馬潤林 |
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
1人物簡介 2人物履歷 3研究方向 4專利成果 5論文著作
1978-1982 年石河子大學,獲學士學位
有效開發一個物種的遺傳資源在很大程度上取決於對其基因組結構的深入理解,並具備可以對其中任何基因進行深入研究的實驗操作材料。在國家傑出青年基金的支持下,我們成功地構建了我國第一個細毛羊全基因組細菌人工染色體(BAC)文庫。這是世界範圍內僅有的三個綿羊BAC文庫之一。 經嚴格檢測,所構建BAC文庫的庫容量達到20萬BAC克隆,克隆的平均DNA插入片段長度達到13萬鹼基(133kb),文庫克隆的總鹼基數達到綿羊全基因組DNA (約30億鹼基)的8.5倍。檢查近400個BAC克隆,空載率小於3%。這些克隆已經PACK在近500塊384孔板內供長期保存。這項工作為我國在重要經濟動物全基因組高密度物理圖譜這個基因組研究的關鍵領域做出有原創性的突破奠定了堅實基礎。我們正通過雜交篩選、酶切和排列位於綿羊第20號染色體主要組織相容複合體(MHC)區段的BAC克隆,繪製該區段及臨近染色體區域的BAC高密度物理圖譜。
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MATER是一個受精卵正常發育所必須的母源性抗原因子,我們先前的合作研究發現MATER與小鼠自身免疫性卵巢退化(AOD)有關。同時他人的研究發現缺失MATER使受精卵的發育停滯在二細胞期。我們進一步研究發現該基因在轉錄過程中有選擇性剪切現象,形成多個mRNA轉錄本。這些轉錄本均在轉錄表達水平上經過RT-PCR及轉錄剪切體特異引物PCR擴增所證實,但是對它們在受精卵發育中的確切功能一無所知。結構預測顯示MATER蛋白在結構具有Transcription Factor的特徵,我們正通過Northern、Western、酵母雙雜交、卵母細胞培養、免疫組化等技術研究MATER基因及選擇性剪切體的確切功能與調控。
( 1 )SHON作為癌症預後生物標誌物並預測癌症內分泌治療的療效,2016,第 1 作者
1. Zhang X, Ling Y, Guo Y, Bai Y, Shi X, Gong F, Tan P, Zhang Y, Wei C, He X, Ramirez A, Liu X, Cao C, Zhong H, Xu Q, Ma RZ. (2016) Mps1 kinase regulates tumor cell viability via its novel role in mitochondria. Cell Death Dis
2. Hou Y, Li Y, Gong F, Jin J, Huang A, Fang Q, Ma RZ. (2016) A Preliminary Study on RCN3 Protein Expression in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
3. Jin J, Li Y, Ren J, Man Lam S, Zhang Y, Hou Y, Zhang X, Xu R, Shui G, Ma RZ. (2016) Neonatal Respiratory Failure with Retarded Perinatal Lung Maturation in Mice Caused by Reticulocalbin 3 Disruption
4. Zhang X, Pei L, Li R, Zhang W, Yang H, Li Y, Guo Y, Tan P, Han JJ, Zheng X, Ma RZ. (2016) Spina bifida in fetus is associated with an altered pattern of DNA methylation in placenta
5. Jia H, Zhang X, Wang W, Bai Y, Ling Y, Cao C, Ma RZ, Zhong H, Wang X, Xu Q. (2015) A putative N-terminal nuclear export sequence is sufficient for Mps1 nuclear exclusion during interphase
6. Jung Y, Abdel-Fatah TM, Chan SY, Nolan CC, Green AR, Ellis IO, Li L, Huang B, Lu J, Xu B, Chen L, Ma RZ, Zhang M, Wang J, Wu Z, Zhu T, Perry JK, Lobie PE, Liu DX. (2014) SHON is a novel estrogen-regulated oncogene in mammary carcinoma that predicts patient response to endocrine therapy
7. Ling Y, Zhang X, Bai Y, Li P, Wei C, Song T, Zheng Z, Guan K, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Liu X, Ma RZ, Cao C, Zhong H, Xu Q. (2014) Overexpression of Mps1 in colon cancer cells attenuates the spindle assembly checkpoint and increases aneuploidy
8. Zhang P, Liu P, Dou H, Chen L, Chen L, Lin L, Tan P, Vajta G, Gao J, Du Y, Ma RZ. (2013) Handmade cloned transgenic sheep rich in omega-3 Fatty acids. PLoS One
9. Shi H, Qi X, Zhong H, Peng Y, Zhang X, Ma RZ, Su B. (2013) Genetic Evidence of an East Asian Origin and Paleolithic Northward Migration of Y-chromosome Haplogroup N
10. Yang J, Zhu Z, Wang H, Li F, Du X, Ma RZ. (2013) Trop2 regulates the proliferation and differentiation of murine compact-bone derived MSCs. Int J Oncol
11. Zhang X, Ling Y, Wang W, Zhang Y, Ma Q, Tan P, Song T, Wei C, Li P, Liu X, Ma RZ, Zhong H, Cao C, Xu Q. (2013) UV-C irradiation delays mitotic progression by recruiting Mps1 to kinetochores. Cell Cycle
