2005 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 金融 博士
1999 新加坡國立大學 金融 碩士
1997 清華大學 經濟 學士
2017至今 北京大學光華管理學院教授
2010至2017 北京大學光華管理學院副教授
2005-2010 北京大學光華管理學院助理教授
「Speculation Spillovers,」 with Yu-Jane Liu and Zheng Zhang, 2015, Management Science 61, issue 3, 649-664 - -Winner of the Best Paper Award (3) at the 2010 China Finance Association Meeting (Chengdu),2014 Sun Yefang Financial Innovation Award-Best Paper Award (2014首屆孫冶方金融創新獎)
" Union Recognition by Multinational Companies in China: A Dual Institutional Pressure Perspective," with Sunghoon Kim, and Jian Han, 2014, Industrial & Labor Relations Review 67, 34-59
「How does Culture Influence Corporate Risk-taking?」, with Dale Griffin, Kai, Li, and Heng Yue, 2013, Journal of Corporate Finance 23, 1-22,- Winner of the Best Paper Award at the 2009 Northern Finance Association Meetings
"National Culture and Capital Structure Decisions: Evidence from Foreign Joint Ventures in China,」 with K. Li, D. Griffin, and H. Yue, 2011, Journal of International Business Studies 42, 477-503.
「Ownership, Institutions, and Capital Structure: Evidence from China,」 with Kai Li and Heng Yue, 2009, Journal of Comparative Economics 37, 471-490.
「A Re-examination of China’s Share Issue Privatization,」 with Guohua Jiang, Heng Yue, 2009, Journal of Banking and Finance 33, 2322-2332.
「Narrow Framing: Professions, Sophistication and Experience,」 with Yu-Jane Liu, Min-Chun Wang, 2010, Journal of Futures Market 30, 203-229.
「吉利數字和股票價格」, 與饒品貴、岳衡,《管理世界》2008年第十一期
「關於我國股指心理關口的實證研究」,(與岳衡),《金融研究》2006第2期 「公司治理和投資者保護研究綜述」,(與徐信忠、姜國華),《管理世界》2006年第6期[1]