on multi-proxies. Atmosphericand Oceanic Science Letters, 2010, 3(5), 283-287.
1Zhang ZY, Gong DY, He XZ, Guo D, Feng SH. Reconstruction of the western Pacificwarm pool SST since 1644 AD and its relation to precipitation over East China. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES,52(9), 2009, 1436-1446, doi:10.1007/s11430-009-0140-x.
2 邵振艷, 周濤, 史培軍, 龔道溢. 大氣污染對中國重點城市地面總輻射影響的時空特徵. 高原氣象, 2009, 28(5), 1105-1114.
3 Zhou, T., D. Gong, J. Li,B. Li. Detecting and understanding of multi-decadalvariability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon - Recent progress and state ofaffairs. Meteorologische Zeitschrift,2009, 18 (4), 455-467
4 馮勝輝, 龔道溢, 張自銀,何學兆, 郭棟, 雷楊娜. 近50年來中國冬季風寒溫度的變化. 地理學報, 2009, 64(9),1071-1082.
5 Qian, Y., D. Gong, J. Fan, L. R. Leung, R.Bennartz, D. Chen, and W. Wang. Heavy pollution suppresses light rain in China:Observations and modeling, Journal of GeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres, 2009, 114, D00K02,doi:10.1029/2008JD011575.
6 張自銀, 龔道溢, 何學兆, 郭棟. 1644年以來西太平洋暖池海溫重建. 中國科學D輯,2009, 39(1), 106-115
7 雷楊娜, 龔道溢,張自銀,何學兆. 中國夏季高溫日數時空變化及其環流背景分析. 地理研究, 2009, 28(3),653-662.
8 Gong D Y, S J Kim, C H Ho. Arctic and AntarcticOscillation signatures in tropical coral proxies over the South China Sea. Annales Geophysicae, 2009, 27, 1979-1988
9 Song CK, Ho CH, Park RJ, Choi YS, Kim JH, Gong DY,Lee YB. Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Surface PM10 Concentration and MODISAerosol Optical Depth over China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 2009, 45(1), 33-43
10 Zhang Z Y, D Y Gong, M Hu, D Guo, X Z He, Y N Lei.Anomalous winter temperature and precipitation events in southern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009,19(4),471-488, doi: 10.1007/s11442-009-0471-8
11 Yong-Sang Choi, Chang-Hoi Ho, Dao-Yi Gong,Jee-Hoon Jeong, and Tae-Won Park. Adaptive Change in Intra-Winter Distributionof Relatively Cold Events to East Asian Warming. TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 2009, 20(6), 807-816
1. 毛睿, 龔道溢, Deliang Chen.歐亞大陸春季植被狀況與東亞夏季大氣環流的顯著聯繫. 氣象學報, 2008, 66(4), 592-598
2. 張自銀, 龔道溢, 郭棟, 何學兆, 雷楊娜. 我國南方冬季異常低溫和異常降水事件分析. 地理學報, 2008, 63(9),899-912.
3. Gong D Y, JLuterbacher. Variability of the low-level cross-equatorial jet of the western IndianOcean since 1660 as derived from coral proxies. Geophysical Research Letters, 2008, 35, L01705, doi:10.1029/2007GL032409
4. 毛睿, 龔道溢, 房巧敏. 生長季植被覆蓋變化對局地氣象要素的可能影響.氣候與環境研究, 2008, 13(6),738-750.
