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別 名:

拉丁學名:Arisaema muratae

Gusman & J. T. Yin




亞 綱:澤瀉亞綱







邑田南星(yì tián nán xīng,拉丁學名 Arisaema muratae Gusman & J. T. Yin)是一種野生型多年生草本植物,大多生活于山坡林下灌叢下,主要分布在我國雲南省[1]


Plants to 1 m tall and 50 cm in diam. Tuber green and brown outside, subcylindric, ca. 5 × 5-6.5 cm, with short globose offsets.

Cataphylls olive-green or pink with dark and pale transverse markings, to 50 cm. Leaf usually solitary;

petiole similar in color and pattern to pseudostem, cylindric, to 80 cm, proximally forming pseudostem to 40 × ca. 3 cm, green with cream-colored stripes and transverse vermillion markings;

leaf blade radiate, with up to 11 segments; leaflets subsessile or shortly petiolulate, glaucous abaxially, shiny green adaxially, elliptic, 20-25 × 6-7 cm, base cuneate, margin undulate, green, entire or serrate, apex long acuminate;

veins deeply impressed adaxially. Inflorescence emerging when leaf unfolds and carried beneath foliage; peduncle olive-green, flushed pink and pruinose apically, to 55 cm, shorter than petioles, ca. 1 cm in diam. at base.

Spathe tube carmine outside with longitudinal pale stripes, with white ring at base and yellow-green near throat, yellow-green inside with dotted purple stripes mainly in proximal half, cylindric, broadly recurved at throat margin, to 8 × ca. 1.8 cm, at middle ca. 1.2 cm in diam.;

limb horizontal, slightly translucent, yellow-green with paler veins both outside and inside, yellow at apex and turning carmine at tip, lanceolate, ca. 5 × 4 cm, shorter than tube, acuminate into tail to 15 cm.

Spadix unisexual; female zone slightly conic, 2-3 × 1-1.5 cm; ovaries dense, pale yellow-green, bottle-shaped, 1-loculed; ovules ca. 3, basal, fusiform; stigma sessile, white, penicillate;

neuter flowers absent or few in male spadix, numerous in female, located just above fertile part, upcurved, stiff, ca. 5 mm; male zone cylindric to slightly conic, 4-5.5 × 1-1.3 cm; synandria dense, each consisting of 2-4 anthers, stalked;

thecae purple proximally and carmine distally, dehiscent by elongated pores; pollen blue; appendix sessile, slightly protruding from spathe tube, whitish with carmine longitudinal stripes, obscurely crimson and wrinkled at apex, cylindric, clavate, 4-5 cm in male spadix, 5-6 cm in female, ca. 4 mm in diam. at base, ca. 7 mm in diam. at apex.

Infructescence borne on upright peduncle, cylindric, ca. 10 × 4 cm; rachis pale pink. Berries dense, red-orange, ca. 14 × 8 mm, distally rounded and smooth, up to 3-seeded. [2]

Seeds globose, ca. 6 mm in diam.; testa gray.[3]


● Evergreen broad-leaved forests; 1200-2400 m. Yunnan (Yingjiang).[4]


  1. 邑田南星, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. Arisaema 200027221 Arisaema meleagris 褐斑南星 FOC Vol. 23 250095417 Arisaema menglaense 勐臘南星 FOC Vol. 23 250095418 Arisaema muratae 邑田南星 FOC Vol. 23 2423...
  3. 邑田南星 Arisaema muratae Gusman & J. T. Yin 中國植物... 鑑定為:邑田南星 Arisaema muratae Gusman & J. T. Yin 朱鑫鑫 2015/12/10 4:26:00 鑑定為:皺序南星 Arisaema concinnum Schott請...
  4. FOC >> Vol.23 (2010) >> Araceae >> Arisaema