









2019/11–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木與水利工程學院,講師


[1] 合肥工業大學學術新人提升計劃項目,岩石受力過程熱紅外輻射信息時空演變特徵研究,JZ2021HGTA0169,2021/04-2022/12,主持;

[2] 合肥工業大學青年教師科研創新啟動專項,岩石受力過程熱紅外輻射溫度場空間形態演化規律實驗研究,JZ2020HGQA0139,2020/05-2022/04,主持;

[3] 國家自然科學基金應急管理項目,冷背景下岩石受力熱紅外光譜變化探測實驗與機理研究,41440032,2015/01-2015/12,參與;

[4] 國家973計劃項目子課題,多傳感器智能感知模型與方法研究,2011CB707102,2011/01-2015/12,參與;

[5] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,岩石破裂過程微波輻射變化規律與敏感波段實驗研究,41074127,2011/01-2013/12,參與。


[1] Huang J W; Liu S J; Liu W F; Zhang C J; Li S P; Yu M; Wu L X. Experimental Study on the Thermal Infrared Spectral Variation of Fractured Rock. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1191. (SCI)

[2] Huang J W, Liu S J, Gao X, et al. Experimental study of the thermal infrared emissivity variation of loaded rock and its significance. Remote Sens., 2018, 10(6): 818-834. (SCI)

[3] Huang J W, Liu S J, Ni Q, et al. Experimental study of extracting weak infrared signals of rock induced by cyclic loading under the strong interference background. Appl. Sci., 2018, 8: 1458-1472. (SCI)

[4] Huang J W, Liu S J, Xu Z Y, et al. Experimental study on the influence of the radiation background on the variation in thermal infrared radiance of loaded rock. Spectrosc. Spectr. Anal. 2018, 38(1): 49-53. (SCI)

[5] Huang J W, Liu S J, Li T Z, et al. Experimental study on thermal infrared radiation variation of loaded sandstone in the cold sky background. IEEE IGARSS 2016, 2016: 4222-4225. (EI)

[6] Liu S J, Xu Z Y, Wei J L, Huang J W, Wu L X. Experimental study on microwave radiation from deforming and fracturing rock under loading outdoor. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2016, 54: 5578-5587. (SCI)

[7] Liu S J, Huang J W, Mao W F, et al. Experimental study on possibility of earth surface stress detecting using satellite remote sensing.IEEE IGARSS 2017, 2017:1165-1168. (EI)

[8] Liu S J, He L M, Huang J W, et al. Combined detection of landslide using D-InSAR, high spatial resolution imagery and thermal imaging technology. ACRS 2015, October 24-28, 2015. (EI)

[9] 虞茉莉, 劉善軍, 宋亮, 黃建偉, 李天子, 王東. 不同含水量尾砂的光譜特徵與遙感模型. 光譜學光譜分析, 2019, 39(10): 3096-3101. (SCI)

[10] 劉善軍, 魏嘉磊, 黃建偉, 等. 岩石加載過程中紅外輻射溫度場演化的定量分析方法. 岩石力學與工程學報, 2015(s1): 2968-2976. (EI)[1]