5. Choi,Yong-Sang, Ho, Chang-Hoi, Kim, Jinwon, Gong, Dao-Yi, Park, Rokjin J. The impactof aerosols on the summer rainfall frequency in China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2008, 47(6),1802-1813
1. Gong D Y, C HHo, D L Chen, Y Qian, Y S Choi, J W Kim. Weekly cycle of aerosol-meteorology interaction over China. Journal ofGeophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2007, 112, D22202,doi:10.1029/2007JD008888
2. Gong D Y, R Mao, P J Shi, Y D Fan. Correlation between East Asian dust storm frequency and PNA. Geophysical Research Letters, 2007, 34, L14710,doi:10.1029/2007GL029944,
3. Gong D Y, S JKim, C H Ho. Arctic Oscillation and ice severity in the Bohai Sea, East Asia. InternationalJournal of Climatology, 2007, 27,1287-1302, doi: 10.1002/joc.1470
4. Gong D Y, H Drange, Y Q Gao. Reconstructionof northern hemisphere 500hPa heights back to the late 19th century. Theoreticaland Applied Climatology, 2007, 90, 83-102
5. 毛睿, 龔道溢. 華北春季沙塵暴頻次與環流年際變率的相關分析, 高原氣象, 2007, 26(5), 1023-1030
6. 毛睿, 龔道溢, 房巧敏. 近百年中國華北農牧交錯帶與非洲Sahel地區環境變化的比較分析, 地理科學進展, 2007, 26(4), 51-63.
7. 房巧敏, 龔道溢, 毛睿. 中國近46年來冬半年日降水變化特徵分析, 地理科學,2007, 27(5), 711-717.
8. 毛睿, 龔道溢, 房巧敏. 冬季東亞中緯度西風急流對我國氣候的影響. 應用氣象學報, 2007, 18(2), 137-146
1. Gong D Y, D. Guo, C H Ho. Weekend effect in diurnal temperature range inChina: Opposite signals between winter and summer. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2006, 111, D18113, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007068
2. Gong D Y, R MaoR, and Y D Fan. East Asian dust storm and weather disturbance: Possible linksto the Arctic Oscillation. International Journal of Climatology, 2006,26, 1379-1396.
3. 龔道溢, 郭棟, 羅勇. 中國夏季日降水頻次的周末效應. 氣候變化研究進展, 2006, 2(3),131-134
1. Gong D Y, H. Drange . A preliminarystudy on the relationship between Arctic Oscillation and daily SLP variance inthe Northern Hemisphere during wintertime. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2005, 22(3), 313-327.
2. 毛睿, 龔道溢, 范一大. 春季天氣變率對華北沙塵暴頻次的影響. 地理學報, 2005, 60(1), 12-20.
3. GongDY, Wang JA, Han H. Trends of summer dry spells in China during the latetwentieth century. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2005, 88,203-216.
4. Ho,C.-H. , J.-H. Kim, H.-S. Kim, C.-H. Sui,and D.-Y. Gong. Possible Influence of the AntarcticOscillation on Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific. Journalof Geophysical Research, 2005,110(D19), D19104, doi:10.1029/2005JD005766.
5. Ho,C.-H., J.-H. Kim, K.-M. Lau, K.-M. Kim, D.-Y.Gong, and Y.-B. Lee. Interdecadal changes inheavy rainfall in China during the northern summer. Terrestrial, Atmosphericand Oceanic Sciences, 2005,16(5), 1163-1176.
6. 王紹武,趙宗慈, 龔道溢, 周天軍. 現代氣候學概論. 氣象出版社, 2005, p241
1. 龔道溢, 何學兆. 資料誤差對大尺度NDVI-氣溫關係的影響. 遙感學報, 2004, 8(4), 349-355.
2. Gong D Y, Shi PJ, and Wang J A. Daily precipitation changes in semiaridregion over northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2004, 59,771-784.
3. Chang-Hoi Ho,Jong-Jin Baik, Joo-Hong Kim, Dao-Yi Gong, andChung-Hsiung Sui. Interdecadal changes in summertime typhoon tracks. Journalof Climate, 2004, 17(9), 1767–1776.
4. Gong DY, Wang SW, Zhu JH. ArcticOscillation influence on daily temperature variance in winter over China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004,49(6), 637-642.
5. 龔道溢,王紹武,朱錦紅. 北極濤動對我國冬季日氣溫方差的顯著影響. 科學通報, 2004, 49(5),487-492.
6. 龔道溢, 韓暉. 華北農牧交錯帶夏季極端氣候事件的趨勢分析. 地理學報, 2004, 59(2),230-238.
