

事實揭露 揭密真相
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民 族 ---- 漢族


國 籍 ---- 中國

職   業 ---- 醫學教育科研工作者





1.國家自然科學基金面上項目,青春期甲基苯丙胺暴露對小鼠腦發育的影響以及作用機制研究(No. 81772034),2018.1-2021.12, 60萬,主持人。

2. 國家自然科學基金重點項目,伏隔核miR-29/Dnmt3/Meg3通路參與甲基苯丙胺成癮的機制研究 (No. 81430048), 2015.1-2019.12,320萬,主持人。

3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,MA成癮小鼠大腦差異表達microRNA及其調控作用研究,(No. 81172913),2012.1-2015.12,63萬,主持人。

4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,MA誘導的小鼠神經元可塑性改變及D3R調控作用的研究(No. 30973365),2010.1-2012.12),31萬,主持人。

5. 國家自然科學基金主任基金科技活動項目,法醫學科發展態勢戰略調研(No. 81142004),2012.01-2012.12,10萬,主持人。

6. 科技部國際科技合作與交流項目,延胡索乙素對甲基苯丙胺依賴的治療作用研究(2009DFA31080),2009.1-2011.12,173萬,主持人。


在Neuroscience,Neuropharmacology,Addiction Biology,Forensic Science International等雜誌發表研究論文50餘篇。發表了《中樞神經系統microRNA及其在藥物成癮中的作用》。


(1) Liu D, Zhu L, Ni T, Guan FL, Chen YJ, Ma DL, Goh ELK, Chen T*. Ago2 and Dicer1 are involved in METH-induced locomotor sensitization in mice via biogenesis of miRNA. Addiction Biology. 2018 Mar 8. doi: 10.1111/adb.12616. [Epub ahead of print].

(2) Cao G, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Zhu J, Zhao N, Dong N, Dang Y, Chen Y, Chen T*. The inhibitory effect of levo-tetrahydropalmatine on the methamphetamine-induced spatial memory impairment in mice. Neuroscience Letters. 2018, 672: 34-39.

(3) Yanjiong Chen, Cuo Yang, Li Zhu, Jiaqi Li, Fanglin Guan, Chen Teng*. Depletion of D3 dopamine receptor affects methamphetamine-induced expression patterns of Pde4b and Atf3. Neuroscience Letters. 2018, 665: 54-60.

(4) Guo YC, Chu G, Olze A, Schmidt S, Schulz R, Ottow C, Pfeiffer H, Chen T*, Schmeling A. Application of age assessment based on the radiographic visibility of the root pulp of lower third molars in a northern Chinese population. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, 132: 825.

(5) Yu-cheng Guo, Guang Chu, Andreas Olze, Sven Schmidt, Ronald Schulz, Christian Ottow, Heidi Pfeiffer, Teng Chen*, Andreas Schmeling. Age estimation of Chinese children based on second molar maturity. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, 132: 807.

(6) Yu-cheng Guo, Mu-jia Li, Andreas Olze, Sven Schmidt, Ronald Schulz, Hong Zhou, Heidi Pfeiffer, Teng Chen*, Andreas Schmeling. Studies on the radiographic visibility of the periodontal ligament in lower third molars: can the Olze method be used in the Chinese population? International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2018, 132: 617.

(7) Zhu J, Zhao N, Chen Y, Zhu L, Zhong Q, Liu J, Chen T*. Sodium butyrate modulates a methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. J Neurosci Res. 2017, 95(4):1044-1052. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23835.

(8) Zhu L, Li J, Dong N, Guan F, Liu Y, Ma D, Goh EL, Chen T*. mRNA changes in nucleus accumbens related to methamphetamine addiction in mice. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:36993.

(9) Zhu L, Zhu J, Liu Y, Chen Y, Li Y, Chen S, Li T, Dang Y, Chen T*. Chronic Methamphetamine Regulates the Expression of MicroRNAs and Putative Target Genes in the Nucleus Accumbens of Mice. J Neurosci Res, 2015, 93(10):1600–1610.

(10) Zhu L, Zhu J, Liu Y, Chen Y, Li Y, Huang L, Chen S, Li T, Dang Y, Chen T*. Methamphetamine induces alterations in the long non-coding RNAs expression profile in the nucleus accumbens of the mouse. BMC Neurosci, 2015, 16:18.

(11) Xue L, Li X, Ren HX, Wu F, Li M, Wang B, Chen FY, Cheng WY, Li JP, Chen YJ*, Chen T*. The dopamine D3 receptor regulates the effects of Methamphetamine on LPS-induced cytokine production in murine mast cells. Immunobiology, 2015, 220(6):744-752.

(12) Yu-cheng Guo, Chun-xia Yan*, Xing-wei Lin, Hong Zhou, Ju-ping Li, Feng Pan, Zhi-yong Zhang, Lai Wei, Zheng Tang, Teng Chen*. Age estimation in northern Chinese children by measurement of open apices in tooth roots. Int J Legal Med, 2015, 129(1): 179-186.

(13) Yu-cheng Guo, Chun-xia Yan*, Xing-wei Lin, Wen-tao Zhang, Hong Zhou, Feng Pan, Lai Wei, Zheng Tang, Feng Liang, Teng Chen*. The influence of impaction to the third molar mineralization in northwestern Chinese population. Int J Legal Med, 2014, 128(4): 659-665.

(14) Yu-cheng Guo, Chun-xia Yan*, Xing-wei Lin, Hong Zhou, Feng Pan, Lai Wei, Zheng Tang, Feng Liang, Teng Chen*. Studies of the chronological course of third molars eruption in a northern Chinese population. Arch Oral Biol, 2014, 59(9): 906-911.

(15) Zhao Na, Chen Yanjiong, Zhu Jie, Wang Liang, Cao Guofen, Dang Yonghui, Yan Chunxia, Wang Jiabei, Chen Teng*. Levo-tetrahydropalmatine attenuates the development and expression of methamphetamine-induced locomotor sensitization and the accompanying activation of ERK in the nucleus accumbens and caudate putamen mice. Neuroscience, 2014, 258:101-110.








  1. 西安交通大學醫學院碩導:陳騰 ,西安交通大學, 2021-10-08
  2. 陳騰 ,西安交通大學
  3. 導師簡介 陳騰 ,西安交通大學