12. Li G, Liu K, Jiao S, Liu H, Blair HT, Zhang P, Cui X, Tan P, Gao J, Ma RZ. (2012) A physical map of a BAC clone contig covering the entire autosome insertion between ovine MHC Class IIa and IIb. BMC Genomics
13. Zhang P, Zhang Y, Dou H, Yin J, Chen Y, Pang X, Vajta G, Bolund L, Du Y, Ma RZ. (2012) Handmade cloned transgenic piglets expressing the nematode fat-1 gene
14. Wu X, Zhang Y, Chen S, Xu Y, Pei Z, Lin D, Chen Y, Ma RZ. (2012) Methylseleninic acid restricts tumor growth in nude mice model of metastatic breast cancer probably via inhibiting angiopoietin-2. BMC Cancer
15. Chen L, Liu K, Zhao Z, Blair HT, Zhang P, Li D, Ma RZ. (2012) Identification of sheep ovary genes potentially associated with off-season reproduction
16. Zhong H, Li XL, Li M, Hao LX, Chen RW, Xiang K, Qi XB, Ma RZ, Su B. (2011) Replicated associations of TNFAIP3, TNIP1 and ETS1 with systemic lupus erythematosus in a southwestern Chinese population
17. ZhangX, Yin Q, Ling Y, Zhang Y, Ma RZ, Ma Q, Cao C, Zhong H, Liu X, Xu Q. (2011) Two LXXLL motifs in the N terminus of Mps1 are required for Mps1 nuclear import during G(2)/M transition and sustained spindle checkpoint responses
18. Zhong H, Shi H, Qi XB, Duan Z, Tan P, Jin L, Su B, Ma RZ. (2011) Extended Y-chromosome investigation suggests post-Glacial migrations of modern humans into East Asia via the northern route
19. Liu K, Zhang P, Gao J, Liu H, Li G, Qiu Z, Zhang Y, Ren J, Tan P, Ma RZ. (2011) Closing a gap in the physical map of the ovine major histocompatibility complex
20. Peng Y, Shi H, Qi XB, Xiao CJ, Zhong H, Ma RZ, Su B. (2010) The ADH1B Arg47His polymorphism in east Asian populations and expansion of rice domestication in history
21. Gao J, Liu K, Liu H, Blair HT, Li G, Chen C, Tan P, Ma RZ. (2010) A complete DNA sequence map of the ovine Major Histocompatibility Complex
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22. Zhong H, Shi H, Qi XB, Xiao CJ, Jin L, Ma RZ, Su B. (2010) Global distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroup C reveals the prehistoric migration
23. Liu L, Yin J, Li W, Liu K, Peng Y, Tan P, Ma RZ. (2010) Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome library for the Rongchang pig breed and its use for the identification of genes involved in intramuscular fat deposition
24. Song J, Zhang X, Qi Z, Sun G, Chi S, Zhu Z, Ren J, Qiu Z, Liu K, Myatt L, Ma RZ. (2009) Cloning and Characterization of a Calcium-Activated Chloride Channel in Rat Uterus
25. Shi H, Tan SJ, Zhong H, Hu W, Levine A, Xiao CJ, Peng Y, Qi XB, Shou WH, Ma RL, Li Y, Su B, Lu X. (2009) Winter temperature and UV are tightly linked to genetic changes in the p53 tumor suppressor pathway in Eastern Asia
26. Shi H, Zhong H, Peng Y, Dong YL, Qi XB, Zhang F, Liu LF, Tan SJ, Ma RZ, Xiao CJ, Wells RS, Jin L, Su B. (2008) Y chromosome evidence of earliest modern human settlement in East Asia and multiple origins of Tibetan and Japanese populations
