突角小粉蝶(學名:Leptidea amurensis)是屬於粉蝶科袖粉蝶亞科的一種蝴蝶,是小粉蝶屬的一種。共有5個亞種。分佈於俄羅斯,中國東北至日本一帶,模式產地為俄羅斯阿穆爾州[1]。翅膀白色,前翅外緣近直線傾斜,頂角明顯突出,黑斑大且明顯。幼蟲寄主為豆科蝶形花亞科植物[2]。[3]
- 中國(黑龍江、遼寧、河北、山東、山西、陝西、河南、甘肅、寧夏和新疆)、朝鮮、日本、俄羅斯及中亞地區[4]。
- L. a. amurensis
- L. a. emisinapis Verity, 1911
- L. a. jacutia Gorbunov & Korshunov, 1995
- - 分佈於俄羅斯薩哈共和國
- L. a. japana Verity, 1911
- L. a. vibilia (Janson, 1878)
- - 分佈於日本[5]
- ↑ Ménétriés, 1859 Lépidoptères de la Sibérie orientale et en particulier des rives de l'Amour Bull. phys-math. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb. 17 (14) : 213
- ↑ Tuzov, Bogdanov, Devyatkin, Kaabak, Korolev, Murzin, Samodurov, Tarasov, 1997 Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories: Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae Butts. Russia adj. terr. 1
- ↑ 中國蝶-突角小粉蝶,隨意窩,2011-07-14
- ↑ Chou, 1994. Monografia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium 1: 266
- ↑ Janson, O. E., 1878. Remarks on Japanese Rhopalocera and descriptions of five apparently new species. Cistula ent. 2: 269–274, pl. 5.
- Leptidea amurensis - Lepidoptera collection - Siberian Zoological Museum (英文)
- Leptidea amurensis - NSG Voucher Specimen (英文)
- Leptidea amurensis - Catalogue of Life (英文)
- Leptidea amurensis - funet.fi (英文)
- et al, 2011. Unexpected Layers of cryptic diversity in Wood White Leptidea butterflies Nature communications. 2:324 10.1038/ncomms1329
- Korshunov, Yu. & Gorbunov, P. (1995): Dnevnye babochki Aziatskoi chasti Rossii. Spravochnik [Butterflies of Asian part of Russia. Handbook]. - Ekaterinburg. 202 p.
- Winhard, 2000. Pieridae I Butterflies of the world 10 : 2