

事實揭露 揭密真相
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1. 可控皮膚粘附;2. 仿生微針製備及藥物傳輸調控


中央高校基礎科研業務費研究項目,10萬, 2017/12-2019/11,主持;


北京科技大學基本科研業務費-化生學院特色理科建設項目,2萬元,2018/1-2018/12,主持; 橫向經費,50萬,主持; 中央高校基礎科研業務費研究項目,5萬, 2020/5-2021/4,主持;。



1.Zhen Gu, Jia Guo, Hongmei Wang, Yongqiang Wen, Qi Gu. Bioengineered microenvironment to culture early embryos. Cell Proliferation 2020, e12754.

2.Xizi Wan,(﹟) Zhen Gu,(﹟) Dr. Feilong Zhang, Dezhao Hao, Bing Dai, Xi Liu, Yongyang Song, and Shutao Wang. Asymmetric Janus adhesive tape by interfacial hydrosilylation for wet/dry amphibious adhesion. NPG Asia Materials 2019, (Coauthour).

3.Zhen Gu, Xizi Wan, Zheng Lou, Feilong Zhang, Lianxin Shi, Siheng Li, Bing Dai, Guozhen Shen, and Shutao Wang. Skin adhesives with controlled adhesion by polymer chain mobility. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2019, 11 (1), 1496–1502.

4.Zhen Gu, Zili Gao, Wenli Liu, Yongqiang Wen, Qi; Gu. A Facile Method to Fabricate Anisotropic Extracellular Matrix with 3D Printing Topological Microfibers. Materials 2019, 12 (23), 3944.

5.Zhen Gu, Siheng Li, Feilong Zhang, and Shutao Wang. Understanding surface adhesion in nature: a peeling model. Advanced Science 2016, 54 (5), 618-627.

6.Zhen Gu, Xian Zhang, Chao Bao, Meng Xue, Huan Wang, and Xingyou Tian. Crosslinking-dependent relaxation dynamics in EPDM above glass transition temperature. Journal of Macromolecular Science Part B 2015, 54 (5), 618-627.

7.Zhen Gu, Xian Zhang, Xin Ding, Chao Bao, Fei Fang, Shiyuan Li, Haifeng Zhou, Meng Xue, Huan Wang, and Xingyou Tian. Two coupled effects of sub micron silica particles on the mechanical relaxation behavior of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber chains. Soft Matter 2014, 10 (32), 6087-6095.

8.Zhen Gu, Xian Zhang, Chao Bao, Meng Xue, Huan Wang, and XingYou Tian. Simultaneous enhancement and percolation behaviors of damping and mechanical properties of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber by introducing phase-change organic acid. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2014, 388 (15), 17-22.



11.Jing Luo, Jingxin Meng, Zhen Gu, Luying Wang, Feilong Zhang, and Shutao Wang. Topography-Induced Cell Self-Organization from Simple to Complex Aggregates. Small 2019, e1900030.

12.Yupeng Chen, Jingxin Meng, Zhongpeng Zhu, Feilong Zhang, Luying Wang, Zhen Gu, Lei Jiang, and Shutao Wang. Controlled growth of patterned conducting polymer microsuckers on superhydrophobic micropillar-structured templates. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28 (49), 1800240.

13.Bing Dai, Siheng Li, Tailin Xu, Yuefeng Wang, Feilong Zhang, Zhen Gu, and Shutao Wang. Artificial asymmetric cilia array of dielectric elastomer for cargo transportation. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2018, 10 (49), 42979-42984.

14.Lie Chen, Zhandong Gu, La Li, Wenwei Lei, Qinfeng Rong, Chuangqi Zhao, Qingshan Wu, Zhen Gu, Xu Jin, Lei Jian, and Mingjie Liu. Integration of hydrogel with functional nanoparticles using hydrophobic comb-like polymers as an adhesive layer. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018. 6 (31), 15147-15153.

15.Junrong Jiao, Feilong Zhang, Tian Jiao, Zhen Gu, and Shutao Wang. Bioinspired superdurable pestle-loop mechanical interlocker with tunable peeling force, strong shear adhesion, and low noise. Advanced Science 2018, 5 (4), 1700787.

16.Yupeng Chen, Jingxin Meng, Zhongpeng Zhu, Feilong Zhang, Luying Wang, Zhen Gu, and Shutao Wang. Bio-Inspired underwater super oil-repellent coatings for anti-oil pollution. Langmuir 2018, 34 (21), 6063-6069.

17.Meirong Song, Jie Ju, Siqi Luo, Yuchun Han, Zhichao Dong, Yilin Wang, Zhen Gu, Lingjuan Zhang, Ruiran Hao, and Lei Jiang. Controlling liquid splash on superhydrophobic surfaces by a vesicle surfactant. Science Advances 2017, 3 (3), e1602188.

18.Zhongpeng Zhu, Ye Tian, Yupeng Chen, Zhen Gu, Shutao Wang, and Lei Jiang. Superamphiphilic silicon wafer surfaces and applications for uniform polymer film fabrication. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017, 56 (21), 5720-5724.[1]
