副教授 西南財經大學經濟與管理研究院 2022年9月至今
博士後研究員 斯坦福大學 2021年8月– 2022年7月
博士 美國南加州大學,經濟系 2021年
碩士 美國南加州大學,經濟系2015年
本科 西北大學(西安),經濟管理學院 2013年
The Role of Social Interactions in Early Childhood Development: Evidence from Rural China (Job Market Paper)
Identification of Causal Effects in Cluster Randomized Experiments with Spillover and Noncompliance (with Bora Kim)
Fueling the Engines of Liberation with Cleaner Cooking Fuel (with Tushar Baharati and Jeonghwan Yun)
Does Greater Flexibility of Online Labor Markets Encourage Female Participation? (with Tushar Bharati, Rakesh Banerjee, Adnan Fakir, Naveen Sunder)
Parental investment, school choice, and the persistent benefits of an early childhood intervention (with Lei Wang, Nele Warrinnier, Orazio Attanasio, Scott Rozelle, and Sean Sylvia), August 2023, Journal of Development Economics;
The Role of Self-Esteem in the Academic Performance of Rural Students in China (with Wenjing Yu, Cody Abbey, Huan Wang, Scott Rozelle, Lauren Ann Stoffel and Chenxu Dai), October 2022, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health;
Behavioral Strengths and Difficulties and Their Associations with Academic Performance in Math among Rural Youth in China (with Wenjing Yu, Cody Abbey, Huan Wang, Scott Rozelle, Manpreet Singh), August 2022, Healthcare;
Early Childhood Development and Parental Training Interventions in Rural China: A Systematic Re- view and Meta-Analysis (with Dorien Emmers, Qi Jiang, Hao Xue, Yue Zhang, Yunting Zhang, Yingxue Zhao, Bin Liu, Sarah-Eve Dill, Nele Warrinnier, Hannah Johnstone, Jianhua Cai, Xiaoli Wang, Lei Wang, Renfu Luo, Guirong Li, Jiajia Xu, Ming Liu, Yaqing Huang, Wenjie Shan, Zhihui Li, Yu Zhang, Sean Sylvia, Yue Ma, Alexis Medina, Scott Rozelle), August 2021, BMJ Global Health;
Improving learning by improving vision: evidence from two randomized controlled trials of providing vision care in China (with Xiaochen Ma, Huan Wang, Yaojiang Shi, Sean Sylvia, Lei Wang, and Scott Rozelle), January 2021, Journal of Development Effectiveness;
Correlates of Participation in Community-based Interventions: Evidence from a Parenting Program in Rural China (with Yi Ming Zheng, Sarah-Eve Dill, Scott Rozelle), September 2020, PLOS ONE;
Effect of Chinese Eye Exercises on Change in Visual Acuity and Eyeglasses Wear among School-aged Children in Rural China: a Propensity-score-matched Cohort Study (with Huan Wang, Nathan Cong- don, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle, and Xiaochen Ma), March 2020, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies;
The Effect of Providing Free Eyeglasses on Children’s Mental Health Outcomes in China: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial (with Hongyu Guan, Huan Wang, Kang Du, Jin Zhao, Matthew Boswell, and Yaojiang Shi), December 2018, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.[1]