

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




[1].2010.9 -- 2015.7



[1].2018.10 -- 至今

北京航空航天大學 網絡空間安全學院

[2].2015.7 -- 2018.10

北京航空航天大學計算機學院 博士後


1. 面向***的降噪方法研究,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目

2. 基於大數據的***研究,國家重點實驗室開放基金

3. 基於***仿真驗證技術研究,橫向課題

4. ***快速匹配方法研究,橫向課題

5. 基於***的智能推薦模型研究,橫向課題

6. 基於深度學習***技術研究,橫向課題

7. 基於圖像與文本數據***挖掘技術,橫向課題



[1] Ruri Liu, Shasha Mo*, Jianwei Niu, Shengda Fan. "CETA: A Consensus Enhanced Training Approach for Denoising in Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction. " COLING 2022: 2247-2258[2]

[2] Shengda Fan, Shasha Mo*, Jianwei Niu. "Boosting Document-Level Relation Extraction by Mining and Injecting Logical Rules." EMNLP 2022: 10311-10323.

[3] Feng Jiang, Jianwei Niu, Shasha Mo*, Shengda Fan. "Key Mention Pairs Guided Document-Level Relation Extraction." COLING 2022: 1904-1914.

[4] Yuntao Qu, Shasha Mo*, Jianwei Niu. "DAT: Training Deep Networks Robust To Label-Noise by Matching the Feature Distributions." CVPR 2021: 6821-6829.

[5] Anlin Qu, Jianwei Niu, Shasha Mo*. "Explore Better Relative Position Embeddings from Encoding Perspective for Transformer Models." EMNLP 2021: 2989-2997.

[6] Anlin Qu, Jianwei Niu, Shasha Mo*. "Enhancing Transformer with Horizontal and Vertical Guiding Mechanisms for Neural Language Modeling." ICC 2021: 1-6.

[7] Shasha Mo, Jianwei Niu. "A Novel Method Based on OMPGW Method for Feature Extraction in Automatic Music Mood Classification." IEEE Transactions Affective Computing, 2019, 10(3): 313-324.

[8] Shasha Mo, Jianwei Niu, Yiming Su, Sajal K. Das."A novel feature set for video emotion recognition." Neurocomputing, 2018, 291: 11-20.

[9] Shasha Mo, Jianwei Niu, Yanfei Wang."A Novel Approach Based on the Instrumental Variable Method With Application to Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018, 11(9): 3144-3154.

[10] Shasha Mo, Yanfei Wang, Chang Liu. "An Estimation Algorithm for Phase Errors in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2015, 12(9): 1818-1822.

[11] Jianwei Niu, Yanyan Guo, Shasha Mo. "A Novel Method of Articles Rating Based on Concerns Tracking and Matching for Public Opinion Recommendation." ICC 2018: 1-6.

[12] Jianwei Niu, Shijie Li, Shasha Mo, Yanyan Guo, Lei Wang."Affective Analysis for Video Frames Using ConvLSTM Network." ICC 2018: 1-6.

[13] Jianwei Niu, Zheng Li, Shasha Mo, Boyu Fan. "CIGAN: A Novel GANs Model Based on Category Information." SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018: 522-529.

[14] Jianwei Niu, Shijie Li, Shasha Mo, Sen Yang, Boyu Fan. " Affective Content Analysis of Online Video Clips with Live Comments in Chinese." SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018: 849-856.

[15] Jianwei Niu, Mingsheng Sun, Shasha Mo. "Sentiment Analysis of Chinese Words Using Word Embedding and Sentiment Morpheme Matching." CollaborateCom 2017: 3-12.

[16] Jianwei Niu, Shijie Li, Shasha Mo, Jun Ma. "LWTP: An Improved Automatic Image Annotation Method Based on Image Segmentation." CollaborateCom 2017: 53-62.

[17] Jianwei Niu, Yiming Su, Shasha Mo, Zeyu Zhu. "A Novel Affective Visualization System for Videos Based on Acoustic and Visual Features." MMM 2017: 15-27.[1]