7. Gong D Y, andHo C H. Intra-seasonal variability of wintertime temperature over East Asia. InternationalJournal of Climatology, 2004, 24(2), 131-144.
8. Gong DY, ShiPJ. Inter-annual Changes in Eurasian Continent NDVI and Its Sensitivity to theLarge-scale Climate Variations in the Last 20 Years. Acta Botanica Sinica,2004, 46(2), 186-193.
9. Gong DY, PanYZ, and Wang JA. Changes in extreme daily mean temperatures in summer ineastern China during 1955-2000. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2004, 77, 25-37.
10. 潘耀忠,龔道溢,鄧磊,李京,高靜. 基於DEM的中國陸地多年平均溫度插值方法. 地理學報, 59(3),366-374.
1. Gong DY and Ho CH. Detection of large-scale climate signals in springvegetation index (normalized difference vegetation index) over the NorthernHemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2003, 108(D16),4498, doi: 10.1029/2002JD002300.
2. Gong DY, Ho CH. Arctic Oscillation signals in East Asian summer monsoon. Journalof Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 2003, 108(D2), 4066,doi:10.1029/2002JD002193.
3. 龔道溢, 王紹武. 北極濤動對東亞氣候的影響. 氣候變化通訊, 2003, 2(2), 13-14.
4. 龔道溢. 北極濤動對東亞夏季降水的預測意義. 氣象, 29(6),3-6.
5. Gong DY, Shi PJ. Northern hemispheric NDVI variations associated with thelarge-scale climate indices in spring. International Journal of RemoteSensing, 2003, 24(12), 2599-2566
6. 龔道溢, 王紹武. 近百年北極濤動對中國冬季氣候的影響. 地理學報, 2003, 58(4), 559-568
7. Gong Daoyi, Wang Shaowu. Influence ofArctic Oscillation on winter climate over China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003, 13(2), 208-216.
8. Han Hui, GongDaoyi. Extreme climate events over northern China during the last about 50years. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003, 13, 469-479.
1. GongD Y, C.H. Ho. Can Arctic Oscillationimpact the East Asian summer monsoon? CLIVAR-Exchanges, 2002, 7(1),18-20
2. 龔道溢,何學兆. 西太平洋副熱帶高壓的年代際變化及其氣候影響. 地理學報,2002, 57(2):185-193
3. 龔道溢, 朱錦紅, 王紹武. 西伯利亞高壓對亞洲大陸的氣候影響分析. 高原氣象, 2002, 21(1):8-15
4. 龔道溢, 王紹武. 冬季西風環流指數的變率及其與北半球溫度變化的關係研究. 熱帶氣象學報, 2002, 18(2):104-110.
5. 龔道溢,朱錦紅,王紹武. 長江流域夏季降水與前期AO的顯著相關. 科學通報, 2002, 47(7):546-549
6. Gong Daoyi, Zhu Jinhong,Wang Shaowu. Significant relationship between spring AO and the summer rainfallalong the Yangtze River. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(11): 948-951
7. 龔道溢, 王紹武. 全球氣候變暖研究中的不確定性. 地學前緣, 2002,9(2):371-376
8. Gong DY, Ho C H. The Siberian High and climate change over middle to highlatitude Asia. Theoretical and AppliedClimatology, 2002, 72:1-9
9. He Xuezhao and GongDaoyi. Interdecadal change in Western Pacific Subtropical High and climaticeffects. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2002, 12(2):202-209
10. Gong D Y and Ho C H.Shift in the summer rainfall over Yangtze River valley in the late 1970s. GeophysicalResearch Letters, 2002, 29(10):10.1029/2001GL014523
11. 王紹武, 蔡靜寧, 朱錦紅, 龔道溢. 中國氣候變化的研究. 氣候與環境研究, 2002, 7(2), 137-145
12. 龔道溢, 史培軍,何學兆. 北半球春季植被NDVI對溫度變化響應的空間差異. 地理學報,2002, 57(5),505-514
13. 王紹武, 謝志輝, 蔡靜寧, 朱錦紅, 龔道溢. 近千年全球平均氣溫變化的研究. 自然科學進展, 2002, 12(11), 1145-1149.
