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拉丁學名:Astragalus leansanicus Ulbr.


門:被子植物門 Angiospermae

綱:雙子葉植物綱 Dicotyledoneae

亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 Archichlamydeae

目:薔薇目 Rosales

亞 目:薔薇亞目 Rosineae

科:豆科 Leguminosae

亞 科:蝶形花亞科 Papilionoideae

族:山羊豆族 TRIB. Galegeae

屬:黃耆屬 Astragalus

亞 屬:裂萼亞屬 Subgen. Cercidothrix


蓮山黃耆(lián shān huáng qí,學名:Astragalus leansanicus Ulbr.)為豆科黃耆屬下的一個種。產陝西甘肅(南部)、四川劍閣巫溪)。生於海拔1000-2200米之間河灘地及田埂上。 [1]


多年生草本,高20-40厘米。 莖叢生,多分枝,有條棱,疏被白色毛。





種子腎形,橄欖色。 花期5-6月,果期6-9月 。[3]

Astragalus leansanicus Ulbr. in Bot. Jahrb. 36 (Beibl. 82): 62. 1905; Simps. in Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 8: 261. 1915; Pet. -Stib. in Acta Hort. Gothob. 12: 62. 1937-1938; 中國主要植物圖說·豆科387. 圖374. 1955; S. B. Ho in Bull. Bot. Res. 3 (1): 43. 1983. ——A. srevenianus auct. non DC.: Ulbr. op. cit. 63. 1905.

Plants up to 40 cm tall, covered with appressed, mostly ± medifixed, in vegetative parts only white hairs up to 1 mm. Stems several to numerous, very sparsely to loosely hairy. Leaves 3-6 cm; stipules 5-7 mm, very shortly adnate to petiole, high vaginate-connate behind stem, glabrous or ciliate; petiole 0.5-1 cm, like rachis loosely hairy; leaflets in 5-8 pairs, ± nar-rowly elliptic, 5-10(-15) × 1.5-4(-6) mm, abaxially sparsely to loosely hairy, adaxially glabrous or with few hairs, apex obtuse to emarginate. Racemes rather densely 6-15-flowered; pedun-cle 6-10 cm, sparsely white hairy; bracts 2-4 mm, sparsely ciliate with subbasifixed to basifixed white and black hairs. Ca-lyx 5-6 mm, sparsely to loosely covered with strongly asym-metrically to nearly symmetrically bifurcate black hairs 0.3-1 mm and with mostly fewer and slightly longer, strongly asym-metrically bifurcate white hairs up to 1.2 mm; teeth 1-2 mm. Petals purple; standard obovate, ca. 14 × 5-6 mm, apex emar-ginate; wings 12-13 mm; keel ca. 10 mm. Legumes sessile, erect, linear, straight or very slightly curved, 25-30 mm, ca. 2 mm high and wide, with a straight beak 1-2 mm, 2-locular; valves sparsely covered with appressed white hairs 0.5-1.2 mm.

● 1000-2200 m. Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi.


生長於海拔1000-2200米之間河灘地及田埂上。 [4]




  1. 蓮山黃耆, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. 劉小林,常朝陽,徐朗然. 蓮山黃耆及其近緣種長管萼黃耆微形態特徵比較研究. 《 CNKI;WanFang 》 , 2008
  3. 《中國植物志》 第42(1)卷 (1993) >> 269頁 PDF >> 蓮山黃耆 Astragalus leansanicus
  4. 蓮山黃耆  .中國植物物種信息數據庫[引用日期2013-01-17]