27. Wei H, Ding X, Ren J, Liu K, Tan P, Li D, Ma RZ. (2008) A murine model for human immune thrombocytopenic purpura and comparative analysis of multiple gene expression in bone marrow and spleen
28. Zhang Y., Dasgupta J., Ma RZ, Banks L., Thomas M., Chen X.S. (2007) Structures of a HPV-E6 polypeptide bound to MAGUK proteins: Mechanisms of targeting tumor suppressors by a high-risk HPV oncoprotein
29. Zhang X., Zhu Z., Huang C., Tan P., Ma RZ (2007) Microsatellite genotyping for four expected inbred mouse strains from KM mice
30. Liu HB,Liu K,Wang JF,Ma RZ. (2006) A BAC-based physical map of Ovine Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
31. Szakonyi G, Klein MG, Hannan JP, Young KA, Ma RZ, Asokan R, Holers VM, Chen XS. (2006) Structure of the Epstein-Barr virus major envelope glycoprotein. Nat Struct Mol Biol
32. Liu YF, Ma RL, Wang SL, Duan ZY, Zhang JH, Wu LJ, Wu CF. (2003) Expression of an antitumor-analgesic peptide from the venom of Chinese scorpion Buthus martensii karsch in Escherichia coli
33. Sun K, Ma RZ, Cui X, Campos B, Webster R, Brockman D, Myatt L. (2003) Glucocorticoids Induce Cytosolic Phospholipase A (2) and Prostaglandin H Synthase Type 2 But Not Microsomal Prostaglandin E Synthase (PGES) and Cytosolic PGES Expression in Cultured Primary Human Amnion Cells
34. Butterfield R.J., Roper R.J., Rhein D.M., Melvold R.W., Haynes L, Ma RZ, Doerge R.W., Teuscher C. (2003) Sex-Specific Quantitative Trait Loci Govern Susceptibility to Th
35. Ma RZ, Gao J., Meeker N.D., Fillmore P.D., Tung K.S.K., Watanabe T., Blankenhorn E.B. and Teuscher C. (2002) Identification of Bphs, an autoimmune diseases locus, as histamine receptor H1
36. Roper R.J., Ma, RZ, Biggins, J.E., McAllister, R.D., Min, S., Call, S.B., Butterfield, R.J., Michael S.M., Tung, K.S.K., Doerge, R.W., and Teuscher, C. (2002) Genetic Control of Immunoregulation, Loss of Peripheral Tolerance, and Autoimmune Ovarian Dysgenesis after Day Three Thymectomy in Mice
37. Ambady S, Kappes SM, Park C, Ma RZ, Beever JE, Lewin HA, Smith TP, Beattie CW, Basrur PK, Ponce de Leon FA. (2001) Development and mapping of microsatellites from a microdissected BTA 11-specific DNA library
38. Kim K.I, Yang Y.H, Lee S.S, Park C, Ma RZ, Bouzat J.L, Lewin H.A. (1999) Phylogenetic relationships of Cheju horses to other horse breeds as determined by mtDNA D-loop sequence polymorphism
39. Meeker N.D., A.N. Stafford, J.K. Lunceford, P. Avner, RZ Ma and C. Teuscher. (1999) Physical mapping of the autoimmune disease susceptibility locus, Bphs: Co-localization with a cluster of genes from the TNF receptor superfamily on mouse chromosome 6
40. Teuscher C, Butterfield R.J, Ma RZ, Zachary J.F, Doerge R.W, Blankenhorn E.P. (1999) Sequence polymorphisms in the chemokines scya1 (TCA-3), scya2 (Monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1), and scya12 (MCP-5) are candidates for eae7, a locus controlling susceptibility to monophasic Remitting/Nonrelapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
41. Da Y, P.M. VanRaden, M. Ron, J.E. Beever, A.A. Paszek, J. Song, G.R. Wiggans, Ma R, J.I. Weller, H.A. Lewin. (1999) Standardization and conversion of marker polymorphism measures