14. Wang S W, Xie Z H, Cai J N, Zhu J H, Gong D Y. Global mean temperaturechanges during the last millennium. Progress in Natural Science, 2002,12(12), 920-924.
15. Wang S W, Cai J N, Mu Q Z, Xie Z H, Zhu J H, Gong D Y. Modeling anddiagnostic studies on the variations of the Subtropical High over the westernPacific from 1880-1999. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2002, 12(12),920-924.
16. 王紹武, 蔡靜寧, 朱錦紅, 龔道溢. 19世紀80年代到20世紀90年代中國年降水量的年代際變化. 氣象學報, 60(5), 637-640.
17. 慕巧珍, 王紹武, 龔道溢. 近百年四季西太平洋副熱帶高壓的變化. 氣象學報, 2002, 60(6),668-679.
1. Gong D Y, Wang S W andZhu J H. Flooding 1990s along the Yangtze River, has it concern of globalwarming? Journal of GeographicalSciences, 2001,11(1):43-52
2. 龔道溢, 史培軍. 華北農牧交錯帶夏季降水變率及其與前期下墊面熱力狀況的關係. 自然資源學報,2001, 16(3):211-215
3. Gong D Y., Wang S W andZhu J H. East Asian winter monsoon and Arctic Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 2001,28(10):2073-2076
4. Wang SW, Gong DY, Zhu JH.Twentieth-century climatic warming in China in the context of the Holocene. The Holocene, 2001,11(3):313-321
5. Gong D Y, Wang S W.Decadal variability of the Antarctic Oscillation. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2001,15(2):178-190
6. 王紹武, 龔道溢. 對氣候變暖問題爭議的分析.地理研究, 2001,20(2):153-160
7. 史培軍,龔道溢. Sahel地區氣候與環境變化的研究進展.地球科學進展, 2001,16(3):406-412
8. 龔道溢,周天軍,王紹武. 北大西洋濤動變率研究進展. 地球科學進展, 2001,16(3):413-420
9. 龔道溢,王紹武. 北半球冬季緯向平均環流的結構及對我國氣候的影響. 地理科學2001,21(2):108-112
10. 慕巧珍, 王紹武, 朱錦紅, 龔道溢. 近百年夏季西太平洋副熱帶高壓的變化. 大氣科學, 2001,25(6),787-797.
11. Mu Qiaozhen, Wang Shaowu,Zhu Jinhong, Gong Daoyi. Summer variations of the Western Pacific SubtropicalHigh during the last hundred years. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,2001, 25(4), 325-336.
1. 龔道溢, 王紹武. 北大西洋濤動(NAO)指數的比較及其年代際變率.大氣科學 2000,24(2),187-192
2. Wang Shaowu and GongDaoyi. Climate in China during the four special periods in Holocene.Progress in Natural Sciences, 2000,10(5):379-386
3. 王紹武, 龔道溢, 葉瑾琳, 陳振華. 1880年以來中國東部四季降水量序列及其變率. 地理學報,2000, 55(3):281-293
4. 王紹武, 龔道溢. 全新世幾個特徵時期我國的氣溫. 自然科學進展, 2000,10(4):325-332
5. 龔道溢, 王紹武. 恢復近百年北半球500hPa高度場的試驗. 熱帶氣象學報,2000,16(2):148-154
6. 肖海平,龔道溢. ENSO對江南及印度降水影響的比較. 自然災害學報,2000,9(2):74-80
7. 龔道溢,王紹武. 南半球中高緯大氣環流年代際變率的研究. 氣象學報, 2000, 58(3): 297-308
8. Shaowu Wang and DaoyiGong. Enhancement of the warming trend in China. Geophysical ResearchLetters, 2000,27(16):2581-2584
9. 龔道溢,王紹武, 朱錦紅. 1990年代長江中下游地區多雨的機制分析. 地理學報, 2000, 55(5):567-575
10. Gong D Y and Wang S W.Severe summer rainfall in China associated with the enhanced global warming. Climate Research, 2000,16(1):51-59
11. 龔道溢. 大尺度大氣環流變化對北半球冬季溫度的影響. 地學前緣, 2000, 7(增):203-208
12. 龔道溢,王紹武. 大氣濤動對全球低層大氣環流的貢獻,高原氣象 2000, 19(4):427-434
1. 王紹武, 龔道溢. 近百年來的ENSO事件及其強度. 氣象,1999,25(1):9-14
2. Daoyi Gong and Shaowu Wang. Definition ofAntarctic Oscillation Index. Geophysical Research Letters,1999,26:459-462
3. 龔道溢,王紹武. 西伯利亞高壓的長期變化及全球變暖可能影響的研究. 地理學報,1999,54(2):125-133
4. 龔道溢,王紹武. 近百年ENSO對全球陸地及中國降水的影響. 科學通報,1999, 44(3) : 315-320
5. 王群英, 龔道溢. 華北降水資源的變化及其與厄爾尼諾的關係. 自然資源學報,1999,14(2):103-108
6. 龔道溢,王紹武. 大氣環流因子對北半球氣溫變化影響的研究.地理研究,1999,18(1):31-38
7. Gong Daoyi and Wang Shaowu.Impacts of ENSO on rainfall of global land and China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999,44(9):852-856
8. Gong Daoyi and Wang Shaowu.Responding of global subtropical highs to the equatorial eastern Pacific SSTanomaly. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,1999, 18(2):203-214
9. 龔道溢. 全球變暖背景下的南極地區氣候變化.地理科學,1999,19(2):102-107
10. 龔道溢,王紹武. 近百年我國的異常暖冬與冷冬. 災害學,1999,14(2):63-68
11. 龔道溢,王紹武. 1998年:近百年來中國最暖的一年. 氣象, 1999,25(8):1-3
12. 王紹武, 龔道溢, 陳振華. 近百年來中國的嚴重氣候災害. 應用氣象學報,1999, 10(增):43-53
13. 龔道溢,王紹武. 近百年全球溫度變化中的ENSO分量. 地球科學進展,1999, 14(5):518-523
14. 龔道溢. 氣候變暖與我國夏季洪澇災害風險. 自然災害學報,1999,8(3):30-37
1. Gong Daoyi and Wang Shaowu. AntarcticOscillation: Concept and Applications. ChineseScience Bulletin, 1998,43(9):734-738
2. 王紹武,葉瑾琳,龔道溢. 中國小冰期的氣候. 第四紀研究,1998,第一期,54-64
3. 龔道溢,王紹武,楊義文,趙振國. 90年代副高異常的分析.氣象,1998, 24(8):8-13
4. 龔道溢,王紹武. 近百年中國四季降水與ENSO的關係. 氣候通訊,1998,第一期,9-12
5. 龔道溢,王紹武. 南北半球副熱帶高壓對赤道東太平洋海溫變化的響應. 海洋學報,1998, 20(5):44-54
6. 龔道溢,王紹武. 南極濤動. 科學通報,1998,43(3):296-301
7. 龔道溢,王紹武. ENSO對中國四季降水的影響. 自然災害學報,1998,7(4):44-52
8. 葉瑾琳,陳振華,龔道溢,王紹武. 近百年中國四季降水量異常的空間分布特徵. 應用氣象學報,1998,9(增刊):57-64
9. 王紹武,葉瑾琳,龔道溢,陳振華. 中國東部夏季降水型的研究. 應用氣象學報,1998,9(增刊):65-74
10. 王紹武,葉瑾琳,龔道溢,朱錦紅,姚檀棟. 近百年中國年氣溫序列的建立. 應用氣象學報,1998,9(4):392-401
11. 龔道溢,王紹武. 1867年以來的ENSO指數及變率. 氣候通訊,1998, 第三期,11-17
12. 王紹武, 龔道溢, 朱錦紅, 陳振華. 近百年來中國的嚴重氣候災害. 氣候通訊,1998, 第三期,4-10
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