42. Ma RZ, J.C. Reese and W.C. Black IV. (1999) Chlorophyll loses in the sorghum susceptible to greengubs (Schizaphis graminum)
43. Taylor J.F., A. Eggen, A. Aleyasin, S.M. Armitage, W. Barendse, J.E. Beever, M.D. Bishop, R.A. Brenneman, B.M. Burns, S.K. Davis, K. Elo, B. Harlizius, S.M. Kappes, J.W. Keele, J.S. Kemp, B.W. Kirkpatrick, H.A. Lewin, RZ Ma, R.A. McGraw, D. Pomp, R.T. Stone, Y. Sugimoto, A.J. Teale, D. Vaiman, M.C. Zanotti, et al. (1998) Report of the first workshop on the genetic map of bovine chromosome 1
44. Ma, RZ, M.J.T. van Eijk, J.E. Beever, G. Guèrin, C.L. Mummery, H.A. Lewin. (1998) Comparative analysis of 82 expressed sequence tags from a bovine ovary cDNA library
45. Zhang, A. W., G. L. Hartman, L. Riccioni, W. D. Chen, RZ Ma and Pedersen. (1997) Using PCR to distinguish Diaporthe phaseolorun and Phomopsis longicolla from other soybean fungal pathogens and to detect them in soybean tissues
46. Ma, RZ, J. E. Beever, Y. DA, C. A. Green, I. Russ, C. Park, D. W. Heyen, R. E. Everts, A. J. Teale, S. J. Kemp, H. C. Hines, G. Guérin and H. A. Lewin. (1996) A male linkage map of the cattle (Bos taurus) genome
47. Beever, J. E., H. A. Lewin, W. Barendse, L. Andersson, S. M. Armitage, C. W. Beattie, B. M. Burns, S. M. Kappes, B. W. Kirkpatrick, RZ Ma, R. A. McGraw, R. T. Stone and J. F. Taylor. (1996) Report on the first workshop on the genetic map of bovine chromosome 23
48. Ma, RZ, I. Russ, C. Park, D. W. Heyen, J. E. Beever, C. A. Green and H. A. Lewin. (1996) Isolation and characterization of 45 polymorphic microsatellites from the bovine genome
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49. Kemp, S. J., O. Hishida, J. Wambugu, A. Rink, RZ Ma, Y. Da, H.A. Lewin, W. Barendse and A. J. Teale. (1995) A panel of bovine, ovine and caprine microsatellites
50. Shalhevet, D., D. Yang, J. E. Beever, M. J. T. van Eijk, R. Ma, H. A. Lewin and H. R. Gaskins. (1995) Genetic mapping of the LMP2 proteasome subunit gene to the BoLA class IIb region
51. Ma, R., M. B. Cohen, M. R. Berenbaum and M. A. Schuler. (1994) Black Swallowtail (Papillio polyxenes) alleles encode Cytochrome P-450s that selectively metabolize linear furanocumarins
52. Ma, RZ, D. Swedenborg and R. L. Jones. (1992) Host seeking behavior of Eriborus terebrans (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) toward the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis), and the role of chemical stimuli
53. Ma, RZ, W. C. Black IV and J. C. Reese. (1992) Genome size and organization in an aphid (Schizaphis graminum)
54. Ma, R, J. C. Reese, W. C. Black IV and P. J. Bramel-Cox. (1990) Detection of pectinesterase and polygalacturonase from salivary secretions of living greenbugs
1. Chen LX, Li RT, and Ma RZ. (2014) Potentials of RNA Aptamers for viral detection and treatment. In RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics
2. Ma RZ et al. Chinese translation of 《RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics》, Eds. by Guo PX & Haque F
- 移至 ↑ 分子遺傳學進展課 ,中國農業大學, 2014-04-25
- 移至 ↑ 【學術講座】馬潤林:生命起源問題 ,淮陰師範學院, 2024-04-22